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1528 Circus

 What followed was a very detailed questioning among the entire circus members.

As the police expected, no one admitted they knew this skill.

At this time, Mai Fan, who had been watching from the sidelines, was particularly concerned about one thing.

Because people came in a hurry today, basically all the people in the circus within this range were displayed on his map. The most amazing thing is that the leader who seems to be the least likely to kill someone may have obtained an alibi...

…The symbol that represents him is bright red.

Therefore, it is absolutely correct to say that the murderer is the group leader.

Did he lead Doris to accidentally kill her lover?

But how did the other party do it?

Fan doesn't think he needs to figure out the details behind it, he just wants people to find a way to make sure that all this was done by the group leader.

Then he spoke a few words into the great detective's ear.

It didn't take long for Detective Roark to follow the procedure and apply for a search warrant for the leader's current residence. The excuse used for the search warrant was to prove the leader's innocence.

They need to conduct a simple investigation of the group leader's residence and confirm that the person does not have any weapons or tools involved in the crime before they can determine the group leader's innocence.

Regarding this unexpected request, the group leader was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

Several relevant police officers, together with Mai Fan, followed the group leader to his location.

In Mai Fan's words, Detective Roque believed that the team leader was not very suspicious, so he only needed his assistant to come over and take a look.

It was precisely because of his attitude that this group of people arrived at the group leader's residence and searched it in a very friendly atmosphere.

It can be seen that the police's inspection method was extremely perfunctory. As for Mai Fan, he simply stood by the door with his hands in his hands, not looking very serious.

Just when these policemen were conducting a cursory inspection of the residence, they were about to get up and leave.

Mai Fan suddenly seemed to have discovered something and reminded him: "The leader actually likes to raise dolls."

"I wonder why there are so many weird gadgets in this cabinet?"

"Huh? That baby looks like a ventriloquist doll."

"Why did you hide him in that unknown crevice under the bed? Look, from my point of view, I can see it."

The two policemen looked in the direction Mai Fan pointed, but they only saw a dark area and no shadow of the doll.

Looking at the expressions of these two people, Mai Fan looked unconvinced.

"I'm telling you, I've had good eyesight since I was a kid. If you don't believe what I just saw in a flash, okay, just let me do it."

When he said this, Mai Fan had already crawled under the bed.

The two police officers subconsciously looked like group leaders.

I found that the leader's face looked extremely ugly at this time.

The two policemen immediately noticed something strange.

One person stood next to the seller very naturally, making a protective gesture, while the other person stood in front of the group leader and quietly blocked the escape direction toward the door.

Mai Fan under the bed felt like he was tearing down the house.

When he crawled out from under the bed with dust on his face, he still held a strange doll in his hand.

Gu Yu

This doll looks very old at first glance, but no matter how old it is, it doesn't hide the specialness of this doll.

Anyone who has watched a circus show or a sideshow will know that this is a ventriloquist doll that often works with clowns.

At this point, what else can’t the two policemen figure out?

It is true that other people in the circus do not know the skill of ventriloquism, but their leader does.

Then they held the leader down when he tried to struggle and brought him back to the circus.

The group leader was pressed into the interrogation room under the horrified eyes of many members of the group.

Everyone was whispering, but the scene was very kind and asked them to leave the police station.

Now, these circus members can only wait in the wasteland, waiting for the summons from the police station. They have been issued a stay-at-home order, at least until the case is investigated, they are not allowed to leave the city.

The original plan to move the performance to another city was naturally cancelled.

In just one night, they lost their circus pillar and their leader.

These members faced the police's sentencing in a state of panic.

After a long period of torture, the police finally pried out the whole story of the case from the mouth of the circus leader.

Based on the confession of the group leader, they found a secret passage leading outside the city.

But they didn't expect that the group leader would really go out of his way to create an alibi. You know, many people in the city had actually seen this secret passage.

That was a half-grown dog left to wander around the city, going back and forth from the dog holes inside and outside the city.

When he came to this city, he wandered around and learned about the customs and culture of this city. Naturally, he discovered this dog hole that no one cared about.

Originally, he didn't want to use it as a tool to assist him in committing crimes.

But ever since these two people started clamoring to leave the circus, a plan gradually took shape in his mind.

He wants Doris to kill the person she loves most with her own hands and taste what it feels like to betray the circus?

As for a pillar that kills people, of course it has lost its purpose.

But it doesn't matter, those young and lively dancers can already take up Doris' position.

Doris will appear on the front pages of major entertainment newspapers with a major and legendary murder case.

The name of their circus will also be listed in it. You know that for a performance such as the circus, which is relatively high in curiosity, of course, the bigger the reputation, the better, and the more legendary it sounds, the better?

When they arrive in the next city, the magical title that the Doris Case brought to their circus will become a steady stream of income, which is the ticket money from sold-out venues.

This is the last remnant of Doris's wild life in the circus.

This terrible leader wanted to squeeze out all the remaining value of Doris.

As for the unlucky rich second generation, he just came to the appointment a little too early.

The circus leader, before that, bought a bottle of very good wine from the city.

And this kind of wine is one of this rich second generation’s favorite alcoholic drinks.

Under the constant compliments from the circus, as expected, this rich second generation drank too much.

The rich second generation who drank too much was easy to deal with. He didn't make any noise and fell asleep on the sofa in the circus director's office.

This chapter has been completed!
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