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1690 Heir

 The servants who had received the order retired.

The man from the West sat back in his seat with satisfaction and put this important invitation away.

This is one the Queen wants feedback from.

As for the invitations sent to other places, no matter what they think in their hearts, every family member has expressed their respect and recognition for the queen. They all promise that you will attend the succession ceremony of the new heir on time at the precise and stipulated time.

It seems that a lively celebration is about to be held in the central planning area.

After another two or three days, the messengers all returned to the royal capital.

They returned to the palace at their own speed and reported to the queen on the specific matters involved in sending the invitation.

The queen treated them all equally, except for the last one who came back, that special messenger from the west. He was left in the palace by the queen and had a private conversation.

The thing inside his body is still there, but the queen is not kind enough to take it out, because this man cannot die yet, and he will need to do a lot of things later.

As soon as he returned, he was taken by several guards to the cell where he was supposed to be kept.

To be honest, before he went to deliver the letter, his treatment had actually eased and developed in a good direction. But after delivering the letter, the Queen's attitude towards him became much worse.

The reason is that his little thoughts were discovered.

He himself probably never thought that such a thing would be implanted in his body by the Queen. All his thoughts and actions were fed back to the Queen's executor, giving him what he wanted almost simultaneously.

Thoughts of betrayal.

Of course we will not be tolerant of such a ungrateful person.

The next step is to take a look at the current situation of the eldest princess.

This heir, who was heartbroken and had no desire to live after being tortured by his mother, now lives in the most gorgeous palace in the palace and enjoys the best services.

The ultimate purpose of doing this was to allow him to take a look at his father and wait for the arrival of the man they had set up an ambush to give him a good look.

After arriving, there were many things that needed to be resolved personally between father and daughter.

This is the queen's last love for her daughter, and it is also a way to fulfill her daughter's last wish.

His body is now collapsing rapidly.

Its own level cannot be restored. The various damages caused by the broken body.

His level is gradually weakening in a very fast way.

I hope that when the man arrives, my daughter will not look so embarrassed, thus arousing more suspicion.

Busy time always passes quickly, and the party preparing for the celebration is the busiest. Because the time is very tight, everyone in the entire royal capital is in motion.

Everyone was so happy that they didn't care how many spies were here to find out the news.

They only knew that their new heir was about to take over. The queen showed great trust and recognition to this confident adult.

It was also at this time that Mai Fan discovered that the reputation of the Second Princess in the capital was much better than Taiyang had imagined.

While he was appraising the seventh and eighth warehouses, the Second Princess only sent people over to meet with him once.

When the two met, they actually had nothing to say, except that the other party expressed their gratitude to him.

He thanked Mai Fan for helping him with some trivial tasks, and promised that he would never treat Mai Fan badly after he succeeded to the throne.

In the blink of an eye, the day of the celebration arrived, and it was so lively.

Since the celebration was held at night, the invited forces from all parties basically entered the royal capital during the day or in the morning.

After all, in this world, it seems that there is no big friction between various regions, but in fact, it is unknown what is going on in the heart.

Of course, among them was the eldest princess's father, the man from the west.

Because he had a very special relationship with the queen, after his arrival, he was introduced to the palace by the queen's envoy and met the supreme ruler of the area in advance.

The meeting between two people is very private, and there is no visible protection around them.

They spent a tender morning in the Queen's back garden.

Just like the night they first met, the atmosphere was good and full of laughter.

The man marveled that the woman was as beautiful as when he first met her.

The style in it is unmatched by any woman in his harem.

Yes, because other women are wrapped around him like dodder flowers, relying on him for their lives.

Only this woman is strong enough to keep pace with him. She is never afraid of his ability and his power.

In his opinion, the fact that such a woman can give birth to offspring for him shows that she absolutely loves him.

One can imagine the status of a woman who has no plans in his mind.

After so many years, he still has the same style, which makes the image he once beautified in his mind even more full.

Seeing each other again not only did not extinguish his longing for her, but instead aroused his past love for her.

This man from the west began to hesitate a little, thinking that while he was seizing power, he could also let this woman go.

Later, he thought that maybe he should secretly follow her to the programming, and when her mental power was completely exhausted and her life was about to hang on by a thread, he would take action to rescue her.

When this woman's ability disappears and she becomes an ordinary person, can she completely rely on him, be grateful to him, and be devoted to him?

Although this method is a bit troublesome and despicable, if it is this queen, it is still worth it.

After just one morning's interview, this man was ready to rearrange his plan.

Of course, to see if this plan can be implemented, he still needs to meet his daughter, his biological daughter, to see his current situation and whether the situation here is as true as he knows.

After the two had lunch together, the man politely asked to see his daughter, and the Queen politely agreed to the request.

After the eldest princess took a sufficient rest, that is, in the afternoon, the man was led to the most luxurious room in the palace.

This is the first time in nearly 20 years that this man has seen the bloodline between her and the Queen. Before this, he had maintained contact with his daughter through correspondence.

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