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1746 Scream

 If the guess is correct, he was responsible for building the initial prototype of this base. As for his ultimate goal of building this base, he developed his own kind and studied their evolution.

At this time, the machine began to rotate.

The experimental subjects in the six boxes screamed in pain.

As their screams grew louder, an almost pure liquid poured out of the box and was poured through the pipe into the central glass cover.

The milky white zombie standing in the middle of the glass cover was completely wrapped.

This is just like astronauts who need to travel long distances in the universe. They need to spend a long time traveling in a nutrition cabin.

Now in the center, the so-called Creator God is bathing in the same kind of liquid, absorbing the nutrients they contributed.

While he was concentrating on absorbing these nutrients, as his most loyal henchman, the one who had evolved into an eighth-level zombie. The staff stood outside the transparent glass cover and told the results of their efforts like a treasure.

"My master's requirements for losing levels are getting higher and higher."

"But don't worry, I will serve my gods despite all difficulties."

"Don't worry, aren't they just zombies above level six?"

"After the popularization of mass manufacturing technology, listings of Level 6 and above can be easily launched."

"Great God, your strength will become stronger and stronger, and the level of food you need will become more and more advanced."

"I just hope that your upgrade speed will not exceed my research and development speed. At least the number of level seven zombies cannot meet your current needs."

"Sooner or later, my seven-level triggering process will become increasingly mature."

"At that time, I will offer higher-level food to the gods for you to absorb and evolve."

"It doesn't matter if you can't wait for that day."

"I will serve as your last reserve food and will always be here waiting for you, waiting for your arrival."

But no, as the most advanced zombie in this base so far, if the main god upgrades faster and faster, and he cannot provide so many seventh-level evolved zombies, the final result will be that he will also be eaten by it.

Devoured by the released Lord God.

This matter was figured out so easily. The only thing that makes people feel a little ridiculous is that the selection and evolution of zombies at this level, the experimental subjects in that small base that were regarded as the ultimate goal... turned out to be nothing more than

It is fodder for their superiors to serve the gods.

I wonder how the zombie who sacrificed his life for a lifelong goal would feel after knowing the true result?

In short, everything was figured out, and Mai Fan and the others heard some incredible news while this so-called divine zombie was eating.

"I feel that my time of consummation is just around the corner."

"Once I achieve my goal, I will return to the realm of God."

"As my rear, this is the most important place."

"On the day I leave, I will leave everything here to you, and you will take care of my territory for me."

"Once something happens to me in the God's Domain, I will at least have a chance to return here."

"I hope you don't disappoint me."

Being able to receive such an important task made this so-called assistant to God extremely excited.

What made him even more excited was that the god he worshiped actually told him that he would be able to return to the divine realm soon.

This is why he worshiped this god in the first place.

When he was created, he discovered this area, and learned about this world, the final result was one that made him feel cold and unwilling.

Because this area looks big, but is actually very small.

He knew that he was locked in a large, square box, with all sides densely sealed and unable to explore.

The world he lives in is probably not the kind of free-roaming world he imagined.

He firmly believes that there must be a way and opportunity to get out from here and see the real world.

And the god who created it told him that this day is not far away.

How could this not make this very smart zombie very excited?

Even if Ten people told him that he was leaving soon and had no intention of taking him away, he was still very grateful and willing to dedicate his life to them.

Because as soon as the gods leave here, he will have a way to find a way for the gods to leave.

When the time comes, he will follow the way the gods left. Isn't it a hopeful and simple thing to find a way to get out from here and see the outside world?

It was with this intention in mind that he worked hard to serve this god.

Now everything is as she imagined, and the dawn is just ahead.

But at this time, Mai Fan and the others discovered something amazing.

Since the six big boxes are connected to the central body, the function of the pipe is to turn these six experimental bodies into nutrient solution and infuse it into the gods in the central body.

So the zombies in the box had their bodies melted away by a strange gas.

After it is dissolved into absorbable mucus, it is then instilled into the central glass cover through this pipe.

The sample body that Mai Fan and the others used to transport the small robot was also dissolved into mucus.

Those robots under the surface of the skin were actually transported into the pipeline along with those experiences.

It's not that these robots are out of control, nor that they don't give instructions to make them struggle.

The most important thing is that the suction force in these experimental boxes is too strong.

They didn't even give these robots time to give feedback instructions. They were caught off guard and in the blink of an eye, they were transported along the track into the main glass cover.

Good home fire, at this time, the micro robots began to approach the so-called god in a spiraling state inside the glass cover.

As an evolved zombie that can absorb these liquids on its body surface, it mainly absorbs these nutrients through its skin opening.

When its skin opens, a strong suction force similar to water absorption will suck these viscous nutrient solutions under its skin and into its body.

When the robots entered the main glass cover, they tried to resist, but they were as powerless as duckweeds in the whirlpool.

With a swish, he was sucked into the body of this so-called god.

"I've been in trouble, what should I do now?"

"We won't be discovered, right? If we are discovered, they won't be able to find where we are hiding now, right? Even if we find the hiding place, can't we defeat him?"

Everyone began to get nervous, and Mai Fan's teammates began to inquire about the power that zombies would have after reaching their highest evolutionary level.

This chapter has been completed!
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