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1639 Wronged

 The third princess also felt very aggrieved.

"Why should I listen to you people?"

"Didn't you and your mother get together because of love? Since he loves you so much, go and persuade your mother to give me a happy and free love.

Didn't you say that as long as you have enough means and capture a man's heart, you can get everything you want?

I just followed my father's instructions and went after the person I loved the most. Why, now you are saying that I am wrong? It makes it seem like the education I received before was wrong."

These strong words almost made his father angry.

The two of them were now in a state where neither could convince the other. They were in a stalemate on the spot for a while, and the atmosphere was extremely weird.

The two princesses were busy wandering around among their friends, flying back and forth like butterflies.

Mai Fan was quite happy chatting with this little friend.

"Hey, since you said that the eldest princess's parents and father are still here, why didn't he receive an invitation to this party?"

"How should I explain this kind of thing? In fact, if I tell you the identity of his father, you will probably understand. The birth of the eldest princess is completely the product of cooperation. Her father is also a big boss in the planning area far away from us. Not far away, you know the science and technology zone next to the sea in the east, right? There is also a desert area in the west."

"The kind of place that is not conducive to human survival is the existence of a huge pasture that is divided into purification areas."

"The real person of power in that vast land and grassland is the father of our current eldest princess. Yes, he is so awesome."

"As for the eldest princess's father being unloved, that's for sure, because after the queen became pregnant, he was like a cloud, flinging his hands and leaving without any nostalgia."

"Now he is doing a great job in his own area. I heard it is very prosperous. How could he think that there is a daughter here who is fighting for inheritance rights in a small area?"

Is this what it was like? But Mai Fan was still a little strange.

"But, after all, they are a real father and daughter by blood. Hasn't the eldest daughter ever thought of writing to his father for help?"

The dog-leg thought for a moment and looked thoughtfully in the direction of the stairs where the Queen was about to appear.

"Although our area is not big, to be honest, it still plays a very important role as a strategic location. The reason why this small area is in the hands of a woman is that she is impartial and impartial. .Speak with strength and fairness.”

"When he joined forces with the eldest princess's father, it was a strategic alliance created to resist the wanton expansion of the east."

"Later, after the three parties signed an armistice agreement, this marriage relationship was actually dissolved very naturally."

"Later, even after the eldest daughter was born, he did not prefer the west side because of the birth of this daughter. The later queen fully demonstrated that she really did not have too many requirements for men.


"Don't you know, the second princess's father was picked up by the queen."

"No one knows where the father of the second princess came from and where he is going?"

"It's just that one day, when the queen went to patrol the territory, she picked up such a person. He was extremely pure and his abilities were not bad. But he seemed to have lost his memory. He didn't know anything about his life experience."

"If you don't know, you don't know. Anyway, in an area as big as ours, there's nothing wrong with raising such a person."

"In the beginning, the father of the second princess worked as a guard beside the queen."

"Then I waited on you and went to bed."

"Later, you also know that the second princess was born, and the two of them just lived together for a year or two, and then due to a sudden accident, the father of the second princess passed away."

"Maybe it was the excessive sadness that made the Queen feel knotted."

"If the queen is too focused on the second princess, she will always think of that person. When she thinks of that person, she will feel inexplicably sad. The queen will avoid seeing the daily life and daily life of the second princess.

Just ignore it, ignore it, and the second princess will slowly grow up."

"Of course, this process must not be so smooth. You think about a child who is ignored by his mother, the people around him will have their own calculations in their hearts. If even his mother neglects him in this way, then he will

Naturally, the servants around him and the guards who released him would not pay much attention to him."

"But our Highness has not grown crooked even in this environment."

"Do you know why a princess with his background can be surrounded by so many people? We just regarded him as an ordinary playmate at the beginning. After all, he seems to be the least promising one. But

It was during this process of getting along that we discovered that he is a sincere, life-loving, carefree person who is especially loyal to his friends."

"It is precisely because of his character that a group of us are willing to surround him and become his vassals."

"As for whether he can win the final victory in the end, and whether the throne is in his hands, we don't care."

"Everything we are doing now is just for the sake of friendship."

"It's a sincere help that is not mixed with any interests."

"And the Second Princess was able to find you and bring you into our camp, which is very gratifying for us."

"Whether you are sincere with him or it is just a temporary agreement, at least he has understood it and is not disgusted with you."

"And your origin is very similar to his father's. You are also so mysterious and powerful."

"We're not surprised at all that he chose you."

"Now that you have basically understood the situation of the three parties, you will definitely continue to ask, why is it that the eldest princess has the fewest people around her?"

"I'll answer this question directly for you."

"That's because the queen is not at ease with the power behind the eldest princess."

"Even though the eldest princess has the best background and the highest status, she has someone who is eyeing her. There is a conflict between the west and the east."

"If the eldest princess wins the final victory, then he must rely on his own strength to win the final victory of this war."

"Any cheating and unfair choices will be criticized by others, and will eventually become one of the reasons why the East or the West accuses him."

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