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1657 rich

"There is no suitable soil around, and the closest one is the family behind our eldest princess. This is also the reason why our queen married them in the first place.

However, the result of this reason did not meet expectations, because the cost of transporting these buildings was so high that we felt that after hiring these building races, there would still be a surplus.

Therefore, it is not cost-effective to use their building materials, and some people suggest going to polluted areas to try to use the soil there.

Later we discovered that the contaminated soil could indeed be used, but it had to face two big problems:

First, this part of the soil needs to undergo some evolutionary processing in the border area, which first requires a certain amount of money and time. Of course, the cost is still much cheaper than transporting materials from external places.

But if you add the human cost of digging out the soil from the contaminated area, then this is no longer cost-effective compared to buying and selling."

Having said this, the assistant's face showed an expression of compassion.

"Every time you want to dig out enough materials, you have to die. Too many people die.

The population in our purified area can’t stand it either.”

“In the end, these methods were all rejected by us.

Then the talents of the ethnic group were taken seriously by us, and then they were formally utilized."

"We provide them with corresponding help and protection. They have provided us with corresponding buildings and labor, and then we give them a certain amount of remuneration. Everyone is happy, so why not do it?"

"So don't think that the buildings here are wild and without any rules."

"It's amazing that they can spray-paint these buildings."

Well, Patience understands the significance of this race to this city, and naturally there is no need for him to question the rest.

And he found that this group of people were really willing to work and their work was extremely efficient. It only took about one day, and they basically built the whole stretch.

Since they employ a regular ethnic group, the materials they use are purchased through regular channels. After they leave, they can basically use them.

Next, there are some trivial matters that need to be dealt with, such as those illegal ethnic groups hired by illegal companies. The people in these ethnic groups are also from this ethnic group. Of course, they all belong to the irregular army of that ethnic group.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they belong to the kind of idle group.

There are also many black households among them who are not recognized by the ethnic group.

For example, some mixed-race people, or marginalized people with low talents and abilities.

When investigating and punishing those illegal businesses, the employees below naturally could not escape and were also taken to the police station. However, their treatment was not as good as those of the vendors. There was also a...

They were allowed to stay in the prison room, and the group of people were locked together with an iron chain in the backyard. It was open to the air and the four walls were leaky, but no one dared to escape.

Now that their tribesmen are here, no matter how marginalized they are, they belong to their tribe. Out of common practice, Mai Fan has to ask the other party if they want to take these people back.

Of course, don't expect to deduct money from these tribesmen, because they themselves belong to the working group.

Mai Fan is still needed to pay for their food, accommodation and transportation.

After the assistant explained these things to their leader, the leader's reaction was still great.

They noisily believed that these people were a disgrace to their ethnic group, and were not even willing to spend a little money to fish them out.

Mai Fan didn't expect this reaction.

The assistant on the edge gave him another answer that violated social rules.

"If we take them back, the people in the tribe will raise them. The prerequisite for raising them is that they need money and food. You also know that if their tribe has no money, they will go out to work. If they have money, they will

Go back and lie down on the bed to sleep. If there are so many more people to eat, their ethnic group's originally not very rich food will be even more unsatisfactory."

"So how much food do people of that ethnic group eat a day?"

Mai Fan really couldn't help but ask. You know, labor is very valuable everywhere, and Mai Fan has never seen such a waste of labor.

The captain here saw a big shot and interviewed him directly. He was still a little frightened.

When Mai Fan started to ask them how much food each person could eat in a day, the captain's expression became a little nervous.

"My lord, do you think we eat too much? No, in fact our appetite is very small. We only need to eat this much food a day."

Probably because he had never learned any formal mathematics, the other party only measured an approximate height. This height was calculated based on the volume of a uniform grain bag. When Mai Fan looked at it, hey, good guy, a large grain bag is about

It's about 50 kilograms. According to the other party's measurement, I eat at least 25 kilograms of food a day.

A normal adult man eats more than 25 pounds a day and has a lot to do. No wonder when they hear that there are some fringe people who are not very pure or not very physically strong, their expressions will be like this after they return to the group.

So painful and twisted.

Seeing that the other party was too nervous, Mai Fan quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, I didn't say that it was a bad thing for you to be able to eat. The amount of compensation we paid you in the employment agreement we signed was absolutely not

It will be deducted. I just want to ask you, how much can the remaining clan members eat, so that you are unwilling to accept them back into the clan?"

"Now I know, they did eat a little too much."

Actually it's not like this.

In order to prevent his tribe from being labeled as a loser, the captain still explained it.

"Sir, our appetite is actually quite flexible. If you look at the level of work we are doing today, we need this amount to ensure that we have the physical strength to continue the work."

"But if we don't have much work to do, we only need to eat about ten kilograms of food a day. And we don't require the purity of this food, nor do we require it to be

It must be an excellent crop."

"Ordinary whole grains, as long as they can meet our energy consumption."

It turned out to be like this. In this case, he would understand that those who could not do any physical work could only lie at home and sleep, but even if they slept, they would consume about ten kilograms of food a day.


Therefore, Mai Fan planned to go see those marginal construction workers in person.

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