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1589 Pollution

 "Don't underestimate the pollutants, especially the sane ones. They will not be attracted by ordinary garbage. You must have something good that can make them follow you obediently here, so you have to enter the town.

The fee is very simple, just take out a piece of what you usually feed it, and it will be considered as your fee to enter the town."

Huh? Is the cost to enter the town so cheap?

Mai Fan was afraid that the old man would regret it, so he quickly took two handfuls from his arms and took out the bones that couldn't hold much meat.

After he took out the bones, he first threw one piece to the dog-shaped creature, and then handed the other piece into the old man's hands.

The old man didn't take it seriously at first and casually took the bone that Maifan handed him. However, he was quite disgusted with it in the process and basically held it and brought it to the table.

But when he took out an unknown instrument from his pocket and swiped it at the bone, the old detective's expression changed.

"Is the purification rate actually 88%? It's actually 88% of bones."

"How dare you feed a dog with bones that have a purification rate of 88%? And the dog is still contaminated."

"You are wasting food. You are squandering natural resources. How can you waste such precious things? Are you a child of a wealthy family? Or are you the king's illegitimate son?"

After he finished yelling, he suddenly remembered that Mai Fan had also lost a piece to the dog just now.

Then Mai Fan saw the outburst of an old detective.

In this world, anyone who seems ordinary may be a hidden master.

That dog was so capable that he could snatch a bite of meat from a monster like Roshan, but when Inspector Lao Lao exploded, he didn't react at all and was kicked into the air.


After the miserable dog barked, the bone was left on the ground.

The old detective was so nimble, even before his unlucky dog ​​bit him... the bone was saved.

After confirming that it had not been touched by the dog, the old detective used the same instrument to scan the bone again. What he did not expect was that the ribs were purer than the ones he had scanned just now.

The number is even higher, reaching 90%.

This discovery made the old detective even more heartbroken.

"How can you use such a good bone, but be treated by such a dog? How many bones like this have you got along the way? My God, fortunately it is a bone, if it were meat, oh, my God, it's so light

Just thinking about it makes my heart hurt."

"Okay, okay, don't stay here anymore. As soon as I see you, I feel heartbroken. Come in quickly and find a place to stay. Don't cause trouble for me. Everything has to wait until tomorrow.

Besides, don't move in the hotel tomorrow morning and wait for me to come find you."

"I have some good things and information that you are interested in to exchange these bones with you. Don't let these bones be treated unfairly anymore, it is simply a waste."

Mai Fan really didn't expect that this kind of bone would be so popular here.

What's more, he didn't expect that in this seemingly shabby world, there would be such high-tech materials as detectors.

In any case, he had no intention of wandering around in this strange town tonight.

It is not that difficult to spend the night quietly, provided that he has to find a safe place to stay.

So Mai Fan nodded in agreement. He took his contaminated dog into the town. When he entered the town, he felt strange.

When I turned around and went back to ask the gatekeeper over there, I found that the door had been closed, but the gatekeeper had disappeared from sight.

Where did the old detective go in such a short period of time? Mai Fan, who went back to look for a while, found no trace of him. He could only shake his head and take the contaminated dog with him.

A strange creature has entered this legendary purification area.

What makes him feel strange is that this is a purification area, why can he enter with a contaminated dog?

Aren’t the residents here afraid of the impact this pollutant will have on the area where they live?

What if his dog-like creature is out of control and goes crazy and causes harm to the residents here?

As a gatekeeper, shouldn't he be able to prevent this from happening? At the very least, he should be asked to leave the dog-like creature outside the fence, right?

The other party didn't do this, so will he get into trouble next because of this dog-shaped creature?

Just when Mai Fan was hesitating, he actually pulled the dog-shaped creature and walked a hundred or two hundred meters into the town.

This distance has already entered the activity area of ​​the town residents.

Mai Fan finally found the answer he wanted here.

He saw a cow with three heads pulling a heavy ore cart slowly walking along the unique transportation track in the town.

Sitting on the back of this cow was a very normal person, even more normal than the man Mai Fan saw outside with the golden cannon with a mouth on the back of his neck.

If Mai Fan hadn't seen three eyes on her face when he turned around, he would have thought she was an extremely clean person.

Then Mai Fan's diary gave a value for the purity of this human being: 90%

For this chaotic world, this person's purity is already quite high.

And he's driving very pure pollutants to work.

After the oxcart pulled the ore, Mai Fan successively saw the car rental driver who used the infected horse as a means of transportation, and also saw the pigeon messenger who domesticated and released pigeons.

In this town, basically everyone is using these contaminated creatures as tools to serve them.

Therefore, Mai Fan with a dog-shaped creature standing in this formation does not look out of place at all.

On the contrary, his unfamiliar face and lack of any alien parts on his body attracted the attention of people in this small town even more.

As he continued walking forward with the dog-shaped creature, he could feel that more and more events were paying attention to him around him.

There are always enthusiastic people and indifferent people in a town.

If there is anyone who is the most enthusiastic person in the town, it must be the business people.

In a town that is as small as possible, every time a strange face appears, it means that there will be additional business.

Mai Fan took two steps, and the solicitor came close to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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