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1847 Strength

"I don't know what those flower monks were doing on the other side. The monks they sent out did not return with any of them. Instead, they attracted a group of bigger and stronger abyss monsters to crawl out of the hole.

come over."

"Not only is the supply endless, but the strength is even stronger."

"The monks of Jinguang Temple were able to resist the invasion from the opposite side at first, but later on, the entire personnel of Jinguang Temple were overwhelmed by the monster swarm."

"We have also sent some people here for reinforcements, including people from Zombie Correction and Sword Immortal. But without exception, when we got near their area, we found that there was a strange mucous membrane preventing us from getting closer."

"It's not that the mucous membrane can't be penetrated, but everyone found that all their abilities disappeared in the middle of that mucous membrane."

"No one does not cherish his own life, and everyone found that the most hated object of those monsters is the monk who is still alive in Jinguangsi."

"Only when I realized that I couldn't help the other party, those who rushed to help quickly retreated. Including the advance team sent by the Lord of our Ghostland City."

"Although the influence of our soul body is not as great as that of those with flesh and blood, its own abilities have also been weakened."

"Demon Suppression Museum"

"Probably they can exert half of their normal strength. And the manpower we sent out, after losing half of their strength, is no match for the endless stream of people on the opposite side who blame me."

"Thankfully, after we exited from inside, those monsters stopped chasing us. Otherwise, everyone would basically be wiped out in that layer of mucous membrane."

"It's been about a year since the last time we sent reinforcements."

"And when our large forces retreated, Jinguang Temple was only surrounded by those monsters. The monks in the temple could continue to send us signals for help."

"A year has passed since they were alive. I really don't know if there are still living monks in that dark temple full of monsters."

"There have been several signals coming from there intermittently over the years, but not once in recent months."

"The city lord of the ghost city believes that all the monks in the temple should have been wiped out by the weird monsters outside."

"It is precisely because you saw the power of these monsters that you prompted our city lord to improve his abilities."

"We don't resent him at all, because we know that if he is not strong enough, then the National City, as the city closest to that area, will most likely become the next place where those monsters will be involved."

"And once we are eroded by these monsters, we people will most likely not be as useful as the monks in the temple."

"When the time comes, not to mention the living people, even us ghosts who are not controlled by the Yin and Yang world will probably not benefit from it."

"That's where it all started and where it all started."

"Okay, I've already done this, and you will take care of the rest below."

The Supreme Master got the answer he wanted, and after hearing the cause of the incident, he fell silent.

But what Mai Fan was thinking about was the next area they went to after passing through the Ghost City. Isn't it the location of the Golden Light Temple?

How will they get around this area at that time, will they encounter it during the shuttle process, and will they be in great danger if they encounter it? This has become unknown.

It seemed that the next journey was more difficult than he imagined.

Before Mai Fan could think clearly, Golden Retriever suddenly said something to the poor transparent body.

"I don't mind if you absorb my energy again. In fact, you have no idea how thick my blood is."

"You don't seem to be in a good situation. Don't think about it. I just think you were a little merciful to me the first and second time. I really can't stand it and think you are too pitiful.


Mai Fan really didn't expect that the golden retriever he knew was so timid, but he would be so brave at this time.

Things like energy and energy belong to the Golden Retriever. Mai Fan has no right to interfere with what he wants to do with it.

He just watched quietly as these two unrelated people traded with each other.

What he didn't expect was that this ghost body was more excited than he imagined.

"Really? Are you really willing to let me absorb it again for free? Well, then, can I make a small request and let someone else absorb it this time?"

"I have a friend who is in a similar situation to me, and she is much more pitiful than me."

Mai Fan subconsciously asked: "That ghost is also one of the 99 ghosts? No, that ghost is also one of the 45 people who were absorbed?"

The ghost body answered very calmly: "Yes, he was absorbed earlier than me, but he is not as lucky as me."

"I'm still parasitic in the shrine in my original room."

"And he could only hide in a dark corner and wander around cautiously. A slightly stronger wind might even blow him away."

"With so many of you together, he doesn't dare to appear in front of you at all, because once the six of you are awake, the Yang Qi on your body is like a sun, constantly emitting light and heat."

"And this intensity of Yang Qi is something that a ghost like him can no longer bear."

"So I hope to replace this transaction with him."

"No matter what happens in the future, I hope she can live a little longer now."

Mai Fan glanced at Jin Mao, who nodded and agreed to the deal. For him, whoever rescues is a rescue, and the one who helps is more pitiful will make his rescue more meaningful.

After seeing the golden retriever's agreement, the ghost body was very happy. He ran to the main hall where he was originally, and shakily pulled out a small human being from under the shrine that Mai Fan had stuffed for him in the corner.


It turns out that Xiaodong XZ was blessed by this not-so-strong ghost body in this place.

Because he was too weak to go to the room full of people, Golden Retriever followed him to the main hall alone at this time.

Even Mai Fan couldn't step into this room, he just watched everything going on carefully from the outside.

The two ghost bodies chattered in a language that only they could understand.

The other party seemed to have figured out the whole story, and cautiously approached the golden retriever.

Then the small wind that can absorb people's energy and energy blew around the golden retriever.

This chapter has been completed!
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