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1481 Investigation

 There are traces of some things that have been done.

Except for the perverted murder cases at the lowest level, which are relatively secretive, others, such as the dealings between the Lord of York and these nobles, are not covered up in any way.

The people who were sent to investigate the city lord quickly got some strange and interesting clues.

For example, they will have a fixed time to meet, such as the mysterious ball in York City, and there are some vaguely bad rumors about the reputation of these noble city lords.

Therefore, what they have in common must be this dance.

I would have known that the energy of a noble family head could be unimaginable.

This great nobleman who started checking connections from top to bottom soon found out about the old man from York City.

I happened to run into Detective Rock who was investigating from bottom to top.

They are investigating who gave these people the courage and protection.

People from both sides met with the same purpose.

After they met, there was of course no misunderstanding. Both parties kindly put together the clues from both sides and analyzed the case, so they quickly came to a final conclusion: It turned out that the Lord of York City was responsible for To gain the greatest rights in the shortest time and go astray.

The rest is easy to handle.

If the city lord's brother had not intervened in this matter, it would actually be quite difficult to handle.

Because even if Detective Roark finally finds out that the patron behind this matter is the Lord of York, based on his current identity and status, there is still nothing he can do against the Lord of York.

Because the other party was the son of a noble and held the title of City Lord, the police station and its subordinate detectives were actually hired and supported by the City Lord.

Whether it is a permission issue or a personal reason of not wanting to lose their job, after this step of investigation, the police department may not want to get involved.

Although Detective Rock is a well-known detective in the neighborhood, he does not have law enforcement power.

If he had to seek an explanation for these poor prostitutes, he could only write to the judge in the capital province and the police chief with higher authority.

But he has contacts and relationships with the other party, and the Lord of York City must also know them.

In terms of competitive relationships.

Detective Rock has no confidence that he can win a city lord.

The final outcome of this case is...the hanged old man and the ruined nobleman will become the ultimate scapegoat.

The Lord of York is still his Lord.

He might even be able to smoothly transfer to the capital city to take up the important position he had been thinking about for a long time.

This is the unbridgeable gap between common people and nobles, and the real helplessness they ordinary people have to face.

But now, the city lord's brother has taken action. He is also a noble, even more noble than the city lord of York.

Then this matter can no longer be hidden.

Not only cannot it be concealed, but for certain purposes, it is bound to be exposed.

The speed of its disclosure has exceeded the time required for a normal process.

The eldest brother of the city lord seemed to be waiting for this news.

When they put the clues together, the capital's top law enforcement agency, together with the court, issued an arrest warrant for the city lord.

The city was directly under the king's guard, and they took action directly. They first controlled the chief of the police station and his agents, and then surrounded the Lord's Mansion of the Lord of York City.

After the police detectives from the Capital City came to York City with a search warrant and an arrest warrant.

The alert on the City Lord's Mansion was lifted.

Because the speed was too fast and the city lord's palace was blocked without any warning, the city lord of York City could not even send out a message for help.

By the time the police detectives brought people from the capital city to search, the situation was over.

All incriminating evidence has been found.

Even the secret correspondence between the Lord of York and the great nobles was uncovered and handed over to the elder brother of the Lord of York as important information.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the person who led the team to seal and search for the Lord of York City this time was from my eldest brother.

At this point in the case, it actually has nothing to do with Detective Rock.

The next thing is the battle between rights and power, the crushing between nobles and nobles.

No, maybe it was just a one-sided crushing, the eldest brother crushing the illegitimate son, and other nobles involved in this perverted case may very well escape.

Why did he also escape? As long as they cooperate with their eldest brother and have the same close relationship with their family as the city lord, then they will still be good friends.

These people will still not be punished in any way.

Later, Mai Fan vaguely heard Detective Roque mentioning the final conclusion of the case.

This time, the scapegoat became the Lord of York, who was, of course, the main culprit himself.

There are not so many grievances.

However, the great nobles who should have received the same punishment were not implicated in any way.

It was as if nothing had happened and the perverted and sinful pleasure they felt in this city was like a puff of smoke, dissipated in the death of the Lord of York City.

Mai Fan, who had already thought about the outcome, felt a little sad.

But what he is lamenting now is his only friend in this world, Jack.

When the lords of York City were already on their knees, Jack would definitely not be able to survive.

What's more, he is a perverted murderer.

He takes pleasure in torturing poor women to satisfy his perverted psychology.

Such people have no need to live anymore.

On the day he was sentenced to hang.

Mai Fan and Detective Roque met again in the visiting room.

Detective Roark, who had not had any recent cases, finally remembered that he was very interested in this courageous porter at that time.

The other party was actually able to stalk a perverted murderer silently, and he was a habitual criminal, and he was able to subdue him neatly. This kind of courage and ability was really rare.

And now, he actually wants to send this pervert to his final destination for the sake of the friendship between the two of them.

What does this mean? It means that he arrested his good friend for the sake of justice, and because of friendship, he did not dislike his friend as a pervert.

This is a person who is affectionate and righteous and has very upright views.

Why is such a good person just a porter? He is really overqualified and underqualified.

Even if he doesn't have much talent, he shouldn't just do the hard work of a porter.

Detective Rock feels it's time to add a new member to his detective agency.

He needs a life assistant. If the other person adapts well, it is no problem to turn him into a work assistant.

This chapter has been completed!
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