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1338 Monster

 Mai Fan scratched his head.

"Have you ever thought... maybe this is the secretion of some kind of creature?"

Along the way, it seems like a living place for something.

The first place they entered was the toilet.

Then there is the wash basin, and finally the cleaning area.

"Isn't there a place for eating in front?"

The empress of Qiuzimiao also needs to eat, right?

If the empress lives here, it doesn't seem to be a big problem.

Everyone's hearts were relieved, but their steps were lighter than before.

It would be great if the owner of this place was alerted... The other party asked, why did you come here?

How did they answer?

They are just bad guys who barged in.

Everyone walked cautiously, as the space here became deeper and deeper, becoming more and more empty.

Many small caves appeared inexplicably in front of them, and the doors of the caves were sealed with a white substance.

This substance is very similar to the thin layer on the wall of the pool.

Are there any good treasures in these holes?

We don’t want to pry into other people’s privacy, but it’s not just humans who are curious...

They monsters can do it too.

This tiger and the dragon would use their noses to smell the surroundings every time they passed a hole...

I always feel that there is something inexplicably attracting them in this cave.

Just when they were halfway through and were about to exit the hundred or so caves...

The white film attached to a hole on the outside suddenly began to tremble crazily.

It was as if something was struggling inside, and it made a hoarse struggling sound like "hehehehe~".

The sound made people's scalp numb and the hairs on their hair stood on end.

"What...what is this?"

As a demon hunter, you first need to be bold.

What's strange to Mai Fan is that even the diary cannot be marked here.

Could it be that the purpose of this thin film is to isolate it from all exploration?

The empress of Qiuzimiao really has some skills.

Since there is a film that cannot be inspected, why not just peel off the film and then you can inspect it.

Mai Fan didn't hesitate... he picked up the knife and used his skill to stab the membrane with one stroke...

"This thing is pretty tough."

No matter how tough it is, it is just fascia. Mai Fan used force to cut open the fascia.

Just as he was withdrawing his knife, something fell out of the cave.

woo woo woo woo……

Everyone looked down and saw that it was a monster.

The monster's mouth, nose, ears and eyes were all blocked by a sticky thread.

It's really pitiful to leave him unable to speak and unable to see.

"Who's going to help?"

One of the two teammates behind Mai Fan walked out.

"Let me do it."

Even when this team member comes here, they are neatly dressed and spotless.

The most important thing is that this team member with mysophobia has a powerful decontamination bead in his hand.

Specially designed to deal with this kind of thing that sticks in people's mouth and nose.

Don't tell me, it really works. In just a moment, the sticky threads on the fallen monster were cleaned up.

The monster who was finally able to speak gasped for air.

Everyone also saw clearly what it looked like.

"why you?"

"You know him?"

It was Jiaolong who spoke, and everyone looked at it.

Jiaolong nodded: "Is this a distant relative of my fifth concubine?"

"Hey, are you called Mengshan and live outside Wuli Village?"

The monster breathed, saw something, and finally calmed down.

Seeing a dragon recognizing him in front of him, the tears flowed out.

"Yes, fifth uncle, I am Meng Shan!"

Seemingly recognizing the right person, Jiaolong frowned and helped the person up: "Why are you here?"

"You know, people in your family are looking for you everywhere, and your fifth aunt is very anxious."

Mengshan's face was full of fear when he mentioned this.

It was so frightened that it grabbed its fifth uncle and asked for help: "Go quickly! Uncle, let's get out of here quickly."

"This is not a Qiuzi Temple at all!"

"This is a cannibal cave!"

"Did you know that for couples who come here to successfully seek a child, one of them must come to fulfill their wish."

"When you come to fulfill your wish, the lady here, oh my, the old monster here will actually eat the person who wishes to fulfill your wish!"

"It is also said that it is a petri dish prepared for the heirs that all sentient beings seek."

"We have children from it."

"Of course I have to give it an equal life."

"If I had known that people asking for children here were like this, I would never have come here to ask for children."

"I am from the Mengshan lineage, and I have been a single lineage for several years."

"If I hadn't been anxious and wanted to have a grandson as soon as possible, why would I have come here to beg for a son?"

Mengshan was talking nonchalantly while Mai Fan was observing from the side.

This thing is indeed a monster cultivated from a rare animal.

It is also one of the wild beasts in the mountains.

The face is round, with thick facial hair, yellow vertical pupils, and erect ears...

It's a very cute ocelot.

What Mai Fan lamented was the Dragon Clan's indifference to meat and vegetables.

It can really reproduce across species, and it can be said to be the strongest dragon clan.

Even leopard cats can have offspring... So why does this dragon come to Qiuzimiao?

I felt a little embarrassed to be seen by so many people.

The dragon quickly defended himself.

"Then am I asking for it for myself? I'm not here for my first wife."

To say that this dragon clan gives birth to a bastard is a matter of lifetime.

But it is very difficult to reproduce purebred dragons or dragons.

The original wife of this dragon is a real dragon.

Although I was born in a freshwater river...

Its strength is incomparable to that of a dragon in a dangerous mountain stream.

But it can't stand up to the pure blood of its original partner.

The more pure you are, the less likely you are to get pregnant.

Seeing that it is almost a thousand years old, it has given birth to a bunch of mongrels and mixed blood, but there is no pure blood offspring.

Why don't you come here and ask for a pure bloodline?

But after I came here, I found that it was not like that.

The reason why he came here was because of the recommendation of the nephew of the concubine in front of him.

On the one hand, the number of leopard cats is rare, and on the other hand, there is only one in a litter.

In addition, there are fewer demons and fewer purebred cats.

When you come and go, you have to pay attention to the right time and place.

Who would have thought that Mengshan would go to Qiuzi Temple?

The wife I brought back became pregnant not long after.

Everyone marveled at the magic of the Temple of the Goddess Seeking Lady. Naturally, in order to win favor, the concubine of the family also spread the news to the ears of the dragon.

It was prudent and did not bring the wife directly with it.

It was originally planned to take a trip. If it succeeds, we will talk about it next time.

Who would have thought that after arriving, we would encounter something like this...

But this is fine. Knowing the true face of the Qiuzi Temple and not letting the people around it suffer is a great achievement for Mengshan.

This chapter has been completed!
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