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Chapter 2019 Dispersion

"So, everyone spreads out, the more spread out the better. When the natural disaster comes, most of the people are saved, and a small number of unfortunate people can only resent their fate. Then this is all about the natural disaster.

As for whether this is a sign, we will have to wait until the various investigators sent by the elders of our tribe return and submit the specific details before we can know."

It turned out that all the questions Mai Fan had after coming to this area were related to this enduring law, and he murmured in his heart many times why the big tribes didn't invade the small tribes and didn't catch them.

The prisoner's strange thoughts were answered in these words.

It's not that the big tribes don't want to develop well, nor that the small tribes don't want to live a happy life, but no one knows whether the disaster in their legend will come again in the next second.

Gather together and be destroyed together, or disperse and become scattered lucky ones?

Everyone thinks that their tribe will be the lucky one, and they will shoulder the huge responsibility of continuing the bloodline, so when the leaders of small tribes see the leaders of large tribes, they will not show any shameful expressions.


Everyone is equal. In the face of huge disasters, there is no distinction between nobility, big or small, and wealth.

Everyone was controlled by this last-minute thing, and a strange balance was formed.

Because the aggressive big tribe doesn't even bother to invade the rights and interests of other small tribes, just like the Kui tribe, which is so peaceful.

Among these tribes, the only incompatible Wind Wolf tribe did not cause other tribes to attack because of matters other than financial matters.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone in the market is relatively full, the news will be highly dense, highly concentrated and circulated during this period. Mai Fan plans to take a look at how the mixed tribes, as the hub of news among them, can collect intelligence.

Is his ability as strong as his legend says?

What followed was an orderly transaction between the various tribes. Because each tribe had different needs, they launched intense discussions and negotiations one after another.

And during this process, the intelligence collectors from the mixed tribes who were most interested in selling houses also returned to the central city level one after another. They returned to their tribes and handed over the intelligence they collected from various places to their

into the hands of the elders who were sent out.

On the day when the intelligence was received and summarized, almost the leaders of several important large tribes were present.

They were invited to listen to something that would be of interest to every tribe. If that legend emerges, the next time will no longer be a time for city-wide transactions, but all tribal alliances will unite together.

, a mobilization meeting to prepare for the coming disaster.

Now when these people come back, they just need to let some captains of the tribes who are important or whose tribes are in relatively important positions come to observe.

Because they don't know why these small tribes didn't come.

The first explorers to return brought good news.

The reason why the small salt-producing tribe did not come this time is because their salt production has declined this year. Under the situation of supplying themselves, there is no excess salt to exchange for the materials they need, and the place where they produce salt is relatively small.

It's relatively dangerous. Whether it can produce enough depends on God.

As for them, they didn't have any problems. They were surprised when they saw an envoy coming to inquire, and expressed great gratitude to Elder Za for his concern.

When the explorer came back, he brought a small bag of grained salt to the elders, saying that if they were lucky next year, they would definitely come to the next big gathering.

To be honest, when this explorer came back to report the news, the elders of the Za tribe breathed a sigh of relief, but then he came back, and one after another explorers also returned to the tribe at about the same time on the same day.

The next news is not so good.

There are some small tribes with obvious traces of migration, but those who went to investigate did not know exactly where they migrated, because these small tribes were finishing the work, and some tribes were so obvious that they were naturally exterminated.

It was wiped out in a silent disaster by some surrounding wild animals, some inexplicable cracks in the ground, or landslides.

A total of 20 people were sent to investigate, and except for the first one who brought back good news, the rest, without exception, all brought bad news.

The faces of the elders of the mixed tribes sitting in the information processing center became increasingly ugly, and based on the various intelligence they collected, certain doubts among them made the adult participants in the conference look solemn and nervous.

Yes, a large part of these disasters are related to giant beasts, such as traces of beasts, huge footprints, or mountains that were inexplicably collapsed, or flooded lakes, etc.

It is possible that the disaster was caused when the giant beast passed by. If no one exists in that place, it will only have some impact on the local terrain change.

Once someone lives around there, it will be a disaster.

All the collected data were placed on the desk of our elders, and the following details require experienced people like them to analyze them again and again.

However, all omens are not only good, and these information alone are enough to give a warning to the people of each tribe.

As an outsider in this conference, Mai Fan was not qualified to participate, but he couldn't help but have a distinguished and knowledgeable little tail always following behind them and revealing crucial information to them.

Therefore, when they knew that a catastrophe was about to occur, they became even more eager to set off.

This time they also made a special effort to contact the owner of the stall where the discovered ruins were located.

The leader of the vendor's team also participated in the conference. After receiving the news, he saw that he had almost replaced the supplies he needed for the market, so he set off immediately.

The idea of ​​​​returning to the tribe to convey this news to the leader.

This neat behavior coincides with Mai Fan's thoughts. Next, he needs to say goodbye to the people who returned to the tribe, end the deepest friendship they have encountered here, and then move towards their new goals.


Of course, the little girl was reluctant to do this.

This chapter has been completed!
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