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1488 Apartments

 Anyway, Mrs. Mary can feel at ease with such a person.

Through today's performance, Mai Fan passed the most stringent test for women in this firm.

Just because he left two hours late and cleaned the office.

Of course Mai Fan didn't know what he had just experienced. He was holding some books and walking towards home.

The road from Detective Rock to his apartment was in very good condition. There were tall street lamps on the roadside, and the soft light lit up. Looking towards the apartment, there were dots of stars over there.

Every household has lit up their cooking smoke, waiting for their family members to return home late.

The apartment building where Mai Fan is located also has a lot of bright lights. He gets off work at this time and is already among those who come home late.

As a bonus in this apartment, the landlady's maid on the first floor would sometimes cook extra dinners and sell them to the single guests living here.

Although there is a suspicion of eating leftovers, it contains meat, vegetables and eggs, and a dinner only costs 20 copper coins, which is very affordable for people like Mai Fan who have just received their salary.

After he rang the doorbell, he thoughtfully left 20 copper coins on the table next to the door, and then took out a set meal for tonight from the lunch box on the table.

When he returned to his room on the third floor, he opened the food box and a nice smell of meat came out.

The moment he put the spoon in front of his mouth, the diary, which had played a vital role after arriving in this world, suddenly gave another warning.

There is something in this lunch box, something that is not good for his health. Of course, the medicine is yellow, which means it is a non-lethal poison, so what could it be? Mai Fan took the spoon to his

In front of me, a detailed explanation was given behind the opponent's arrow.

Powerful sleeping pills will make the tenants here sleep more deeply.

It seems that you also consumed a lot of similar substances during the barbecue in the backyard yesterday.

I just don’t know why, these things don’t have any effect. Your good sleep is related to your physical quality, not the effect of these drugs.

Well, it turns out that he had eaten this thing yesterday, but he heard strange noises in his sleep last night, which means that this thing actually didn't work.

So what is the purpose of the other party giving this drug? It is to hope that he will sleep deeper and ignore this weird noise, right?

But wouldn’t the sponsors themselves find it strange? Because this effective drug is ineffective, many tenants have quit renting midway. Wouldn’t they just switch to another effective drug without getting suspicious?

In any case, the other party's purpose is to make him sleep deeper. Well, then, I will follow his wish and pretend to be asleep.

He didn't plan on anyone being too heavy tonight, but he wanted to see who caused the inexplicable noise in this room. Who else expected him to sleep in this room until dawn?

Mai Fan ate the meal very cleanly, so clean that when the plate was returned to the maid's hands, it didn't even need to be cleaned again.

Then he lay back on the bed and pretended to fall asleep soon.

The large floor-to-ceiling pendulum in the lobby on the first floor jingled to 12 o'clock.

By the time it reached Mai Fan's ears, the voice was already faint.

So far, everything is fine and there is no movement.

Just when Mai Fan thought nothing would happen today, he heard a slight noise and creak outside the door.

Here he is, wanting to see what this is.

There was a big green dot outside the door. Is this a very friendly person to him? Mai Fan was speechless when he saw the name on it.

With a click, he opened the door, and Mai Fan and the landlady standing outside looked at each other.

"Madam, it's very late, what can I do?"

The landlady, who was holding a kerosene lamp, was a little frightened, but she quickly calmed down.

"I just want to patrol to prevent anything strange from happening in your room."

"I didn't expect you to be awake so late. So, dear Mr. Fan, have you heard any strange noises?"

Damn it, did the weirdness of this room worry the landlady to the point where she wanted to patrol it herself? Mai Fan felt a little pity for her.

"Dear landlady, don't worry. I slept very well yesterday. The reason why I slept a little late today is because I was still a little excited about my first day at work. Nothing strange happened in this room.

So don’t worry, I will stay here for a long time and won’t quit the rental in a short time.”

Seeing how sincere Mai Fan said it, the landlady breathed a sigh of relief.

"Really? Well, that would be great. Mr. Fan is really disturbing. Well, if you don't mind, can you accompany me downstairs to drink a cup of hot chocolate milk before falling asleep?"

To be honest, Mai Fan has nothing to do. Chocolate milk is definitely a luxury for people in this world. Mai Fan doesn't mind giving himself a cup of dessert before going to bed. He happily accepted the landlord's offer.

This invitation from my wife.

Only 15 minutes had passed since Mai Fan accompanied Mrs. Dong to the kitchen downstairs, the two of them drank a glass of chocolate milk, and then he went upstairs again.

But when he opened his room, Mai Fan found that the furnishings in the room had been moved again.

The doors and windows are the same as yesterday and have not been touched. There are still signs of human activity in this building, so who did this?

He was unwilling to admit that this was a supernatural phenomenon, so he only had one explanation: this thing would happen after 12 o'clock every night.

It couldn't have been done by someone outside the house.

Mai Fan opened the balcony outside and looked at the fire escape. There was no one there.

In just 15 minutes, the other party ran from the street to the fire escape, climbed up to the third floor, opened his door, moved all the furnishings in his room, and then escaped the same way... This time was too short, and it was far away.

Far from being able to do so many things.

Since no one from outside did it, only the people in this apartment can do it.

In addition to the landlord's wife, this apartment also houses nearly 20 tenants renting single rooms.

In addition to the chefs and maids hired by the landlady, there are about five people.

In other words, it is possible for 25 people in this house to accomplish this thing.

So the first thing Mai Fan has to figure out is how the other party did it?

When he was drinking milk with the landlady on the first floor, who were the people within his sight who could not have done that?

Mai Fan roughly recalled the character identification given in the diary.

This chapter has been completed!
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