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1963 Long Sleep

 If they are not disturbed on a daily basis, they will sleep underground for many years.

Most of the nutrients in this land have been absorbed by these sleeping insects.

Every ten years, these sleeping bugs will rise to the surface, gather in some special areas, and undergo a life of rapid scaling of natural death, mating, and reproduction.

After they die, they will leave behind a large number of corpses, dyeing the land here even more red.

And it is precisely because of this indestructible and huge number of insects.

Let this land only survive some low thorns or barren shrubs.

Only a small part of the land is free of this red worm, and people living here can't explain why.

It is precisely because these red nematodes gave them enough living space and land for planting that the people here have room to breathe and live comfortably.

As for why the places where they live and where food is produced are not invaded by this red nematode?

People living on this land today don't understand it, and they attribute this situation to the care of the nature god here.

Then many totems and gods they worshiped were derived from this.

This was also the reason why the soldiers in front told them to be careful and not to enter any unfamiliar tribe easily.

Due to the confusion of beliefs here, even small actions may cause dissatisfaction among the local tribes.

Give them the gods they believe in, and some so-called codes of conduct that others cannot understand.

There are really too many rules and regulations, so it’s better not to go into them.

Mai Fan looked at their local specialties and felt that his deal was worth it.

After getting more detailed information from here, Mai Fan and others were ready to pack up and set off.

There are actually quite a few people like them who set off directly with the map. Some of them are locals who have completed their transactions at the border and are preparing to return to their tribes. Others have already made contact and will go deeper with these tribesmen.

Out-of-town merchants traveling inland.

They were traveling in the same direction, but no one asked to go together.

On the contrary, every team of people is full of vigilance, wishing to stand far away before the next team can set off.

Everyone who saw people going in the same direction as them had the same reaction, but they were not willing to join that special team. They started to move forward ten minutes after the previous team set off.


Since there are no unique means of transportation in the area, there are no unique means of transportation in the fifth area, and people here do not allow them to cross the border. As a result, all people who go deep in this direction basically use their legs to walk.

Of course, some transported materials are also transported entirely by manpower.

Here, the manpower may be somewhat stronger than the strength of the mules and horses outside.

While Mai Fan was waiting just now, he allowed the passing caravan, a bunch of local red-skinned primitive people, to push the car forward on its own.

They used a very rare wheelbarrow to push a large amount of supplies.

That kind of wheelbarrow is made of a special kind of rattan.

The car body is very large, the handlebars are very thick, and on top of those heavy rattans, there is a lot of bulging cargo.

Mai Fan visually estimated that the cargo in this cart weighed at least two to three hundred kilograms.

Such a heavy cargo can move forward normally with only one local person pushing it.

Calculated according to their return journey, at this walking speed, it would take seven days to reach the nearest tribe.

However, these people did not think that this journey would be very tiring. Instead, they pushed the cart with great force. After a while, Mai Fan, who was standing on the same spot, could no longer see the backs of this group of caravans.

No wonder people here only focus on exercising their own bodies.

They also did not regard Mai Fan, the six rather thin-looking people, as a threat.

While they were on the road, they also discussed whether the six of them would be regarded as another kind of target by this group of primitive people.

Because the six of them look easy to bully and look like people who can be robbed.

A few people set out on the road with a high degree of vigilance. After walking for about half a day, they realized that this worry was really unnecessary.

Since the primitive people here are much higher than ordinary people in terms of speed and strength, they were overtaken by at least two caravans in the process of traveling without all their strength.

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When these caravans passed by Mai Fan's small group, their eyes were very curious.

There were many red-skinned primitive people in the team, howling loudly or making provocative gestures towards them.

But there was no actual attack on them, or actively approaching to rob or harm them.

But they don't know whether there is a set reason for this behavior or something else?

But the first half of their journey was relatively smooth.

As for the map that the conscientious person sold them, so far, all they know is the correct direction.

Because the road they were traveling on was solid black soil.

It's like a black road suddenly opened up in a red oil painting. It's quite weird to walk on, but it's inexplicably safe.

On the red land grew twisted thorns and moss on the road. Their color was as red as rust like the red monsters under the land.

But on the black soil that Mai Fan and the others were walking on, some green sprouts could be seen.

It's just that the next road will be a little difficult to walk, because these blacks are gradually being eroded by red.

Section after section... there will probably be no particularly obvious landmarks to guide them next.

At this time, you can only judge your direction based on your ability to discern direction and the moisture of the soil under your feet.

Mai Fan used the diary to communicate at this time, but found that it was not only the high-tech weapons that were affected here, but the signals between him and the diary were also intermittent and intermittent, a short circuit like snowflakes.

So the kind of clear map he wanted, the diary couldn't provide here.

Next, they can only rely on their rich experience beyond ordinary people to explore the direction they are about to move forward.

But it doesn't matter, their team is full of experienced hunters.

At this time, the owner of Private Kitchen became the pathfinder in their team.

After the black land disappeared, they began to walk cautiously.

As for the first lake, no trace has been found so far.

Now the problem they are about to face is finding a safe camping spot.

This chapter has been completed!
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