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1755 representatives

 When everyone was dubious, they planned to elect a representative to go out and try to see if humans would also be among the exempted groups...

Suddenly, the mechanical spider responsible for monitoring that world sent over a warning video.

The moment he received this video, the mechanical member summoned all his mechanical organisms back.

Then the instruction he gave to the mechanical spider was to become invisible. He carefully hid himself and continued to pass on the scene at that time.

So, what kind of pictures did the mechanical spider feed back?

It turns out that there are actually people in that world.

And two of them came at once. Their goals were very clear, and they walked towards the exit where the zombie came out.

Although Mai Fan and the others did not go out, for some reason, everyone held their breath in unison and hid their bodies even more concealed so that no movement would be made.

The two people walked slowly, and their figures on the screen became increasingly clear.

By the time they were only a few meters away from the cave entrance, everyone could basically tell what these two people looked like.

However, after these two people arrived, everyone was a little stunned by their clothing and appearance.

The two people who walked over turned out to be two young men dressed as Taoist priests.

He looked young, with his hair tied into a single curly bun on the back of his head, and holding a closely related prop in his hand.

A little Taoist priest was holding a leather bag-like bag in his hand.

On the other side of the path, there was a sword in his hand, plus a piece of silk thread that he didn't know what it was used for.

They wandered to the exit at this time as if they were looking for something.

When they came forward and saw the zombie wandering around, the eyes of the two little Taoist priests began to light up.

"Senior brother, you have gained something this time."

"Junior brother, I saw it. Let me test his level first."

Then I saw the little Taoist priest, who was called Senior Brother, holding out two fingers and twisting a magic formula.

A green light emitted from between his fingers and hit the zombie assistant directly.

I knew that the green light instantly enveloped the zombie's whole body, and soon it disappeared as if it had been absorbed by the zombie.

These two little Taoist priests did not feel nervous at all as their spells were not working. They were smiling as if they were waiting for something.

Sure enough, not long after, a green light flew out from the zombie's Heavenly Spirit Cap, and then fell back to the two fingers of the little Taoist priest.

"Brother, how are you doing?"

The senior brother was quite patient: "Junior brother, the zombies this time are not at a high level, but they are getting better."

"When we capture him and bring him to the Taoist temple for training, he will be a great help to us in a short time."

Hearing this news, this junior fellow apprentice was very happy. You must know that the base of their Taoist temple is this corpse-raising place that can naturally generate zombies.

At one time, their Taoist temple was one of the most prosperous Taoist temples nearby.

It depends on the zombies that pop up here from time to time and have good intelligence levels.

It's just that in recent years, this health-preserving place seems to have been exhausted, and no new zombies have been raised for many years.

If they had not conquered a large number of zombies and had already raised two gold-level zombies as treasures of the Taoist temple, the future of their gym would have been very bad.

Today is their patrol duty, and what they have to do is to conduct routine patrols in this place where corpses are raised.

Originally, they didn't expect to find new zombies during this patrol.

But I really didn't expect that after so many years of no zombies, they would encounter a new one again.

"Quickly, senior brother, why are you hesitating? Quickly capture him and hand him over to the master. The master will definitely remember our contribution and make a note of it for us."

"I only got a basic level of zombie control a while ago. The masters behind me always thought that we didn't have any tools for practice and were too lazy to teach us."

"Now that we have caught the new zombies, we have a training target."

"Master is also motivated to teach us."

The little Taoist priest's senior brother was also very happy. He nodded and unfolded the pocket in his hand.

"You and I will skim the formation here and wait for me to capture it and deliver it to the master together."

The junior brother said hello and took a whisk and carefully observed the surroundings.

And the senior brother did have two brushes in his hands. He threw the bag in his hand, and the bag actually grew in the wind, turning into a flour bag three times as big, heading towards the man who had lost his IQ and level.

The zombies loomed over their heads.

Snap, the bag was buttoned straight down, covering the zombie completely.

This zombie, who had the intelligence of a two- or three-year-old child, suddenly lost his vision.

This sudden situation made him panic, and he started to run rampant in the pocket, but he couldn't see the way clearly. When he was anxious, he stumbled and the whole zombie rolled to the ground together with the pocket.

"good chance."

At this, the little senior brother took the silk thread in his hand and flew to the opening of the pocket, and tied the entire pocket tightly with two brushes.

After doing all this, no matter how strong the zombie in the pocket is, it seems that it can't break free from the closed pocket, and can only helplessly flop around in the whole bag.

"It's done, junior brother, let's search along the route again, and after confirming that there are no new zombies being generated here, we can go back and give the good news to the master."

At this time, the younger brother also came over, with a smile on his face. He helped lend a hand and put the bag on his shoulder.

In order to reduce the workload of the senior brother, the younger brother volunteered and started running forward. In fact, it didn't take long for them to complete the tour of the mountains covered by their Taoist temples.

After the two of them confirmed that there was only one zombie around, they started to jump back towards the Taoist temple.

It's just that they didn't realize that there were several living people lying under the mouth of the zombie crawling out.

Mai Fan and the others have seen everything outside through the feedback from the mechanical spider.

They finally understood some partial logic in this world.

It seems that this is a story between Taoist temples and zombies.

Just like the generation of zombies in the previous area relies on the continuous supply of martial arts people from the martial arts world.

In this world, these zombies replenish zombie materials for them.

The cutoff of living resources in the previous world is very similar to the cutoff of zombie resources in this world.

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