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Chapter 2001 Stone

 As the pebbles clinked into the wooden box, everyone's votes also increased as the votes were thrown in.

Of course, they who were standing behind the counter would not know whose names were marked on the boxes before they voted.

Only when you actually go up to vote can you see whose name is written on the back of the box.

In this way, the girl or boy participating in the selection this time will not be able to remember who in the community voted for him or who did not vote for him.

This relatively safe voting method avoids many troubles in the tribe.

When the boxes were immediately lined up, with the voting slots facing up, the names on the back facing the priest, and their backs facing the audience below, the priest presiding over the stage opened his mouth and asked the people in the audience to line up one by one to come up to them.

The person you like voted for.

The leader of the Youyan tribe is an old man who is astonishingly handsome.

He became the leader of the Youyan clan by virtue of his venerable age and extremely handsome face.

The daughter of the leader of a large clan whom he married back then filled the warehouses of the Youyan clan with many supplies that they needed to survive, thus becoming a hero of the Youyan tribe.

Now, under his leadership, the Yuan Yuan Tribe is not only the richest tribe, but it is definitely comfortable with food and clothing, has a very nourishing life, and has the time to beautify and dress itself up.

Therefore, as the leader came on stage, the crowd behind him quickly followed up one after another according to a certain rhythm.

Ding ding ding dong dong, the sound of voting rang on the stage.

After everyone voted, they would not stay where they were. Instead, they would walk along the boxes to the other end of the stage, walk down the steps, and then return to their seats.

There are hundreds of people from the Youyan tribe in total. Since everyone moves around extremely fast and the voting process is particularly experienced, those who have the right to vote are basically all adult men and women from the Youyan tribe.

Woman, so it only took more than a quarter of an hour for them to cast each round.

Next comes the very intense statistical phase.

The votes were tallied by the two most deft women in the tribe.

A person hung a dark board on the stage and wrote and drew on the board with a piece of white talc he found somewhere.

While another woman was counting the stones in the box, this woman had already written the names of the candidates participating in the vote on the board using the unique script of her tribe.

The names of the 22 candidates lined up in this row have been written, and the votes in the first few boxes have been counted.

After each name is called, the number that follows is the number of votes he received.

The woman doing the counting drew the number of votes under the name.

Draw five vertical bars in one line. When one line is full, start a second line, and then draw five more. In this way, you only need to arrange to see who has the most lines, and whoever has the most votes will naturally get the most votes. It is simple, clear and clear at a glance.


And since more than 20 people will disperse the voting rights in the entire tribe, the votes in each box are not actually one-sided. Except for a few recognized beauties and handsome guys in the tribe, the rest of the people

The difference in votes is actually very small.

Therefore, except for the first and second place contestants, who basically have no suspense, after everyone's vote is announced, everyone's face will not be particularly ugly, because there will always be two or three people who choose you.

And how much worse are you than those four or five people?

Therefore, after all the songs are finished, the person with the fewest votes does not feel sad, because he may only have one vote less than the previous few people, and the people in the voting area have no sense of pride, because he just has more votes than others.

Only one or two votes can enter this special sequence of the top eight.

Just like from the 10th place to the 22nd place, these people still have the same votes, but they only have five or six votes per person.

As for the top eight contestants, reaching eighth place really depends on luck, because he only got eight votes.

But luck is also another manifestation of strength, so the player in eighth place was so happy that he almost lost his luck.

Yes, the girl in eighth place is usually just pretty and attractive, but after being moisturized by the cosmetics left by Mai Fan, her unique temperament became more and more prominent.

In today's exhibition, she got one or two more votes for herself. That is, because of the one or two more votes, she was able to squeeze into the top eight. She can be regarded as representing herself with her super level performance.

Not enough to participate in the first round of selection.

You know, this first round of opportunities is very important to the entire Youyan tribe.

Due to the incompatibility between tribes and the relatively dangerous wilderness between tribes, it was a huge obstacle for each tribe to trade with each other or intermarry.

Every year when two tribes want to make a deal, they actually risk life and death to gain such an opportunity.

The opportunity of a large gathering is something that only comes once a year and is very cherished. It is an important opportunity to see almost more than 90% of the talents of other tribes.

On such occasions, each tribe will send its best tribe members to complete this gathering.

The purpose is to show the strength of your tribe and the energy of its members, so that other tribes will not underestimate you.

It is in this kind of occasion where outstanding tribe members gather that it is easiest to find the one you like, or the best marriage partner who can provide a generous dowry.

For other tribes, this is nothing more than catching a rabbit out of grass and doing it casually.

However, for the Youyan tribe who specializes in finding a partner, it is the most important event of the year.

This lucky girl doesn't have to wait for the elders of the tribe to go to the nearby small tribe to help her like other companions.

She has the opportunity to marry into a tribe thousands of miles away, or even farther away, in exchange for more abundant supplies for her tribe.

By the way, she can also find a husband who is far stronger and better than the surrounding small tribes.

As long as she is determined to manage it, she will definitely get a new life and a happy future.

This was the real reason why she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Tonight, the lucky eight people whose names were read out will each return home and quickly pack all their luggage for the road.

Then wait for the notification from the people in the tribe and set off with the caravan of the big tribe.

According to past experience, just keep an eye on the high priest and leader.

This chapter has been completed!
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