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Chapter 189 Montenegro is waking up

After hearing this, the monk's face finally had a different expression.

He held Mai Fan's hand with some excitement and asked, "What this junior brother said is true. You came at the right time."

"Come with me quickly. We will go to the backyard to find the abbot. He will explain the situation in the temple to the junior brother."

Mai Fan said hello, said goodbye to everyone in the caravan for the time being, and went to the backyard with this senior brother.

After Mai Fan left, people in the caravan started talking about it.

"This little monk kept silent, but he turned out to be quite young."

"No, he is actually related to Changsi Shaolin Temple and Jinshan Temple."

"To receive such great attention at such a young age, his future achievements are limitless."

"Perhaps, those of us have traveled with a future eminent monk."

There was only one person who was a little anxious, and that was the mage.

He did not see through Mai Fan's identity as a player, but he was afraid that his opportunity would be seized by others first.

But now he is asking for help. He is even worse than Mai Fan.

Forget it, the mage player Guihuo thought about it again, Lanruo Temple was in a dilapidated state later on.

In this great catastrophe, one more young monk and one less young monk will not have any impact.

At this point, the player has given up for now.

Mai Fan followed the monk to the backyard of Lanruo Temple...and immediately discovered the difference between Lanruo Temple and ordinary temples.

Because there is actually a small palace in the backyard where people are supposed to live.

A somewhat strange Buddha was built in it.

It doesn't look like the kind-hearted Maitreya Buddha in big stores.

"Junior brother must feel very strange."

Mai Fan nodded.

"This is our abbot. Let's let our abbot explain it to our junior brother."

Mai Fan looked forward and found an old monk with a kind face sitting in front of the ferocious Buddha, mumbling words.

Hearing the noise, he turned around and waved to Mai Fan.

"I had a premonition that Lanruo Temple might not be saved."

"However, when I saw this young monk from outside, I felt that he might be able to save a lot of lives."

"Do you know why there is another Buddhist temple built in the backyard of Lanruo Temple?"

"That's because the golden body of Buddha in the main hall alone cannot suppress this ferocious Black Mountain."

"Black Mountain? Montenegro in the literal sense."

The abbot and abbot nodded: "Yes, it is the Black Mountain you imagined."

"Existing in front of you, supporting the soles of your feet, except for Lanruo Temple, there is no other living thing in the Black Mountain!"

"The meaning of our existence is to suppress this Black Mountain Soul."

"And now, this Black Mountain is finally waking up."

"The Buddha's light could not suppress his ferocious arrogance. The monks in this temple may have to be buried with him."

Mai Fan felt puzzled and continued to ask: "Then can't everyone move? Why do we have to wait here to die?"

The abbot of Lanruo Temple shook his head and replied: "This temple has been connected with the breath of Montenegro from the beginning. The monks who chant sutras here to suppress him have only one mission to survive, which is to delay his awakening."

"There is only one result when Heishan wakes up, and that is for all of us to be entangled in the black energy after his resurrection. In the end, our blood will be exhausted and we will die."

Mai Fan was even more puzzled: "Then why am I the opportunity? What can I do for everyone?"

The host of Lanruo Temple smiled: "The sudden arrival of such a large group of people in front of us is an opportunity. If you save their lives, don't you also save the lives of many people?"

"So what should I do?"

"When Heishan wakes up, please give Lanruo Temple a helping hand. We will do our best to suppress him back."

"But if we fail, then the young monk must not care about what is happening behind him and walk straight from here to the main hall."

"That's the last barrier for our Lanruo Temple. It shouldn't be difficult to protect them according to the young monk's ability."

Has it been seen through? It's hard to say.

Mai Fan agreed. He ate some fast food, found a quiet corner, sat on the futon and waited for the arrival of late night.

The monks in the backyard were very calm. They sat in front of the Buddha statue and chanted the scriptures they had to chant every day.

But the front yard is not so peaceful.

While everyone in the caravan was asleep, the mage player quietly got up.

He held a dark stone in his hand and touched it with some caution towards the backyard of Lanruo Temple.

Yes, this is the opportunity for this spell player to be a will-o'-the-wisp.

Resurrection of the old demon from Montenegro.

He will obtain a unique set of demonic cultivation techniques and embark on the path of spiritual cultivation.

According to the task prompts, he needs to send this stone to the Buddha statue in the backyard.

But ever since they entered Lanruo Temple, their freedom of entry and exit has been restricted.

But after dark, the mage player found that the monk who was originally guarding his door had left quietly.

This was a perfect opportunity. The mage holding the stone moved towards the backyard.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the backyard, they found that the place was brightly lit.

All the monks from Lanruo Temple gathered here and sat under the Buddha statue.

This is terrible. How to put this black stone under the Buddha statue in the circle in full view of everyone?

The mage raised his head and looked at the top of the hall.

too high.

He looked again at the number of people gathered in the hall.

too much.

Nothing can be done.

As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger, and now the only way out is to break through.

The player mage, Willow Fire, smiled sadly...:-d

He took out a fake mask from the package.

‘Invisibility mask (rare item) (number of uses 1/1*)’

Do you really need to use this mask here? It hurts.

This was bought from the trading center by Gui Huahua at a huge price.

He stared at the mask, gritted his teeth, and pushed it onto his face.

"The mask was used successfully...invisibility time: 10 minutes."

Be fast!

The will-o'-the-wisp grabbed the stone and rushed towards the main hall.

Who would have thought that he would attract other people's attention as soon as he burst into the hall.

"Someone? Who? Who came in."

The abbot closest to the Buddha statue suddenly opened his eyes.

Following the old monk's reminder, everyone turned their attention to the door of the main hall.

Mai Fan was a little confused because the place was empty and he didn't see anything.

But the host must have his reasons for saying this.

If it can't be seen by the system, is there another possibility?

Mai Fan opened the diary and saw no one...but saw a line of red words...floating in mid-air.

This chapter has been completed!
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