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1888 Lord

 If there is another great lord who can surpass the current king, he will naturally take over his territory and his army.

After the formation of this regional structure, there have been more than a dozen changes in kings alone.

After all, the founder of a country must be a wise king, but his descendants may not be able to protect the territory they conquered well.

The current generation of kings is the period when this imperial capital was most powerful.

The current emperor is only the second generation of generals.

The so-called second-generation emperor is actually just because he has an old father above him.

The process of land acquisition and the change of ownership of the entire country were basically handled by the current second-generation emperor, his former son.

Otherwise, the old king would not have given up his throne to the current king immediately after the country was conquered.

In the same way, due to the king's strength, many troubles in the surrounding small towns were avoided.

Because during the period when the king was weak, it was usually a period when the great lords were at war with each other, competing for territory and the right to speak.

At that time, almost all the unlucky people in Kitt, a small town they came to, were affected by artillery fire.

The scale of their town is not large, and there is no garrison capable of participating in the upper-level war.

However, the artillery fire of war can always affect people at the lowest level like them.

The current prosperity of the second generation of the king is the easiest thing for ordinary people like them to see.

Likewise, because his walls brought incomparable prosperity to the business in this town.

There is a large-scale market in the town, which is open basically every day.

And there is a city chamber of commerce in the nearest big lord's territory to their place, which has opened a branch here.

It sells both rare and not-so-rare things from north to south.

It provides a lot of convenience to the residents of the town.

In addition to shops, because they are very close to the Warcraft Forest, there are also many appraisal firms.
Set up some fixed collection points for supplies here. At the same time, we will provide identification services for these adventurers who come out of the Warcraft Forest.

And the prosperity here provides job opportunities for people from the Adventurer's Guild and the Fighter's Guild.

In the most chaotic area, a dwarf forging shop, an Adventurer's Association branch, and a warrior's union were opened in the most chaotic area.

Because of their addition, the composition of the residents of this town has become complicated.

A considerable number of dwarves and orcs from other ethnic groups entered this small town.

Judging from the senses of the children opposite to these orcs, it can be inferred that these people have caused a lot of trouble for ordinary people in the town.

As a result of their move in, they brought their beliefs to this town. As a result, through certain transactions of money and power, two more churches appeared in this town out of thin air.

But for now, this group of people is only a minority.

And in this small town, they rely more on settling down rather than living there permanently.

Therefore, in terms of sense of belonging, ordinary residents are ordinary residents and outsiders are outsiders.

Their attitude towards outsiders depends on how long they have lived in the town.

Tourists like Mai Fan, who would not stay here long at first glance, are their most popular guests.

Moreover, if they have anything to exchange, they can also bring a considerable commission to the town.

Yes, the residents of this small town have placed their own people in some special departments as a kind of tax-collecting monitoring personnel.

If some special items that come out of the Warcraft Forest are purchased or traded here, a basic management fee will usually be charged to the town.

Only six of these people in the outer ring were able to walk out of this forest unharmed. And they also traveled through the territory of the most ferocious leader-level monsters, so the things they could bring with them must be valuable.


Finally, there is something you should pay attention to in the chaotic area, that is, there are many evil things hidden in the chaotic area that others may not imagine.

In addition to the muscular orcs here who fight and kill, there are also some evil groups who are involved in this special industry and want to search for wealth in this forest.

They may be dark wizards who master magic, or death cultists who believe in evil gods.

In their eyes, all outsiders' wealth is their own wealth.

For the powerful, they may not covet anything, but for outsiders with no foundation like Patience, they may have already attacked them before they have a clear understanding of their strength.

Of course, the sheriff in the small town also turned a blind eye to what they did.

Because they are sure that these outsiders do not dare to attack people with the status of the Sheriff, when this group of people do not make too much noise, the people in the Public Security Committee are not willing to sacrifice their own residents to achieve the success of those outsiders.

human safety.

From the perspective of the law enforcement team, if you choose to enter that area, you must choose to take your own safety on your shoulders.

That extremely dangerous warning sign is standing at the entrance to that area. If you have seen the warning and still go in, then it will be none of their business once you go in.

So if an outsider encounters danger inside and still has the ability to send out a distress signal, then you can survive in that area for at least fifteen minutes.

Because these 15 minutes were the reaction of the small town sheriff, and because he lasted 15 minutes in their impression, either one party died, or the entire group was wiped out, which saved them a lot of trouble.

This is basically the current situation of this town. Of course, in the safe area, you can stroll around casually, talk to the residents of the town, or even joke with the sheriff's guards. These are nothing.


Because the mayor of Kit Town and the Sheriff here are very powerful beings.

If you don't have the title of level 5 or above warrior and the title of great magician, you will basically not be able to control the management of such a large town.

Although this town cannot be compared with the territories of the great nobles, the security here is higher than that of many places.

After listening to the tavern owner's introduction, Mai Fan became more interested in the dangerous area of ​​​​the town.

Because they want to know what the most real life conditions in this area are like, or what they will encounter if they move forward. They go to see the dangerous areas of this town and basically find out, and then they will

What risks will you face?

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