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1574 Servant

 The short servant didn't understand, but he never questioned his master's decision.

He felt very good after being forgiven. He straightened the large cage containing the people and put a skateboard with wheels under the box.

There is a huge hook on the front of this skateboard that can be connected to the rear of the carriage.

After he had secured the grooves, he wrapped two iron chains as thick as his arms around the outside of the cage and locked it.

This luxurious carriage now looks like a small iron train dragging another carriage, and it looks even more spectacular.

After his servants had finished all their work, the noble master sitting in the carriage spoke again.

This time, the person he spoke to became the old player who had taken revenge.

"Ah, what an interesting person he is, what an interesting ability he has."

"Why haven't I seen you in the main city? If there is such a pure and important person, I shouldn't have known you."

"According to what I know, the current king does not have an illegitimate child of such an age."

"Hahahaha, where did you become such a big shot?"

In this case, this old player can't accept it.

He could only remain silent, and slowly placed his palms on his chest, seemingly ready to deal with the golden man's attack.

But when the big man in gold clothes finished talking and joking, his words changed.

"However, no matter what you do, I know that you are the one who can provide me with the most delicious food."

"But all these foods combined can't be as sweet as you."

"Sometimes I wonder, if you don't look so dangerous, I wouldn't mind trying to swallow you, what kind of changes will happen to the thing behind me."

"Maybe it will be completely purified by you, I don't know."

"When the time comes, I will be just like you, a completely transparent and clean person."

"I will never again be laughed at by everyone at a gathering of nobles because of the mouth behind my back."

"These hateful things are just that their alienated parts are well hidden by clothes."

"Obviously everyone is of the same level, but they still have the nerve to laugh at me. Just because of one of my topics. Are they in front of the public? Ah, I am really unwilling to do so."

The more this person talked, the more morbid he became. This made the old player very nervous. He was really afraid of the people here, and if someone jumped up at any time, it would be an abnormal lunacy.

But the big man in gold only went crazy for a while and then stopped.

He had just eaten and was not in the mood to fight with others.

Moreover, he could not guarantee how strong the other party was. After all, purebloods had some special skills that others in this world did not possess.

This is also the reason why this world is ruled by purity.

In every area with a purification source, those at the top of the food chain are always the cleanest people.

They are also the most powerful people and are not necessarily necessary. People who are a little bit polluted usually will not take action against the pure ones.

Of course, a batch of waste pure bodies will appear in various areas from time to time.

Everyone is simply flocking to this kind of goods.

There is only one reason for this kind of love, because one day, a certain person with only a little pollution absorbed one of the pure bodies, and the result of the absorption was... he was completely transformed into a completely pure, with a little bit of pollution in his body.

The pollution was actually purified and dispersed by this pure body of waste.

Since then, this kind of thing has become extremely popular.

But even if everyone knows its efficacy and is willing to pay all the price for this opportunity to purify, it is still very difficult to obtain such a pure body.

Because the place where they appear is uncertain, the time interval between their appearances is also uncertain, and the number they appear is even more variable.

In this huge world, people everywhere want to own this precious resource.

And now, he has found a source that can provide this resource.

He would not take the risk of offending such a pure body that can provide sources and has extremely strong fighting power.

As long as he has a good relationship with this person, isn't it just a matter of one sentence to decide how much he wants in the future?

So after he finished laughing, he spoke directly to the boss.

"For the sake of old rules, sell those things to me. Don't give me an exorbitant price. I just saw the deal you completed with this gentleman."

The goods he just bought can be resold. Of course the boss here will not stop this kind of business, but the business just now has been done face to face, and now he is embarrassed to increase the price several times more.

According to the current market, the purchase price and selling price are basically three to four times. The boss thought about it and sold it for four times.

The price is not that he is not afraid of the gentleman in the golden robe.

In fact, based on his understanding of Mr. Gold's dominance, after what he encountered today, whether his trader will come to do business with him again in the future is another matter.

The matter happened under the eyes of everyone. Even if he does not trade with this person now, then the gentleman in gold clothes will find a way to find out the matter in the future. When that time comes, the supplier will be robbed.

It's one thing to offend him, but the revenge that will follow is the most terrifying thing. There is no need for him to offend this big boss just to make a little money.

So he used this price to tell Mr. Gold that the transaction he had with him was the final deal. As for how you want to negotiate with the resource provider opposite, that is your business.

From now on, I'm afraid he won't be able to do this business here.

Therefore, when the gentleman sitting in the carriage heard that the boss had offered this price, he was very satisfied.

Then he shouted to the servant standing next to him outside the carriage: "Take it and send it to him."

Then a huge bag was thrown out, and there was a jingling sound inside. It must be that countless bottles were colliding in it.

Like that kind of fragile glass-like bottle, once it falls to the ground, it will definitely end up being shattered to pieces.

But the gentleman's servant was very steady and grabbed the mouth of the bag with one hand, and supported the bottom of the bag with his other hand.

The bag was firmly picked up and handed to the black building owner.

The other party opened his pocket carefully and Mai Fan looked over from a distance. Sure enough, it was the purifying liquid exchanged with the old player just now.

This chapter has been completed!
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