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1627 Clan

 The Basque people have a secret that is not known to outsiders. This is the core secret within the group that few people know.

That is, the evolution of the child of their tribe needs to be catalyzed by a certain kind of special crystal in the ore mined in the Basque town.

As for this secret, the Basque family can be sure that the real person in charge of this evolutionary song is aware of it and is intentionally curbing the speed of their evolution.

The Basque family understands the behavior of the current people in power. After all, no real person in power wants to be surrounded by a group that is stronger than their own.

It’s just that the other party left too little for them. Originally, they mined this kind of ore not for profit, but for the future of their children. Instead, they downloaded it to this advancing machine and put in a lot of work. In the end,

But there is not much return.

Under the attack of money, this family has lost its original intention of hard work and struggle. This is a phenomenon that Mr. Basque is very unwilling to see.

If cooperation with the Second Princess can reverse this current situation and gradually obtain his own mineral veins in the future, Mr. Basque is willing to cooperate with the Second Princess.

I just don’t know if the other party can agree to his condition. The prerequisite for him to agree to this condition is whether she knows the secrets of the Basque clan, and whether he cares about the Basque ant clan’s idea of ​​improving the quality of their future.

But Basque still bravely put forward his request. Next, it depends on whether the second princess can agree.

Then, the venue became quiet again, but this time the silence lasted much longer than before. After being quiet for such a long time, Mr. Basque's heart gradually cooled down. He knew that the only explanation for this reaction was

, the second princess knows the secret of the Basque family.

It seems that the queen treats her daughters equally. He will tell some important things to his daughters because he knows that no matter who takes the throne, it will be a safe choice.

All successors know that certain secrets do not affect who his final decision is...

The person in power now is really a ruthless person.

The silence in the court was too long, and suddenly the second princess sitting opposite them burst into laughter.

"Okay, don't be anxious anymore. I know what you are thinking. Before Basque, when he told this secret to several of us sisters, everyone had different ideas. If you want to know what I really think,

Let me tell you the truth, I think my mother thinks too much and makes everything too complicated."

"He doesn't trust you, and he also doesn't have confidence in his own strength."

"If this safe zone is inherited by me, I am very confident in my own strength, and I am not afraid of people with stronger strength to help me. Are you willing to be one of my supporters?"

This means that he agrees. Mr. Basque has never been so excited as he is today.

If what you said, Er Wang, is right, then he wouldn't mind becoming his supporter.

After all, the only person who came to the door and readily extended an olive branch was the Second Princess.

Even if he fails to fulfill his previous promise after taking the throne, there will be no greater loss for Mr. Basque. The most he can do is continue to provide ore for this plan in accordance with the original agreement. No matter how bad it is, it can be worse.

Where to go?

Thus, with the consent of all three parties, a very temporary alliance was formed.

Mai Fan and Mr. Basque directly became a member of the Second Queen's camp, so as an important figure in the camp, he will need to follow the Second Queen and appear in the eyes of other city people in the purification area.

Yes, from today on, Mai Fan is one of the candidates for the second princess's husband.

He is a 100% purified person who came from the outer area, possesses many high-tech products, and has unfathomable personal potential.

With this condition, Mai Fan can compete with any potential husband.

"Now we need an opportunity to bring you to the public. If my judgment is correct, in three days my mother will hold a large-scale public meeting to recruit a son-in-law in the purification area."

"At that meeting, I will bring you to my mother and introduce you to my mother."

"If my judgment is correct, my elder sister and my younger sister have already been found by that time, and their respective candidates will definitely stand in front of everyone."

"When that time comes, it will be natural for me to introduce you to them."

"It's just that in these three days, I have to trouble Mr. Basque to provide all-round protection for my fiancé."

"Of course, I will also send some spies here to provide some secret protection in unexpected places."

"I believe that with our joint efforts, its safety should be greatly guaranteed."

If he can be killed in this situation, then his loss will not be unjust.

The matter was basically finalized, and the two of them had in-depth discussions on some subsequent details.

This aspect has nothing to do with Mai Fan. As a person who is not involved in the affairs, of course he hopes to get a good rest, so he returned to his room after getting permission, surrounded by a group of guards.

I slept very soundly in the middle.

When he woke up the next morning and had breakfast in the dining room downstairs, he found that the original order had been restored in the Basque Mansion.

The appearance of the Second Princess here last night was like a hallucination. Everyone seemed to have never seen this person appear before.

Mr. Basque's face showed an unexpected satisfaction, and he rarely smiled several times during the breakfast meeting with Mai Fan.

This reaction made Mai Fan think that everything was under their control, until he started to follow Mr. Basque to one of his museums in the royal capital at noon, when he encountered an inexplicable attack.

It seems that the confidentiality work of the Second Princess has not been very successful. No matter who it is or which competitor it is, in short, Mai Fan's identity has been known to the outside world.

The current situation is that the road is full of broken limbs, and the attack comes without warning. The carriage Mai Fan was riding in suddenly exploded, and the person who attacked him was a coachman driving his carriage.

This coachman is said to have worked for Mr. Basque for nearly seven or eight years.

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