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1539 Elf

 Mai Fan’s expression was so sincere, and the things he brought out were so fresh.

The elves on the opposite side were stunned.

The leader stopped Mai Fan with gestures and continued speaking. He called his companions to the place where they had gathered at the beginning and began to talk about what they were discussing.

"It's not that we let him go, but that he gave too much."

"Those green leaves look so fresh."

"Yes, yes, I haven't eaten such fresh vegetables in many years."

"This person is completely different from people outside. I feel respect from her."

The leading elf remained silent. The people outside were cunning enough, and he had lost all trust in this group of people.

Which one of them didn't come to this hellish place because of trust? But what did they get in exchange? It's their current miserable situation.

"Would it do us any good to kill him?"

Several people began to analyze again.

"There is no benefit. If we kill the opponent first, we will not be able to inherit his qualifications as the main god player."

"Secondly, after killing him, all his property will automatically return to this space, and we will not be able to rob him of any of his property."

This godless space player property protection has nipped all knots in the buffer zone in the bud.

These people are not extreme beheading gangs, so they just wanted to make things difficult for Mai Fan, but they didn't expect that the other party would bring out such a heavy gift.

"Then it's settled."

"Yes, that's it. It's decided."

After the discussion, the elves dispersed again, stood in their original formation, and shouted loudly to Mai Fan: "These are not enough."

"If you want to pass this area smoothly, you need to spend more time."

Mai Fan was reluctant to give it to them. It was not that he was short of food. He was afraid that if everyone followed the example of these elves and increased prices for no reason, then he would be beaten by so many passers-by when he reached the central area.

Take him for granted.

His vegetable garden couldn't stand the unlimited increase in price on top of what was agreed upon.

"I can only give out five kilograms. If you still don't let me pass, there's nothing you can do."

"We are all a race of trustworthy people. Whether we can achieve success or not can only be determined by taking action."

Mai Fan's sudden toughness surprised the little boy.

Along the way, they had become accustomed to Mai Fan's gentle personality, but they didn't expect that she still had a temper.

Thinking of this, the little boy Xiaowei hid the bread in his arms.

Looking at it this way, this employer is really kind to me.

These elves didn't expect that Mai Fan would agree to their request, but suddenly there were five kilograms of extra vegetables. This was an unexpected surprise.

They were afraid that Mai Fan would go back on his word, so they immediately nodded and agreed to the deal.

When Mai Fan took out another five kilograms of vegetables and handed them to the other party, he suddenly felt like a big resentment.

Forget it, I took it all out and just treat myself as being blackmailed again.

But after the transaction was completed, these elves actually gave him some unexpected surprises.

Maybe Mai Fan's food was too fresh, or maybe the food he gave was too satisfying, so this elf felt a little embarrassed.

"I suggest you make a circle when you go to the first supply station."

The elf took out a tattered piece of cloth from somewhere and drew a simple route map on it.

This route was the one the little boy took Mai Fan to the supply station.

Because this road has been walked by the wilderness people here all year round, compared to other roads that require winding around mountains and drilling holes, it is really the smoothest option.

But when the manager showed them the way, he made a small detour.

They didn't say much else, except for two words, beheading.

As old scavengers here, the Black and White Wuchang Gang and the little boy understood immediately.

They expressed great surprise: "Who on earth conjured up this kind of organization again?"

"Scavengers have not done anything so extreme in the buffer zone for many years."

As the ethnic group with the lowest social status and the worst living conditions here, the elves must see all directions and listen to all directions in order to live a more comfortable life.

Their keen five senses and powerful hiding talents allow them to collect little-known secrets in this wilderness.

"You know about the barbarians, right?"

"I know, they combined with the orcs to form a quite large scavenging tribe."

"Then you, you must have heard that these two tribe leaders have the same love child."

The people on Mai Fan's side nodded.

I don’t know if it’s the crystallization of love, but this child became the strongest link between the two tribes as soon as he was born.

"Then do you know that the girls born from these two ethnic groups are surprisingly beautiful?"

I really don’t know about this. After all, the barbarians and the orcs are tribes with green-skinned muscle monsters, savage collisions, and no brains.

They are incompatible with little boys, second- or third-generation wandering groups who basically live by their brains.

The other party always seems to have a bad temper, so there are very few opportunities for them to interact with them.

"How many beautiful children can these two tribes combine to give birth to?"

But a miracle just happened. This girl took advantage of the best features of the two tribes.

This girl is slightly smaller than the normal body shapes of these two tribes.

Her figure is so good that it's so good.

The skin color is not the weird green, blue or earthy color of the orcs or barbarians.

It is the color of wheat that humans also like, healthy, sunny, and light.

Not to mention the boys from the orc and barbarian tribes would like such a girl, even humans would be happy to see her.

The various ethnic groups in the buffer agent are not completely isolated from the outside world. They also need to exchange materials for survival from the main god's space. Therefore, they are able to come into contact with outsiders, and they still come into contact with them frequently.

During the contact process, this little girl suddenly fell in love with a certain player who was trading with their tribe.

Ah, this player is also very interested in the fact that such a great beauty can emerge from the two tribes.

But people outside are only very interested in the beauties here.

Wanting them to be responsible for the girls here is basically a fantasy and nonsense.

If two people just fell in love willingly, the reaction from the two tribes wouldn't be so big.

This chapter has been completed!
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