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Chapter 149 The case is not so simple

 Brother Hu was frightened by the weirdo's reaction. He nodded his head and said to Mai Fan: "How come this madman has identified you?"

Mai Fan had doubts in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He also said to his senior brother in a panic: "Maybe I entered his house and stole his black cat?"

"Oh, senior brother, I almost forgot what we are here for."

"Let's take pictures quickly. When those two little policemen react, they will drive us away."

Isn't it? This is big news.

I originally thought it was just an ordinary case of missing a cat, but the biggest incident was just being involved in some cat abuse case.

At most, cat meat is treated as mutton, circulated on the black market, and made into roasted cat meat by unscrupulous traders.

Who would have thought that losing a cat could be associated with engaging in feudal superstition?

You may say that this person is weird. If he really wants to engage in feudal superstition, then our ancestors are the best.

Why don't you learn how to jump with a big rope? It's just for Feng Shui. You have to learn some dangerous summoning skills.

The most ridiculous thing is that he mistook Mai Fan for the summoned monster.

Just as Mai Fan was thinking about it, Senior Brother Hu, who had gone to the small bedroom that had not been explored before, shouted from inside: "Mai Fan! Come on! Come on!"

"We two may encounter a big case!"

Mai Fan was startled and ran to the second bedroom of 404 in response. As soon as he entered the door, he found that the scene in this room was even more shocking than the one in the master bedroom.

If that place is a place for casting spells, this second bedroom is the weirdo's lair.

A single bed is used for sleeping. The quilt shows a human-shaped hole, as if it has never been folded. People who live here get in to sleep and get out to work. It is commonly known as a lazy man's nest.


There is a table at the head of the single bed, and there is a thick pile of information stacked on the table.

The information is basically all foreign documents, and the content inside is either myths and legends, or rural anecdotes, and there are even a lot of wizards and ghosts, things that only exist in the world.

Because foreigners have freedom of belief, the gods marked in it are all messy, and there are many monsters that are combined into one place.

The biggest discovery today is the photo posted on the wall behind the desk according to the symbol of the inverted pentagram.

According to the sensitivity of the journalist.

Mai Fan, who has excellent eyesight, only took a few glances and found it very ridiculous.

Therefore, he and his senior brother have the same idea. They are weird people who believe in Western weirdness.

When they thought of this, Mai Fan and Brother Hu looked at each other, and several of them took out their cameras and took pictures carefully.

Fearing that the flash would cause negative consequences such as exposure, the two people turned up the brightness as much as possible and took pictures of the scene on the wall.

Don't blame Mai Fan and his senior brother for thinking too much.

The base map of this five-pointed star is actually a tiled world map.

Some photos are densely scattered on this pattern, as many as hundreds.

The photos appear to be surrounded by five-pointed stars.

But Mai Fan, who often identifies the sources of intelligence and analyzes its details, only read it once and discovered the content that was horrifying to think about.

Those photos are in different cities and have different races.

But wherever they are, strange things and legends have happened.

Some of them are so ancient that even modern people would not believe them.

And some are particularly novel, with weird news that only came out in recent years.

However, this weirdo found out where these rumors were, and specifically pointed out a key person, and then posted the key person's photo.

Thinking of this, Mai Fan hurriedly looked in the direction of the West Railway Camp. It didn't matter. He was relieved and worried again.

My photo was not posted by this weirdo, or in other words, I was not discovered to be abnormal by the outside world.

But in the West Railway Camp, there was another person's photo posted by a weirdo.

The man with a very cunning smile was wearing the clothes of an urban management brigade captain who looked very irritable at first sight.

Even though the photo was only as big as a two-inch photo, Mai Fan still recognized the other person at a glance.

Isn’t that Gu Zheng who made countless small traders frightened by the news?

Why is he posted here?

Mai Fan thought about the rumors that the other party was in the urban management team and the recent marathon in the city.

He suddenly understood the reason why Gu Zheng fell in the eyes of this weirdo.

It is said that Captain Gu Zheng is the best runner in the world, and all world-class marathon runners have suffered defeat at his hands.

In the Beijing North Marathon and the Jingdong World Marathon, this urban management officer brought glory to the country and easily won the championship.

Everyone seemed to accept this strange fact as a matter of course, and no one questioned Gu Zheng's characteristics.

Therefore, Mai Fan looked at the map and photos carefully again, and his heart trembled even more.

Because some people's photos, not all of them like Captain Gu's, are clean.

Some people's photos have been marked with a cross by this weirdo with a red pen.

In police dramas, what does it mean to see a picture of a criminal with a red cross?

Brother Hu, who was taking photos with Mai Fan, also discovered this problem.

They looked at each other again, breathing heavily.

Just at this time……

"What are you doing! This is someone else's house. It can be considered a 'crime scene' after all."

"Aren't you afraid of damaging the scene when you walk around?"

Mai Fan turned around helplessly and apologized to the returning police officer: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we both suffered from occupational diseases."

After saying that, he gave the senior brother a wink, and the other party understood what he was doing. He hugged the little policeman out of the second bedroom and walked to the corridor outside the house. Then senior brother Hu handed the other party his press pass.

"Comrade police, you see, we tracked down this place because of complaints from the masses."

"You can be considered an eyewitness after all. Moreover, Comrade Xiaomai from our department fought with this lunatic just now and assisted our police comrades in successfully arresting the criminal."

"As a media partner, it's always okay for us to follow up and report on subsequent events."

"If the police are really in trouble, I will call the leader of the Life Channel now."

"Ask her to get permission from your superiors to follow her."

"Of course, adhering to the principle of no leakage and no exposure, we will never leak even half of the information we collected here today."

"Only with the consent of our police system, we will release this news case."

"Look, isn't it a beautiful thing for us to understand each other, cooperate with each other, and do our job well as a family between the police and the people?"

This chapter has been completed!
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