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1542 Cunning

 Mai Fan’s attitude is really irritating.

The man was provoked and actually attacked again.

This time he chose a very tricky angle and stabbed Mai Fan in the ribs.

He originally thought that this cunning man would definitely use a weapon to recover it, but he didn't expect that Mai Fan would really stand there and wait for him to chop him.

"Jingle bell!"

The contact between the knife and Mai Fan's body even caused sparks to fly out, but the knife stopped three inches away from Mai Fan's body and could not enter.

In this moment of confusion, those elves' arrows followed.

The opponent may not be able to see where the invisible man is hiding, but the sparks generated when he attacks reveal his true location.

The dense arrows rushed over like a net.

The man who attacked him couldn't dodge, and he was hit by an arrow with a loud sound.

After the arrow hit him, his invisible body slowly emerged.

At this time, not to mention Mai Fan, even the elves saw his sneak attack.

This is another mutated savage.

It seems that after the combination of human beings and barbarians, mutants can easily be produced.

His skin was as white as transparent.

Under the movement, the body is like water waves. It is actually flowing.

The bodily fluids in his body transmit the garbage of life, allowing those in front of him to see clearly.

If the arrow hadn't made his body extremely distorted, he would have just stood there motionless, and no one would have noticed his unique disguise.

I saw my body being discovered.

The savage hybrid was a little scared.

As a mutant race, it does have specialties that no one else can match.

But he did not inherit the same powerful bodies of barbarians and orcs.

Those people who were staring at him from the opposite side could chop him into pieces if they just showed up.

When Mai Fan was approaching him with a knife, he grinned and screamed.

"My bodyguards, where are you?"

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

After the mutant finished roaring, two or three people popped out from under the garbage piles around Mai Fan.

Good guy, after these people came to the ground, the map in the diary was displayed.

Mai Fan knew for the first time that the exotic garbage here could actually block the diary's radar detection.

These people are like normal barbarians or normal orcs.

When they saw that their captain's sneak attack failed, they didn't even think about getting into trouble with Mai Fan and the others. They just quickly picked up the injured captain and ran away towards the depths of the garbage dump without looking back.

This group of people had obviously gone far away, but the unyielding roar still came from the distance.

Mai Fan listened and actually recognized the amount of information.

"Our patriarch cannot afford to lose his second child."

"These people look like they are hard to mess with."

"Young Patriarch, if your sneak attack failed, you must go back as quickly as you agreed."

"Look at your leg, it was so damaged just from a confrontation. Do you still expect us to continue to struggle with them?"

The mutant who was rescued didn't seem to appreciate it.

"Asshole, the advantage is clearly on our side, and those are just some squishy elves. Look at those weak gang members, and that guy who seems to be just a little lucky... Aren't you the strongest warriors in the world? We are so

How can multiple people be unable to defeat each other?"

The person who ran back carrying the young patriarch was really helpless.

There are three of them here, plus an injured young patriarch.

That person does indeed look very strong, but the young patriarch's attack just now has already shown that people who don't look strong have added the strongest protective shield to themselves.

How can you let people who care so much about their lives continue to attack?

Moreover, the people of the elves are completely inseparable from them.

These three groups of people are all following this person, and it seems that they have received money and need to make a living.

After they kill someone without any care, the other party may not get the corresponding reward early.

This also cut off the financial resources of several other ethnic groups.

You know, it is right for their tribe to be a beheading party. But the basis for the establishment of the beheading party is not to hinder other ethnic groups from pursuing their lives.

The young patriarch is too young and may not have understood this truth yet.

But it doesn't matter, they brought him back safely, and they couldn't do it wrong.

These tribesmen ran so fast that in the blink of an eye there was only a puff of smoke left.

For the remaining group of people, you looked at me, I looked at you, and then put away their weapons.

Then, the leading elf said: "We have to speed up a little bit. It's not advisable to stay here for a long time."

It is conceivable what kind of revenge they will face if the large army comes.

Those people are full of hatred towards foreign players like Mai Fan.

Now I'm being hurt again because of him.

If they dare not protect themselves from the barbarians, this tribe will retaliate against them.

They'd better run faster.

The group of people decided that it was Sayazi and started to escape.

The original plan was to find a place to spend the night and arrive at the supply station early the next morning.

Now this plan has to be revised again. They traveled all night to try to get to the supply station tonight.

The group of people did what they said and changed direction. Everyone accelerated towards the supply station.

As they expected, after the injured man was carried back to the tribe, the entire tribe was shocked.

The young patriarch has carried out this act of revenge many times.

Many outsiders who didn't know the depth died under the young master's sneak attack.

They lost their lives without even resisting.

When he died, he was confused and didn't know why he lost his life.

But this time the young patriarch encountered an iron plate in his sneak attack and was even seriously injured.

Although it was probably the elves who shot him in the leg, the person who could discover the traces of the young patriarch was an outsider.

This situation is not good.

"This person cannot be left here."

"No matter why he entered the buffer zone, we have to kill him here."

"The reason why our head-beheading party is able to shock the people around us is because of the young patriarch's ability."

"But this person can easily discover the existence of the young patriarch."

"And I'm not afraid of a sneak attack from the young clan leader."

"This situation is really bad."

"If this person brings the situation here to his companions and tells them how to defeat the young patriarch's sneak attack ability."

"Then, those people will no longer be afraid of us."

This chapter has been completed!
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