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1730 Skins

 "The defense level of the surface layer of the skin is about ten times that of ordinary people."

"It's as thick as cowhide, but tougher than cowhide."

This is the information that the mechanical wasp's tail needle feeds back to its owner through the sensor at the bottom of the tail needle after it penetrates the skin.

Now the basic information has almost been checked.

At this time, this member of the mechanical team wanted to summon his robots and mechanical bees back.

But how could a stung zombie allow his enemy to retreat so easily?

So the footage from the sensor showed Mai Fan and his team the following scene.

This is equivalent to a small group of ten zombies starting a crazy pursuit of these mechanical bodies.

There seems to be something similar to the loss of the captain's identity, and there is also a very vulgar detection of the surroundings of these mechanical bodies.

Through the retreating trajectory of the machine and a certain special smell on the machine, they instantly locked onto the general direction of the person controlling the machine.

Through their red eyes and the instinctive expression of tilting their heads slightly, Mai Fan and the others knew that there was a high probability that they would be discovered by the zombie squad.

But it doesn't matter. Although the level of these zombies is high, their number is not large.

As they advanced, everyone also discovered a pattern of decreasing data during advancement.

The most basic and weakest zombie group they encountered was almost a hundred.

Then the second wave, the third wave, and even the current wave of elite zombies they encountered, the number each time was basically about half of the zombies they encountered last time.

It's strange that I played alone, but the volume was too small.

During the pursuit, the mechanical brother's two robots and dozens of mechanical bees were all killed by these zombies.

Every time he loses a mechanical body, the elder brother's face will feel a burst of physical pain.

Don't look at it. These reconnaissance machines he released are just the most basic mechanical tools.

But out of an inexplicable feeling of pity for the same kind, this member was very angry about the loss of his mechanical body.

Then wait until these zombies run into their sight.

This cyborg member made a very interesting suggestion to Mai Fan and others.

"Leave this wave of zombies to me alone. I don't like them."

Of course, Mai Fan and the others would not refuse such a reasonable request.

Then the big brother rushed towards the battlefield with a roar.

In full view of the crowd, it transformed into a Megatron, with full firepower, and started shooting at the zombies.

The scene was terrible for a while.

Those elite zombies that have evolved to level two or three are nothing in front of the moving war fortress.

After the tongues of fire spit out wildly for a while, there was only smoke, brass bullet casings and the corpses of zombies lying on the ground on the entire battlefield.

This big brother, who is always smiling and full of charity, is simply the best example of how people should not be judged by their appearance.

After the eldest brother's blue eyes flashed three times, she transformed from a huge war fortress into a very normal human body shape.

At this time, he looked at the battlefield again, probably feeling that the noise he had made was too big, so he groped his furry head with some embarrassment.

He turned around and smiled honestly at his friends: "You didn't scare your new friends, did you?"

Mai Fan Golden Retriever and Master Zhishan nodded somewhat mechanically.

Only little girls can believe in contrasting cuteness.

Anyone who saw the mechanical monster just now will never be able to associate it with the honest face of the elder brother.

But surprise is a surprise, someone still has to do what needs to be done.

The war analysts in the team once again went to the battlefield.

This time, his research took a little longer.

Because it is true that these elite zombies have four pieces missing from their brains, but they have an extra piece elsewhere.

The man used a small mechanical tweezers to carefully pull out a chip the size of a crystal grain from the folds of the zombie's cerebral cortex.

The analysis of this chip needs to be carried out by professionals.

At this time, he handed it over to his old friend.

The cyborg that had just restored itself to human form.

You know, this place is not just a place of action for violence and war, high technology is also part of the technological machinery.

In the same way, this honest and honest uncle is not a tough guy without brains.

Maybe he can't analyze what this is with his human brain, but if he uses his own set of intelligent brains that are exchanged in the high-tech world, it will be no problem to crudely analyze the function of this chip.


Everyone temporarily stopped moving forward, intending to study the situation here before moving forward. After all, the information they received now was a bit shocking to them. Whether they just encountered zombies on the road ahead has become a mystery.

It can be known.

This intelligent brain is indeed the most advanced device in mechanical equipment. After about half an hour, the intelligent brain gave a basic analysis.

The results of the analysis are not very optimistic, and can even be said to be a very bad thing.

Because they discovered that such a sophisticated chip did not exist alone, but was actually produced in batches, because a very identifying number was found among the chips collected by Intelligent Brain.

f-2416 f-2417

The complete chips that this team can collect can be concluded. These things in their brains all have the same batch.

The situation is not good.

"Should we continue searching?"

"Of course, we must not only continue the search, but also expand the scale. Not only must we look for obvious markers on the surface, but we may even look for those unknown and more powerful existences underground or even in the sky."

To be honest, no one in Mai Fan's team felt scared when faced with such a strange situation.

Not to mention they were scared, the robot and the two team members who specialized in analyzing the scene even showed inexplicable excitement.

How great. I originally thought it was a messy area that existed only by force. I didn't expect there to be such a high-tech hidden boss in it. For these people, it was really the most exciting thing for them.

During the rest of the trip, Mai Fan could clearly feel how happy his group members were.

Not only were more high-tech exploration instruments released that he had never seen before, but some people even sang incomprehensible and cheerful tunes.

Because they attached great importance to this area, it didn't take long for them to discover the fifth wave, which made them even more sure that this world was not a simple zombie.

This chapter has been completed!
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