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1672 Success

 "Not only did everyone successfully find him, but they also solved it very quickly, without getting rid of him before he caused more harm. This is particularly good."

"In order not to leave any sequelae, I suggest that everyone should stay away and let me check again to make sure that there is only one weird thing here. If I find another one,

That would be great fun. At the very least, we must ensure that we catch them all and clear the way for our future queen."

When Mai Fan said this, the people who had just helped Mai Fan clean up the bug all took two steps back.

This time, they no longer disliked Mai Fan for causing damage, but protected him very carefully so that he could have a quiet environment to check the instrument.

At this time, they completely regarded Mai Fan as one of their own, and expressed great praise and admiration for his abilities.

The area covered by this instrument was not small, but under the guidance of the diary, the inspection speed was also very fast. Mai Fan walked through it three times in total. After confirming that no fish had slipped through the net, he pointed at the underground inner altar.

The animal that had been hammered into pulp said.

"I don't know if you have done any research on this kind of weird thing here, or maybe someone knows this kind of thing. I suggest you take some specimens and send them to the hands of real confidants in the royal capital to find a talent in this field.

Research what this is."

"And judging from the inertia of being able to hide one here, this thing is very hidden in the early stage and is also easy to hide.

If you have buildings like this in the royal capital, or if you have collaborated on any common projects with that border area, I suggest you check them out.

Look at this time period and whether there are any strange things happening around here. If there are any strange things, I should have plenty of time recently. I wouldn't mind helping everyone make a trip to see if there is anything like this.

Something is hidden in it.”

"Since I have done it the first time, I am not afraid of doing it the second time. I am not afraid of retaliation. It is better to completely eliminate the hidden dangers and the people who do things should have a beginning and an end."

What Mai Fan said was so righteous. No one who came to the purification area had ever seen such a righteous person.

I didn’t know who was taking the lead, so I applauded him unconsciously.

After the applause ended, the second princess pulled Mai Fan into their conference hall and had a private conversation with him.

"Will this have any impact on the health of our queen, my mother?"

Mai Fan nodded and answered the second princess's question using the analysis given in his diary.

"Yes, the influence of this thing is actually very subtle, and it damages people's mental power without even realizing it. Is the queen like this? In the middle and later stages of the protective shield being raised, his mental power will no longer be there.

It grows, and is accompanied by headaches, and then a schizophrenic feeling that always leads to hallucinations.”

"That's because in the early stages of growth, this thing only absorbs the energy that escapes, but after it reaches its middle and later stages, its mental power will also actively connect to the mental power of the person who provides it with energy.

Among them, it will cause damage to its roots, because only a small amount of energy can no longer satisfy its continued growth, so it will use other methods to supplement the energy it needs for growth."

"And the unlucky person who provided him with early energy became his target."

"Since the intrusion of mental power is very subtle and not known to outsiders, it is reasonable for the Queen not to notice it."

Upon hearing this, the second princess was really anxious. The relationship between her and his mother was much better than what outsiders saw.

"Then is there any way to cure my mother?"

Mai Fan acted much calmer: "Actually, have you ever thought about it, if you don't need to overdraw, or if you don't need to continue to be sucked by others? Will the Queen's mental power slowly recover?"

"There is a certain amount of damage today, and the speed of recovery is slow, but he is always developing for the better."

"As long as the injured person does not have any great joy, sorrow or extremely angry things to stimulate him, his mental strength will gradually improve, and eventually he will be no different from a normal person."

"Also, as it slowly improves, the queen's stagnant level of ability will also improve with the improvement. Maybe after a certain breakthrough, the queen's mental power will completely return to normal. It is not impossible.

Things that happened."

In other words, as long as this scourge is eliminated and the protective shield is no longer overdrawn, the Queen's situation will be better than before.

The second princess originally had a smile on her face, but when she thought that the culprit of why his mother was almost critically ill a while ago turned out to be such an insidious thing, his face fell again.

"I must write a letter about this matter immediately and send it to my mother."

"Let him know who is responsible for his current physical condition. The culprit is my good sister's father."

"This kind of evidence must be in the hands of my mother and I. If there is any change on the side of the eldest princess, this bomb-like conspiracy will be thrown out. He and the forces behind him will die without a burial place."

Well, don't tell me, an outsider, this kind of thing, but Mai Fan still calmly nodded to the second princess.

Next, the second princess made another small request.

"I can't leave the border yet, but I hope you can agree to a condition for me. Of course, if you need anything, I will try my best to satisfy you. I will pay you the reward you want in the way you need.

.If you could, you would move the entire Basque family’s wealth away, and I wouldn’t say anything.”

This is not the case, Mai Fan also knows what the other party wants it to do.

"I know what you are thinking. Don't worry, I will re-check this area of ​​the border to make sure there are no such hidden things. Friends, after that, I will return to the Kingdom and check again in the Queen's Palace.

But the premise is that the queen must trust me and give me this right."

The second princess nodded.

"I know, I will tell my mother about this."

At this point, Mai Fan said jokingly: "Then you are not afraid? I am the second king, and my father also puts something in the queen's palace?"

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