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1502 Auxiliary

 Mai Fan didn't mind showing off his talents in front of Detective Roark at all.

After all, what he showed was only his social skills and work ability, which had no conflict with his profession as a detective in a detective agency.

Even his abilities are of great assistance to many detectives.

He felt that Detective Rock would like an assistant like him very much.

And Mai Fan's guess was not wrong.

Due to his outstanding work ability, Detective Rock increased his salary by 10%.

This is because he is afraid that he will jump to another detective agency.

In addition, I am afraid that he will not want to follow him to the capital city.

After all, this is the capital of a country, and eating and drinking here is much more expensive than in York City.

Even a detective of Detective Rock's caliber, with the support of two financial backers, would have to tighten his belt for a while in the early days of Capital City.

So giving him a 10% salary increase is also a test for Mai Fan.

Waifan readily accepted it, and expressed to Detective Rock that he was willing to come to the capital to succeed in his career.

When the employer and the boss are on the same page and reach an agreement, the next work will be smoother.

They contacted a relatively reliable real estate agency and looked at at least seven or eight commercial properties that were available for long-term lease.

Finally, the detective agency was located in one of the busiest streets in the capital city.

There are many office spaces in this street. The environment is relatively quiet but there is a lot of people.

Most people work here, and then return to their residential areas after get off work.

The most interesting thing is that there are no fewer than three detective agencies operating on this street.

Detective Rock and Mai Fan chose the address of their new detective agency here, which means that four detective agencies will be opened on this street at the same time.

The advantage of this is that their addition will allow more people to come directly to this street when looking for a detective agency.

The disadvantage of this choice is that it needs to compete with the other three companies for these customers, and the competition is much more intense than in other places.

But Detective Rock is very confident in his abilities.

After he saw the environment of this street, he immediately decided on the appearance of this rental house.

This is a small independent two-story apartment.

The first floor faces the interface directly and has floor-to-ceiling windows and doors.

There are countless small rooms with partitions on the second floor, which are very suitable for working.

Whether it is the second floor or the first floor, they all have a transparent environment, a sunny direction, and bright glass windows.

While working, look into the distance.

You can see the bustling commercial streets and the splendid roof of the palace not far away.

What a pleasant place.


But with such a good location, the rent will naturally not be that cheap. Of course, this is not something that Mai Fan has to worry about. This is something that Detective Rock and his investors have to worry about.

After signing the lease agreement, the two men went to another place.

This is the talent rental market in the capital city.

This place is not like the kind of place where dockworkers pull up a noisy shed and shout a lot, and a large number of people come up to ask about the price and hours of work.

This is a formal talent reserve hall and a job release hall.

People who need employment can register as members here.

Companies that need to recruit people can also post their employment conditions here. Whether the staff of the Talent Department makes targeted recommendations or the applicants come to them on their own, the goal of recruiting talents is ultimately achieved.

In this process, both the applicants and the recruiters will pay a certain fee to the hall.

To provide convenience and protection to both parties, this fee should be paid.

The cost paid by both parties seems to be an additional expense, but it can ensure that companies that need to recruit people can hire suitable staff, and job seekers can also find suitable and satisfying jobs.

Thinking about it this way, the money paid is a good deal.

It's like Detective Rock comes here to recruit people. He can't just say what kind of company this is, and then need a few people, and others will charge his money to do it.

Detective Rock needs to get all the qualifications of the detective agency here and register them, and then publish recruitment information according to the requirements of the agency.

Since they had come here before, they had more complete documents when they came here this time.

Here they need to recruit the following positions: two detective assistants, two ordinary office clerks, and then two handymen. Basically, the staffing in this small office is complete.

If there are other needs, it is possible to hire a police consultant. Basically, once these personnel are on duty, the detective agency can operate normally.

Each of these recruitment information needs to be paid independently depending on the length of recruitment time. Posting these three job information cost Detective Roque about six silver coins.

In terms of price and cost alone, this fee is really not expensive.

After these things are done, Detective Rock and Mai Fan can temporarily put down their work in the capital and return to York City.

Thanks to this case being Detective Rock's last case before coming to the capital, when he returns there will be no other cases on hand to drag down everyone's energy, and the relocation of the detective agency can be completed quickly.

So when they returned to the detective office, everyone in the office was shocked by Detective Rock's decision.

At that time, two young men said that they could not travel far, and even the old employees who had worked with Detective Rock in the office for four or five years began to hesitate.

After all, this is a risky decision. Everyone has traveled thousands of miles to the capital city where their lives are immature. If the business of the detective agency is not good, where will they go?

In the end, when the list of people leaving was counted, everyone in the office except Mai Fan and two ordinary clerks who were willing to go with him, actually chose to stay.

Thanks to Detective Luo He being a very kind boss, he did not blame the employees for not moving to the capital with him, but rather generously terminated all the long-term employment contracts signed by both parties.

Hum, it's just the detective agency here. Detective Rock has not sold or transferred it. You must know that this is one of Detective Rock's private properties. If his development in the capital city does not go as smoothly as expected, then he will turn around and return to York.

City, the Detective Agency can continue to open for business the next day.

Things went on in such an orderly manner.

There isn't much in the York City Detective Agency.

This chapter has been completed!
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