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1303 Rabbit

 The person at the center of the formation used a weird long stick.

The long stick is painted with ancient and mysterious patterns.

And the power this formation gave them was all reflected through this long stick.

After the rabbit's hind legs were caught by this long stick, it could no longer step on it.

There is a blood-red murderous aura on the stick, and a huge and violent demonic aura on the rabbit's legs.

As soon as the momentum of the two parties collided, they quickly became entangled.

The rabbit was pushed against the defensive wall, stabbed, and its snow-white fur was burned to char by the barrier.

Preventing it from flying off the field.

However, the Fengtu group in the formation did not move at all, but the cracks under their feet were a bit deep, and everyone's calves were sunk into the soil.

Everyone is fine...

They still have the strength to crawl out of the soil.

After seeing that the rabbit's legs were fine.

This group of people made a strange sound.

The remaining nine people also took out their weapons one after another.

That is a very large knife.

Like a scimitar used to pick bones on the grassland.

It has red light, murderous aura, and a cold aura like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

Mai Fan had no idea where the lethality of this thing came from.

Or the diary gave him the answer.

On the frontier, war is the most common.

These people are the best soldiers, and they are not soldiers either.

They are demon slayers trained to slay demons.

You know, there are many ways to kill people in the world, but the ability to kill monsters is much inferior.

But when enough killings are mixed with blood and resentment.

It will form a unique murderous aura.

This murderous aura not only has a huge impact on people, but is also very lethal to monsters.

But the cultivation of this kind of murderous aura requires conditions.

Extraordinary people cannot obtain and practice it.

First of all, they must be a team that works well together.

Secondly, they form an inseparable formation, and then they must trust each other unconditionally.

In the end, there was endless killing that lasted for many years.

This kind of killing is real, mixed with resentment and curse.

It is based on truly destroying life.

And there are really too few places that meet this condition.

There are too few organizations that have the conditions to cultivate such a team.

Only a few large dynasties have such ability.

And in front of Mai Fan, there was such a group of people.

They used unique formations and unique weapons to deal with a monster that was more powerful than the demon from outside, and they were not at a disadvantage.

You know, before there is training, these people.

These ten people, without exception, are just soldiers who are stronger than ordinary people.

No matter how strong he is, he is still an ordinary person.

They cannot feel spirituality, do not have the mental power to practice secret arts, do not possess Buddha nature, and cannot practice cultivation.

It seems incompatible with the profession of exorcism.

But now, in another way, he stands in front of this group of extraordinary humans who are qualified to slay demons.

It depends on a country, support and full training.

Although there are definitely not many such people.

But for the emperor of a country, it is enough.

Here is the greatest protection and weapon he can hold in his hands.

After these people passed the test of Demon Hunting Mansion.

I will regard this place as a place for my own experience.

After seeing enough monsters, I was lucky enough not to die.

Then they will become the highest-level guards around the emperor.

It is my duty to protect the royal family.

For this kind of person, who is a real demon hunter who has some special abilities and can practice, he doesn't care much.

Because their number is too small compared to the huge number of demon hunters.

But that doesn't mean they welcome this man-made tool.

Don't look at it, everyone works in the Monster Enforcement Agency.

But their respective purposes are different.

Some people do it to increase their experience.

Some people just do it for a job.

Some people have a bit of naivety about how to rid mountains of evil.

There are also some people who are just passers-by.

But no matter which one they are, they join for the sake of this world.

The world here does not refer to a certain kingdom or the king's world.

Their world can be seen, these flowers, birds, fish and insects, this world of ordinary people.

They eliminate demons to maintain stability and to give the creatures in this world a comfortable and peaceful living space.

Rather than for a certain person, a certain royal power, or for a certain force.

The arrogance of those who eliminate demons comes from this.

It cannot be said that all demon slayers are good...

But most people still have a little chivalrous and righteous innocence and the naivety of being in harmony with the world.

They don't understand this group of people in the Fengtu Group.

In their opinion, for the sake of so-called loyalty, they turned into such killing monsters...

It's a little too unworthy.

But if this group of people became their companions... it wouldn't be unacceptable.

But when dealing with these people, you should always remember a bottom line.

Maybe they are brothers you can live and die with, but when it comes to royal power, you are on the opposite side of the king they serve...

I'm sorry, brothers are no longer brothers, and friends can become enemies.

Compared with the undisciplined monster hunters, these murderous warriors are just passers-by of the Monster Hunter Agency.

It is precisely because of some understanding of this that the people in the audience are so quiet.

Only the bumpkins from Mai Fan's team, who had never seen anything before, showed great surprise at this.

Thanks to this group of people, they are also quite experienced.

Even if you are ignorant, it won't show on your face.

Everyone is still waiting for the next move of these two groups.

After knowing each other's strength, the next move is a life-threatening move.

Sure enough, after the rabbit was thrown away, he became furious.

It was inexplicably pushed out of the hole, and then inexplicably caught in this suffocating place, and finally had to fight with such a group of lunatics who didn't know where they came from...

This kind of thing is so devastating.

It just wants to end this absurdity as soon as possible.

Escape from this depressing place and return to your own cave.

There is delicious meat to eat there, and there are many young people waiting for you to feed them.

If you go back too late, the big monster from another mountain will break in.

Then I am afraid that the younger members of my family will not survive.

The rabbit went crazy thinking about this.

Its demonic energy skyrocketed, reaching the level of a demonic wind.

But the group of demon slayers on the opposite side changed their formation at this moment.

The weapons in their hands, that is, the person at the center of the formation, changed their weapons.

He put the long stick behind his back and slowly pulled out a huge demon-slaying knife from his waist.

The reason why this sword is called the Demon-Slaying Sword...

In fact, it's because the word "Demon Demon" is engraved on this sword.

In fact, strictly speaking, this is more like a beheading knife.

It is the standard equipment for executioners on the execution ground outside every yamen.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

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