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1891 Machinery

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Now his mechanical body has magical properties.

"Haha, it's so interesting. I didn't expect that the magic in this world has its own independent consciousness, instead of being a very simple and crude ordinary magic."

"I think the fire element on this sword particularly likes me."

"It's a pity that this sword is of little use to me. Otherwise, I will definitely try my best to bring her home."

After this cyborg performed such a series of sexy operations, the people around the counter were stunned into silence.

But before he finished showing off, his teammates next to him impatiently pushed him aside.

"Go, go, don't worry, I think this magic sword is destined for me."

This is the comrade who can perform elemental self-transformation.

He has long been eyeing this sword, eagerly trying to figure out the active elemental magic patterns in it.

The shop assistants who were surprised and suspicious didn't dare to stop this customer who looked like an ordinary person.

When the guest who controlled the mechanical body like a puppet beast just grabbed the sword, everyone thought that the flames on the magic sword would melt all of his metal body.

Who would have thought that it could absorb this magic pattern and convert this magic pattern into its own energy?

Can an ordinary person compete with this mechanical master for the ownership of this sword? Can he be ordinary?

As everyone was thinking, this elemental teammate had already taken the sword in his hands.

The moment the sword adhered to human skin, this unruly magic pattern had already begun to invade the teammate's body.

If this person slows down for even a moment, his arm will be burned to ashes by the demonic fire.

But at the moment of contact, the elemental body made its most basic reaction.

The man standing on the counter suddenly turned into a man covered in fire.

And the flames that had entered his body were instantly integrated into the fire element of this flame man.

Just like a drop of water falling into the ocean, it cannot stir up any waves.

At this time, the Flame Man, who could really feel the firepower transmitted by the flames of this magic sword, was amazed.

"It's really amazing. Just a magic word can deliver such a large amount of firepower. I wonder what will happen if I pull out this firepower and then reinject it?"

After he looked at the price of the sword, the team member decisively implemented his idea into reality.

The fire magic mark of the flaming sword disappeared in an instant. Of course, the magic mark of the seal was still there, but all the energy inside was drained away by the flaming man.

When the salesman selling this piece was shocked, another burst of fire suddenly appeared in the hand of the flame man, covering the sword completely, and the energy he had drained was poured back into it again.

And when he put the sword back, the original magic pattern was filled with energy again, even more full than when he took it out before.

In this regard, this team member was very proud: "Look, you can try it, we didn't mess with your sword."

"Not only did you not mess with your sword, but it actually drained a lot of energy from me. If there are any charging fees, how many magic crystal nuclei do you have to give me at least?"

"Look at this sword. It looks like it has just been carved. It is full of fire desire."

"This thing is quite handy, but it's too simple for me. I can't use such a weapon."

This team member is right, this sword will exert its maximum power in his hands, but it only has the attribute of fire, which is too simple for a person who can convert all attributes.

So Mai Fan's two teammates have tried it, but they will not buy the sword back.

This weapon, which was once considered only capable of being wielded by high-level warriors and knights, has now been put back safely.

The guests in front of them seemed uninterested, thinking that this weapon was not worthy of their majesty and greatness.

This made the surrounding guests who were a little worried and even contemptuous at first retract their little thoughts in an instant.

They no longer dared to take out the bulging luggage carried by Mai Fan and his men.

How many people are good at hunting a group of people in the depths and trading them with such precious crystals?

I think it won't be long before what happened in this trading house today will spread quickly. At least within this small town, the strength of the six of them will no longer be a secret.

This is the ultimate goal of Mai Fan and his team members.

Now it seems to be working well. When they go to the counter to look at the high-level magic equipment, no one is around to disturb them.

First, under the gaze of many people, they saw a lot of strange equipment.

I have a general understanding of the use of basic devices in this area, the division of warriors, mages and knights, and the classification of the magic level and strength level of Warcraft.

In their area, the use of magic power of Warcraft is commonplace, which leads to the interdependence between the fighting group and the auxiliary group.

The weird creatures here are also divided into nine levels by humans because they are rich in magic power and magical properties.

The most elementary, unique or zero-level monsters are usually white-skinned monsters that are of little use to ordinary people.

They haven't even been able to confirm whether those white-skinned monsters are poisonous. Except for a few creatures that they have mastered and used in daily breeding, the rest of the zero-level monsters are basically more or less.

Substances that are not conducive to human absorption.

Therefore, for the residents living in cities and towns, Warcraft from level 0 to level 1 are basically synonymous with waste and garbage.

Once the monsters reach level two or above, their magic will be limited, and some very deadly moves will be attached to them. At this time, their bodies will generate a kind of crystal core called monsters.

The substance may be distributed in their internal organs, or on their teeth, claws, or epidermal body parts.

And things like crystal nuclei can be used by humans to live, fight or evolve themselves in various aspects.

Warcraft that reach this level are very useful to humans. Likewise, this level is not something that ordinary people can hunt.

Warcraft from level two on up require a specialized hunting team, adventurers, warriors or knights to capture them.

The reason for catching them is also very simple.


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