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1803 Strange Things

 But it didn’t take long for the really weird things to happen.

First, the same red spots appeared in the grass, and then there was an endless stream of such red spots farther away, rushing towards them.

And they seemed to have some kind of radar on them. No matter which direction they evaded, they could not avoid the pursuit of these little red things.

If you can't hide, then kill as many as you come!

With this idea in mind, this group of people began to rush towards Lianyun City quickly while killing the insects that tried to get close to them or tried to attack them.

But what happened next greatly exceeded their expectations.

The attack intensity of bugs was one thing, but when these bugs reached a certain scale, they found that these bugs had some kind of increase.

It's like facing only one weird bug. An ordinary guard can basically kill it in three or two hits. But when two bugs appear in front of them, no matter the attack power, speed or self-defense ability,

More than twice the size of a small insect.

And when three, four, or five are put together, it is far from being as simple as doubling.

When they formed a large-scale insect swarm, these guards found that they could no longer resist the attacks of the insects.

At this time, there is only one way they can face.

That is a crazy escape, as fast as you can.

Then in the process of frantic escape, attrition occurred.

The weakest ones who cannot resist will bear the brunt and become the victims.

When it comes to truly threatening their own lives, how can these guards take care of the goods they transport and the people who need to be protected?

There is only one thing they think about, and that is to save their own lives first.

Just like a transport body like a mountain peak, he made a prompt decision and immediately unloaded his belongings.

They straightened up the cargo and shook it off their bodies. Then, after changing their body shapes into the most suitable state for escape, they fled towards Lianyun City.

As for the safety of the goods on their backs or the people on their backs, if the ball is gone, they will not survive, so who cares about the quality of these things?

It is said that they signed a contract with themselves, so how much is the shipping fee they paid after signing the contract? Can they buy their own lives?

Unless a life and death agreement is signed, these people will only care about transportation and nothing else.

They ran away, but they pitied the goods and ordinary people who were thrown on the ground.

These ordinary people can be considered obedient, knowing that they do not have the ability to run as fast as those monsters, so they just huddle in their shells and wait for their subsequent fate.

Many of them still have this mentality, thinking that they did not kill this insect-like monster by themselves, and maybe they just chased and bit the culprit.

It's a pity that these weird things don't have any precise targets. They just feel that their companions have been killed by this group.

As for revenge, in fact, there is no such thing. It is just a signal for them to hunt.

These bugs usually don't gather in large groups to hunt like they did today. After all, the monsters in this area are independent individuals, and there is nothing worth their effort to gather together and launch a general attack.

Only when the corpses of their companions clearly emit a misleading signal that this is a giant enemy... will they gather together to deal with the giant enemy together.

Because they know that the larger the enemy is, the more energy and gains they will gain.

After gathering together, they became even more excited when they found out that they were dealing with another group of ethnic groups that had gathered together.

Because the gathering of communities means competition for territory, they are the only species in this area that have formed colonies to reproduce.

Now a strange new ethnic group has suddenly appeared. Old occupiers like them will never allow these new ethnic groups to challenge their lordship here.

Therefore, Shanfeng and others were pursued so fiercely.

Therefore, humans who were still lucky and did not resist became their first targets.

The strength of those protective shields is as strong as paper. At first, a small insect could chew through its side shields, but now there are at least dozens of them densely packed together. It only takes an instant for the entire protective shield to be destroyed.

The side protective shield was melted by them.

As for the fate of this group of people after they are melted, it is easy to imagine that they are basically defenseless.

It's not like they didn't try to resist before they died, but with the way humans struggled, they couldn't even break the shells on these little monsters. In the end, they could only scream and be thrown by these things, like

Their protective shields were also crumpled into a ball of mud.

It's just that this group of monsters are quite picky. Even if they kill the enemies that cause some small obstruction to them, there are basically no ones who actually bite people.

Because the energy of the human body is so low that it is worse than the mud under their feet.

They just disdainfully kill the people who tried to obstruct it.

The ultimate targets of this group of little monsters have always been the bodyguards of the escort bureau and the monsters responsible for transportation who run very fast and basically disappear.

As for the current unhurried pace, it is because they are very confident in their tracking level and the speed of pursuit.

The obstacles in front were eliminated, and what was left was an all-out pursuit.

The guards of the escort agency and the transporters like Shanfeng were glad that they were running fast enough, but they heard the frightening rustling sound coming from behind them.

"Damn it, why are they running so fast?"

One of the bodyguards who was better at speed turned around and saw that their subsequent escape was basically a useless struggle.

Those red currents seemed to teleport, and in just a blink of an eye, they narrowed the distance to them by nearly 100 meters through high-speed propulsion.

If they continue like this, within a few minutes, they will face an enemy attack from behind.

Now that we know that escaping is useless, there is only one way left.

Only by building the strongest defensive shield and giving the oncoming enemy a head-on blow, using absolute strength to carve out a bloody path for yourself, or by wiping out most of the opponent's clansmen, can you win a chance of survival for yourself.

This suggestion has been recognized by most people in this industry.

Set a small goal first, such as remembering in 1 second: Shukeju

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