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1635 steps

 Such steps feel a bit like a formal handover, not as abrupt and chaotic as a sudden death.

After the queen said that she would hand over the power and gave a short time to realize it, Mai Fan could clearly feel that the emotions of the three princesses relaxed.

To be honest, he was able to touch the hurdle of the highest power right away, but suddenly he couldn't touch it for some reason. It was a big blow to anyone, even if it was his relatives who gave way to him.

, also doesn’t work.

But now this queen really loves his daughters, and she really decided to honor what she said. This has completely eased the atmosphere in the venue, and the way he said it...

The best way that is most beneficial to the country and the orthodox heir.

After everyone accepted this, everyone began to care about another very important issue, that is, whether the Queen's health has really begun to improve as he said.

After all, when power is no longer the biggest obstacle between them, then family affection will prevail.

At this time, the weird atmosphere disappeared, and a warm atmosphere began to pervade the venue. After the queen finished talking about the important things, she began to talk about less important things.

"I told you to find a truly caring partner that you like, but now I look at it. In just a few days, you have actually found your other half. Isn't this so interesting?"

"Not to mention anything else, as for the condition I mentioned, in order to achieve this condition, you were able to find someone and bring him here, which shows that you really put your heart into it, and it is not easy. Now it really makes me curious.

It’s terrible, I just don’t know who they are.”

"Oh, wait, there is someone I know here. Oh, my God, the Grand Duke's young master, my God, who has the guts to bring him here? You know

, According to the information I know, the young master of the Grand Duke’s family is definitely a proud and arrogant master!”

"Which daughter is so capable that she has achieved such an impossible goal?"

At this time, the second and third princesses looked at the eldest princess with gloating eyes.

And the eldest sister is the eldest sister, and she is quite thick-skinned.

She looked at the young master very calmly and answered word for word, as his mother would have said: "It's me."

"I don't know if we are in love, but when I asked him to accompany me to meet my mother and conclude the contract of marriage, he agreed."

"I think things like feelings actually need to be cultivated slowly over a long period of time."

"I am confident that I can adjust the relationship between life and work. I am also confident that this young man can feel my charm and fall in love with me during a long time together. So my answer is still, no

It will become, within the one-year inspection period, I think I should be him."

The courage of the eldest princess is indeed touching, which makes the queen's face feel relieved. Since it is the young master's choice, she does not have to worry about how to deal with the relationship between the royal family and the duke.


Your Majesty, you have basically confirmed it, but what about the remaining two?

The queen first set her sights on the second princess. She received a big smile from the other princess. Seeing such a naughty child, the queen sighed and quietly drooped her eyelids.

He turned to look at the third princess.

The moment she saw the third princess, she was a little stunned.

Because the Queen's arrival was very sudden, and the servants were not notified in advance, the honor guard directly opened the door and began to arrange carpets, chairs and other related things.

Therefore, the couple of the three princes and daughters still maintain their original state, that is, the man who looks like a peacock is holding the thigh of the three princes and looking at the country together with a stiff posture.

the supreme leader.

After all, the Queen is someone who has experienced big storms.

She looked at her youngest daughter very calmly, and at the same time glanced at the gorgeous man.

But the words that came out of his mouth were so indifferent.

"I thought these sudden changes would make you make some changes, but I didn't expect that after going through so many things, you would still bring him to this palace."

"Do you think I don't have a few more days to live? You can do whatever you want in the rest of the time."

"Do you think I don't know his origin, his abilities, and what level of evolution he has?"

"Do you think I have forgotten that I went through such a big battle a few years ago to find something that can increase his evolution points for him?"

"How is it possible? Don't say I can't forget it, neither can the old people in the entire royal capital. They are talking about how my youngest daughter actually fell in love with a social butterfly, and this social butterfly is actually a boy."

"For this courtesan, she really spent a lot of money and worked tirelessly. She even went to fight some powerful beasts and unreasonable pollutants for some rare enhancement items."

"Not only that, he was also jealous of this person during the romantic occasion. He did not have the dignity that a princess should have."

"Whatever you did at that time, I didn't even bother to care about you."

"I think growing up will make you realize that your choice is naive and ridiculous."

"But I really didn't expect that after so many years of hard work, you would still regress into the unsatisfactory you you were before.

I originally thought that you were quiet and separated. I have never seen this person in front of me again. It was because you had given up your childishness. But now I see that you are basically hiding this person in the golden house.

, it is this deformed, childish and ridiculous love that has not been eliminated at all.”

"So my daughter, what do you want to do by bringing him here today? You just gave up this competition, and you just want me to give you the greatest blessing, right?"

The third princess thought that her mother would ask about the person next to her, but she never thought that his mother would ask such direct and merciless questions.

Under such direct questioning, no! Such direct questioning, he couldn't bear it anymore.

His mother is still the same strong and powerful person.

He was no longer the frail old man she saw lying on the bed dying a few days ago, as if he was about to leave this world at any time.

Yes. He admitted that he had some thoughts.

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