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1782 Not afraid

 The result turned out to be the opposite. Not only were everyone not afraid, but they rushed forward happily with their tools, fearing that if one of them rushed too late, they would not be able to grab the ownership of the zombie.

Look behind you at the advancing team, then look forward at the number of zombies rushing towards you.

If the people behind him really seem to have a way of dealing with them, then the number of zombies rushing over now is really not enough for the people behind him.

There were seven or eight zombies rushing over in the first wave, followed by only about a dozen, and the total number may not exceed 30.

However, the number of residents in the town who followed Mai Fan to eliminate hidden dangers in the town already exceeded a hundred.

If you look at it this way, it really feels like a first-come-first-served basis.

Mai Fan's position is a bit too sensitive now, because he is right behind the two shop owners, but they do not intend to participate in this zombie siege.

Then, their team's position was gradually pushed from the position of almost the vanguard to the back end of the crowd.

The big guy was happy to make way for the people behind him, and while giving way, he kept looking forward, saying he wanted to see how the people in the town exterminated these zombies.

In order to watch the excitement and not think it was a big deal, a few people climbed up on a big rock and watched from a high position as the group of people encircled and suppressed these zombies.

As the owners of two stores, their vision is certainly not that low, but the employees under them are indeed willing to get involved, and these two people do not stop them, they just stand to one side and watch the people below doing it.

Then, like a unified command, this group of people threw their ink-stained fighting lines directly at the group of zombies.

And his companion, as if he had cooperated a thousand times, let the thread wrap around the zombie's body, and then the companion at the other end connected the ink fountain on the other side.

People on both sides pulled it in opposite directions, and the ink pipe collapsed on the zombie's body.

A small piece of wire immediately restricted the zombie's activities to the greatest extent.

If the opponent's mobility is hindered, he will no longer have the momentum to pounce.

As the saying goes, if you make a mistake, you will make a mistake. As soon as the two cooperating people saw that the situation was good, they immediately ran in the direction of the other party. Another thread appeared in their hands, and they ran and threw it out.


When the two people exchanged positions in opposite directions, they had another thread in their hands, hanging on the other torso of the zombie, and that part was controlled by the other party.

When one leg and one arm of a zombie can no longer move, its mobility is basically controlled.

How can two people who have already captured each other's actions give him a chance to struggle? In something like this, after two back and forths, a zombie with four strings pinched is like a zombie that has been trapped.

The pigs on the rack are waiting for others to put them on with poles and then carry them away.

The zombies here were so happy that they were done. The zombie who couldn't move had no choice but to let the other party tie him up tightly with a thicker hemp rope.

Under absolute control, an ordinary hemp rope can take away such a zombie. Of course, in order to prevent him from escaping midway, the two people also posted a immobilization charm on the zombie's forehead.

This picture is an ordinary yellow paper. After the cinnabar is written by a special Taoist priest, it is pasted on the forehead of the zombie to achieve the effect of fixing the opponent's mind and actions.

Under the influence of this triple tool, the zombie became completely rigid. Just like the zombies seen in many zombie movies, they were clinging to their clothes, wearing tattered robes, and their hands were straight.

Lift it up and stay still.

"Haha, I'll admit it, I'll admit it."

The two brothers who were the first to capture a zombie bowed their hands to the people around them. This means that they were the first to gain something. No matter what the subsequent harvest was, the zombie's ownership rights

There is no objection anymore.

The success of these two people inspired the friends who came with them.

They really crossed the sea from all directions, each showing their own abilities, and instantly broke up the entire zombie team. In a cutting method, several people surrounded a zombie, tore it apart and beat it violently.

People like Mai Fan who were watching the show were shocked and highly recognized his cruel methods.

The most important thing is that there are more than one group of people surrounding the zombies, and everyone wants to take them down first. This causes the zombies to deal with three or four waves of high-dimensional attacks at the same time.

And in the end, whoever inflicts the highest damage to the zombie and has the fastest hands will gain ownership of the zombie.

In the end, when the person who owned the zombie took back his achievements, he was still shaking his head at its state.

From this we can see that a zombie that was originally worth ten cents is only worth five or six cents after being severely beaten.

Some people even yelled loudly to stop the group fight and asked their companions to be gentler, so as not to recover a broken zombie that would be worthless. How could they carry out secondary processing and buy and sell?

Mai Fan didn't watch such a good show for long.

Because of the numbers, the battle was one-sided and ended quickly.

Several people stood up and patted the dust on their bodies. The people over there began to clean the battlefield meticulously and store the zombies they obtained in an orderly manner.

Their sealing methods are also very streamlined. Everyone carries several empty coffins with them. Those who have gained something on this trip open these coffins with smiles on their faces and stuff the zombies they harvested into the coffins one after another.

Most of these coffins are made by ourselves. The mountains behind Yunzhong Temple and the rows of willow trees are the best materials for making coffin boards.

They even sell this kind of raw material here, transporting it to the mountains in batches for use by most people in the area.

So it is not difficult for people to carry a coffin on their hands.

For them, this is a necessary tool for catching zombies, because after catching them, they must be sealed inside. The coffin is just a bigger tool and is no different from other tools.

So everyone took a short break here, and when they were wondering if they should rest for a while before moving on, the real masters of these zombies had already appeared angrily.


A huge roar came from the cracks in the valley.

As the man behind the Bone Stork Zombie, he felt that all his methods had lost contact with his spiritual chain.

This means that all of my external means have no effect.

This chapter has been completed!
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