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 This kid seems to be the kind who knows how to live a good life. Just now when he drove out from home and drove to this energy station, Mai Fan specifically took a look at the energy grid on the front of his stroller.

When he arrived at this energy station, his grid started to turn red, which meant that his energy had bottomed out.

The customer who placed the next order really bought the energy from scratch, so he couldn't take advantage of the boy at all.

Mai Fan planned to follow the advice of the experienced driver and bought 12 energy blocks here.

As for the supplies that the little boy needs to supplement.

Mai Fan shook his head and smiled at the little boy: "Do you have any special delicacies here?"

The boy tilted his head and thought about this question very seriously: "Our daily diet is usually mush."

"It's a kind of rice cooked with tapioca flour."

"This kind of food is cheaper than nutritious and tastes much better. What kind of sauce is added to it will taste exactly the same. It is most suitable for those who are careful to save money."

Mai Fan looked in the direction of the little boy's finger.

I found large bags of feed-like stuff piled in the corner, the kind of glutinous rice flour the little boy called.

Asking him to eat this kind of food on the road, Mai Fan shook his head.

"Forget it, food is included, right? I can still afford this."

"Let's put some drinking water, it's the same everywhere."

The little boy nodded and took Maifan to another area, where there were bags of water.

A thin plastic bag contains plain water that ordinary people can drink.

This kind of thing is really cheap. Maifan bought two big bags and filled the small pockets at the back, which cost him only one living point.

After preparing the basic supplies, the little boy stuffed an energy block into the groove of his car, and the handle of the car rushed out like flying.

In this little boy's opinion, this guest is really stingy.

If he didn't even buy basic paste, what decent stuff could he come up with?

Soon it was lunch time.

The little boy sighed, touched his belly, and stopped the car.

There are no scavengers around here, and the further you go in, the fewer people there become.

They found a clean spot among the garbage everywhere, and they parked it temporarily like a trolley.

"Is it time to eat?"

"Open flames are not prohibited here, right?"

The little boy nodded: "Yes, look at these metal materials and some other random things. Even if you want to set this place on fire, it will probably be difficult."

That's good, Mai Fan took out an automatic cooking pot.

This is a stuffer given to him by the owner of a private kitchen. It is a high-tech plug-in pot that can cook food without gas or open flame.

Mai Fan only needs to turn on the switch, and the pot will start to steam.

As for other ingredients, he just picked up a handful in the backyard and it was enough for these two people to eat for a lifetime.

So, the little boy opened his mouth wide and watched as Mai Fan took out the rice, flour, grains and oil from his arms, and immediately, an expression of envy appeared on his face.

"I heard from my mother that the powerful people outside have a lot of space and accessories."

"Some people have enough space to fit an island, a house, or even a small country."

"Now that I see Mr. like this, I believe that my mother did not lie to me."

Hearing this, Mai Fan was a little confused: "You know where we are from, right?"

"The space where everyone lives is called the Lord God Space, right?"

"All materials can be exchanged from the main god's space."

"Although space items are expensive, they are not uncommon."

"As long as you have experienced one or two worlds, you can basically save up a set of exchange points for space items."

So what is going on with these kids and the people he lives with?

In his opinion, as long as players in the impoverished main god space have experienced several worlds and have not died, they should not be reduced to scavenging.

The little boy saw Mai Fan's doubts.

"Sir, you must be a new player who has just arrived in this world."

"Or is it someone who has always hung out with very powerful players and rarely been exposed to the dark side?"

"Don't you know that we scavengers are all people who cannot participate in the Lord God's mission?"

Then how come you are living in this dimension?

The little boy smiled and explained: "Have you heard about people bringing people or things back from the sub-world or the main god's mission world?"

This has happened before. Not only did some people bring back people and things, there were also people who created their own artificial humans and orcs to meet their daily needs.

"We are the descendants of those who were brought back and the people in the Lord God's Dimension."

Or maybe they are the descendants of the people who were brought back.

These people are not selected by the host.

Those who are not favored by the main city space will not get the main god mission bracelet.

Without the bracelet, it is basically impossible to live in this space.

These people are either supported by the missionaries.

Or they will die miserably due to lack of water and supplies.

Once they are abandoned by the missionaries of the Lord God, they will not even have the ability to survive.

Because in this space, all materials need to be exchanged for survival points and points, and what they lack is precisely these two things.

So some outsiders who were not willing to wait for death came to the buffer zone.

Escape here and find out things that are useful to the players in the main god space.

Some people with special abilities will also transform these things a second time.

Due to their large quantities, other features added to their products, and their prices being very cheap, they have gained the favor of a large number of low-end players.

Obtaining supplies for survival through this barter method allowed the immigrant population in the buffer zone to barely survive.

"What you see now are people who have reproduced for several generations."

"We are living a good life now, with freedom and enough supplies."

"Think about those people in war-torn countries who are not as happy as we are."

Well, this is really an optimistic child.

Whenever you listen to this child talk about what his life is like, the rice in the multi-functional pot is also cooked.

The amazing thing about this multifunctional pot is that one pot can be divided into grids for cooking after being turned on again.

How many grids did Mai Fan use to divide this pot into grooves? How many grids can this pot be operated on?

Now Mai Fan divided the pot into two and cooked rice in one half, and made a stew in the other half.

This chapter has been completed!
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