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Chapter 2009 Conspicuous

 After all, their trip has reached the front and middle of this area. After this big gathering is over, they will continue to head east to the lost land.

With Mai Fan formed by themselves, the few people walked very quickly. In this gathering center of various tribes, they were really a very conspicuous type of people.

Because they were too conspicuous, some members of small tribes who were reluctant to deal with outsiders walked around them. The road that was originally packed with traffic suddenly became smoother for a short time because of their appearance.

Mai Fan and the others, who had long been accustomed to being treated like monkeys by others, didn't mind. On the contrary, they were very happy because of the smoothness provided by these people.

When he arrived at the real place to stay, the group of people would naturally not avoid him. After all, the people who set up stalls here were just doing business.

Not long after sitting, we arrived at the huge city-level central square. I don’t know if the rules here are a bit strict. In such a large open space, no one stopped here, only people were seen.

They are all gathering in one place, probably the personal exchange place that is temporarily open now.

Looking from a distance, in addition to human heads, there are four extremely tall wooden stakes. Four such tall tree sticks can be found in the area where this kind of low shrub dominates the world. It can be seen that this area

The person in charge is capable.

In the middle of these ten poles, countless pieces of broken bark were woven into a robe.

A rectangular tablecloth was made in this way, and a relatively strong sinew of some kind of beast was tied to each of the four corners of the rectangular tablecloth.

Tie these tendons to the pillars and pull the four corners to form a natural sunshade cloth.

After a while, the weather will definitely be turned into a mess by the two suns, and I don’t know if this piece of cloth will give people psychological comfort or if it will really have an effect.

Mai Fan didn't mind, there were fewer people when the weather was hot.

They need to ask about the rules of this free market.

As an outsider, you should abide by the rules. This is tacitly understood by everyone.

Their arrival caused a brief moment of silence among the crowded crowd. After all, they were doing business, and it seemed to be private, so soon a head popped out from the toll point.

Just by looking at his appearance, he looks very much like a native tribesman who hosts a big fair.

Because the people of this tribe are ordinary in appearance, but their clothes are very local characteristics, that is, just like this sunshade cloth, they can be as fancy as they want to sleep.

People who do business here see a lot of specialties coming and going. The scraps left in their hands may not be sold by others, or they may be disdainful to be shipped back. So naturally, the scraps accumulated will be

They were all placed in this market and disposed of as garbage or waste.

But this local market, which is not rich, has effectively used these things that others think are not valuable, such as broken animal skins, some moldy threads, and some manufacturing materials, stone tools and even metal tools.

The leftover materials were put to full use by them.

You don't even need to hunt to get their tribe's clothes.

The splicing of countless pieces of fur with some flaws formed the wearing style of their tribe's traditional clothes.

For example, the person who poked his head out from the crowd was wearing clothes made of at least six kinds of animal skins.

The colors are gorgeous and colorful, and the splicing process also brings a magical sense of beauty.

This made him look very eye-catching among the crowd, rather like a golden pheasant standing among some gray sparrows.

As a native tribe, it also has an inexplicable sense of pride.

After all, they were well-informed and had contacted people from all over the world, but Mai Fan saw another kind of inexplicable excitement on their faces.

You can understand it if you think about it carefully. It's not too annoying, but unlike other people from other tribes, they are rarer visitors from outside the area.

Therefore, the local tribesman who had won the right to receive the first reception introduced himself to Mai Fan with some trembling: "Hello, guests from afar, how should I address you?"

Several teammates behind Mai Fan are the type who are too lazy to talk nonsense.

After looking back, he realized that it was up to him to answer such a question.

So Mai Fan returned: "Ah, my surname is Mai, these are our teammates, we are an exploration team. Our team is starting from the first area and plans to go to the end of the sixth area to do things."

After Mai Fan finished speaking, the scene became even quieter.

Everyone is pricking their ears, wanting to hear more about the legends these foreign magical races have experienced.

The person from the local tribe who was in charge of entertaining was even more excited: "Really? Friends from far away, welcome to our mixed tribe.

Today you will see the largest grand ceremony in our region, which is a grand gathering of tribes from the four regions of east, west, north and south.

A trading conference for specialties from our entire region.

Several foreign friends are really lucky. They are the lucky ones favored by the God of the Earth.

I am lucky to be able to catch up with you for such an annual event!

Several customers came to our free trading shed, do they want to set up stalls, or just want to hang out? "

Mai Fan had no intention of exchanging things with others. After all, there were only six of them, and this place was truly the pinnacle of their local power.

The border army once warned them well not to trust the character of people from tribes they were unfamiliar with.

As for the character of the Kui tribe, Mai Fan and others trust him quite a bit after getting to know each other closely.

But in this place where fish and dragons are mixed, a single Kui tribe cannot deter all the little ones.

If they are still careless about leaking money to others, then it is very likely that a large group of tribes with evil intentions are waiting for them.

Perhaps a single power is insignificant here, but the power of a group is still very terrifying. What's more, Mai Fan and the others are individuals with most of their superpowers limited. It is very simple to win in a one-on-one battle.


However, it is difficult for a good man to defeat four people. When they swarmed up, there were only six of them, so they basically had no effect.

So this time they just went to see if there was anything they were interested in, instead of taking out what they had in their hands to exchange for unknown possibilities.

"A few of us just came here because we wanted to see the excitement here and take a look. There are some specialties that we haven't seen before."

This chapter has been completed!
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