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1959 Patrol

 Once discovered by the other side's border patrol officer, a border war between the two countries will begin.

As for why the two sides had such a stipulation, it probably originated from the legendary hero leaving a shadowy shot on the other side.

In the eyes of people in the sixth area, people here always use some strange things to carry out unexpected attacks.

When they can't even see anyone, they can cause harm to the people on their side, let alone when people come to their border. Wouldn't that be even more dangerous?

So in the end, everyone's request for the army here is that you must not cross the line.

Of course, since there are some small towns and ordinary residents walking on both sides of the border, some people from the fifth district without obvious signs are still allowed to come.

Mainly the way ordinary people dress and their personal characteristics are too obvious.

The blond hair and blue eyes in District 5 are like shining lights in the dark, allowing people to see the existence of these people with too bright colors from a distance.

As long as the people in District 6 discover the goal of this group of people, they will not be afraid of any threat from this group of red-nosed and green-eyed people. After all, in so many years of confrontation, they have also found some restraints against the Fifth District.

A method to block long-distance attacks.

Yes, I heard that people in District 5 and District 6 have been fighting for so long. Do you think it will be a similarly developed area? Then you are most likely wrong.

I don’t know whether it’s because of this land or the race of people born here. The mental outlook and lifestyle of the people living here are extremely primitive. Based on the information given by the soldiers in the fifth area.

According to analysis, these people in District 6 are more like the kind of life of primitive society that is close to nature.

It's not impossible that people in the fifth area tried to come to the sixth area to teach each other some high-tech products and things with magical effects, but in this land. There is a very magical forbidden magic, high

Technology and some products that have evolved beyond primitive tribal life have all failed here.

This land seems to be cursed, suppressing everything that can promote the development of human society.

But when God closes a door, he often opens a window for the other party.

Although the people here do not enjoy any high-tech services in life, their level of strength as a species or as individuals far exceeds that of humans in any other region.

In other words, the human race living in the sixth area may have become non-human as the land changed.

Humans living here rely more on strong physical strength.

Because in this area, only when an individual's physical strength is strong can he obtain a better living space and obtain better living conditions.

It was as if the fighters in District 5 were never willing to go to that land to compete with the other side's fighters with bare hands.

Because when the soldiers from the fifth area arrived there, the swords in their hands were like scrap metal and could not exert any magical assistance.

And fighting hand-to-hand with the soldiers in District 6 is equivalent to delivering food.

This is why the old king of District 5 once achieved such a great victory and shut out the opponent's invasion, but did not pursue the victory and taught the opponent a painful lesson.

Because they can't chase each other into their territory and give them a heavy blow.

It is precisely because of this contradiction that the group of barbarians in District 6 can survive.

And because of the attack on the high-tech products of District 5, these barbarians knew what awe meant.

After they knew that after leaving their own area, their soldiers were not as strong as they imagined, they gave up the idea of ​​invading the territory of the fifth area.

Later, the old king specially communicated with the leader of the chief tribe in District 6. After learning that the other party's occupation was because the entire District 6 had experienced a rare severe drought, their people were about to suffer.

After he was about to die without food, the king of District 5 generously provided the other party with a large amount of food and drinking water.

It was this kind of generous gift and help regardless of past grudges that made these chiefs in the Sixth District very grateful for the kindness of the Fifth District.

In the end, except for the border where they were still a little nervous, they had completely lost their minds about the fifth game.

In addition, when providing food and water, the two sides established some relationships, and there were exchanges and exchanges on the border.

Even though the two sides experienced an imminent war, the relationship between the two regions was not as bad as imagined.

It was like when Mai Fan and the others came over from the border, those weird red soldiers on the other side just briefly checked Mai Fan and his luggage and let them go.

However, during the process of passing through, they carefully checked the pass that Mai Fan had obtained, and the redskins here also became highly interested in Mai Fan and his race.

After all, the people they deal with are all Caucasians, and the racial gap is still huge.

To the soldiers in District 6, people like Mai Fan are an unseen race that is even weirder and rarer than the people in District 5.

In terms of character and normal language communication, of course they have to ask.

But the result was very good. Mai Fan and the others looked quite kind, and they were thinner than the soldiers in the fifth area. They did not give people a sense of danger at all. They passed the passage between the fifth and sixth areas very smoothly.

After they all crossed the border, the cooperative relationship between the young king of District 5 and Mai Fan came to an end.

Next, their fate will basically be left in the hands of these weird red-skinned men in the sixth area.

When they saw the army in the Sixth Region, Mai Fan and the others held an urgent meeting and had a heated discussion on the racial issues in the Sixth Region on their communication channel.

Some people think it is the original system of the Indians, and some people think it is the individual image of the ancient traditional Wu tribe.

In short, if it weren't for the weird lines painted on their bodies, the heavy colors on their faces, and the fact that their skin was definitely not painted red with fuel, their facial features would be extremely close to those of ancient Chinese people.


To put it bluntly, if we have to talk about their faces and looks, they are more like the original human beings of China.

But if the pair of Mai Fan and the pair across from each other stand together, others will immediately tell that they are indeed not the same person.

This chapter has been completed!
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