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1943 Noble

 Because it is these foreign nobles who squeeze their resources and space.

Many territories have been swallowed up and merged by them, which makes the small nobles who can still divide one or two small territories lack the opportunity to be enfeoffed.

Even if there are some territories on the map that are clearly unowned, these little nobles would not dare to take their letters of appointment to take office in the territories.

Because based on the strength of their family and the number of guards they can recruit, if they inherit this territory, they will have to go to their own territory to operate and live.

I really left the royal capital and arrived at the territory. As soon as I closed my eyes and the sky turned dark, I was wiped out by the big forces around me and I didn’t know where I could go to reason?

Once upon a time, a few of them who did not believe in evil, or who considered themselves to be relatively powerful little nobles, took hundreds of troops under their command to a territory they thought was rich enough.

The final result is just that the entire family is wiped out.

When the nobles of the An Wang family went to correct the problem, or sent the personal guards to investigate, the people around or the local people would at most say something like bandit harassment, or the evil deeds of thieves and assassins, and they would be excused.


Everyone knows who did these things, but the royal family did nothing against them.

Such things happened so often that the small nobles did not dare to inherit these scattered territories.

However, no one inherited these scattered territories, so the lords with powerful forces abroad went to expropriate them without restraint.

Later, it was clear on the map that there was still a large area of ​​territory that could be inherited, but in fact it was assumed that it was occupied by these people.

In the end, this kind of result led to one link after another, making the living space of the small nobles smaller and smaller, and the living environment became worse and worse.

Without enough wealth, they cannot form their knights and bodyguards. The small nobles who cannot form their knights and bodyguards cannot support and maintain their territory. Without the supply of territory, there is no money. In the cycle, they become a

An increasingly shrinking cycle.

Looking at the expressions of these nouveau riche, this group of little nobles who could tell from their attire that their lives were not as satisfactory as they were, could basically be regarded as gnashing of teeth.

However, the anger of the weak is so helpless and cannot be recognized or sympathized with at all.

As soon as this group of foreign upstarts came in, they felt the dissatisfaction and anger of the losers in the venue.

But will this group of noble emerging nobles with military power and huge territory care? Of course they won't care.

Not only do they not care, but they don't mind adding a pinch of salt to these incompetent wastes at this time.

Mai Fan and the others could tell that the financial and material resources of this new group of people were definitely hundreds of times stronger than those of the old nobles. Although their dresses were extremely unlike the traditional styles of the old nobles, whether it was the accessories or the hands in their hands,

The accessories used are far higher than those owned by the nobles that Mai Fan and the others have access to now.

Moreover, these new aristocrats do not feel inferior at all because of their nouveau riche background.

They don't mind being looked down upon by others for their vulgar behavior, nor do they mind being disliked for their indecent behavior. They shuttle arrogantly through the luxurious halls that don't suit their status, chattering at this group of poor people who pay attention to etiquette.

The old aristocrats commented.

However, what surprised Mai Fan was that even though this group of people looked extremely vulgar, this vulgarity was only directed at the men in the room. When it came to treating women, Mai Fan even felt that they were somewhat better than the old aristocrats.

Politeness and propriety are among them. At least their respect for women is not superficial and noble etiquette.

This overall atmosphere, which does not treat women as men's accessories and accessories, is more in line with Mai Fan's recognition of modern men.

Since he does not belong to either of these two factions, they are just bystanders passing by, so when there is a huge conflict between the two parties, watching the show and staying out of the incident is the best choice.

So Mai Fan and the others quickly retreated to the edge of the hall. They asked an adaption student to bring them champagne before the show started, and then they hid in a corner with great interest to watch the collision between the old and new nobles.

To be honest, it was not that Mai Fan looked down upon the old nobles who only talked a lot, because after this group of gossiping male nobles annoyed a certain great lord, and the other party approached him, he

But he backed away with a pale face.

At this time, the Grand Duke Lord was within the sphere of influence of the old nobles, and this was the place where a fight was least likely to occur in the royal capital.

This old nobleman was in a one-on-one situation with the other party's great lord, but he did not have the courage to have a one-on-one collision with the other party.

From this alone, it can be seen that even if he is given the same soldiers and power as the opponent, he will ultimately be at an absolute disadvantage in the confrontation between the two sides.

Thinking of this, Mai Fan couldn't help but chat with the boss of the Northern Auction House: "I heard that these big forces have only risen in recent years. I don't think that before our young prince came of age, the forces around the royal capital were chaotic.

It’s a bit baffling.”

Mai Fan's words made the boss of Northern Auction House think of a possibility.

"You mean, oh, my God, if this is really the case, I think my biggest investment and decision will probably receive unexpected returns."

Mai Fan also found it very interesting after hearing this: "Sure enough, business people have unique vision. The boss's investment will probably receive unimaginable returns. Maybe the final winner we call will be the same person."


Speaking of this, Mai Fan and the boss of Northern Auction House had a tacit understanding and made a gesture at the same time.

Everyone compared it. The number two represented the prince's succession order among the direct heirs. It was also the age ranking among the old king's children.

Based on the information obtained so far, Mai Fan and the auction house owner's judgments are consistent.

They could see that an ambitious young man was using his own methods to erode all the old forces that resisted him and did not obey his orders.

Changes in political power are inevitably accompanied by bloodshed and sacrifice.

But this is the hard work of his father who loves him deeply. How can he solve all kinds of dangers he may encounter without large-scale conflicts.

It must be the erosion of water droplets, and the subtle penetration.

When this royal capital has been completely covered from the outside to the inside.

This chapter has been completed!
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