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Chapter 2033 What

 Then there was still nothing. They had obviously been climbing for a long time, but there was not a single footprint. It was obvious like what they had seen along the way. And when they stood at a high place, they could still see the situation of the Salt Tribe.

At this time, the people in the salt tribe were working hard as before, playing happily, or two young lovers were talking sweetly.

The calm situation showed that the giant beast had definitely not broken into their tribe.

So, where did this giant beast go and where did it disappear? Will it appear suddenly? Where is the ambush? Is it going to launch a final offensive against this tribe and seize the safest territory, or is it going to be an ambush?

Are they going to attack them on this road? Seeing the peaceful scene ahead, Mai Fan and the others not only did not feel relieved, but actually became more vigilant.

Detective, who was familiar with the terrain here, acted as a guide and first conducted some investigation.

He gave a signal to everyone, and dived into the bushes, groping around for any places where monsters might appear.

But he came back not long after, with a look of confusion on his face, because he found that the surrounding area was really safe, and there was no trace of anyone raising his hand. Now, the clue ended at the place where the last footprint appeared.

Mai Fan retreated, climbed over the hillside, and once again came to the location of the last footprints.

Here he took two steps back and forth, a little confused.

This giant beast has four legs, and the way it moves is to walk with four legs crossed on the same side. After the first three footprints fell, the fourth footprint acted as support, but the one that was pushing forward disappeared inexplicably.


In other words, this giant beast was disconnected from here by raising its legs high and lost its trace.

Even if this giant beast had the intention to commit some kind of deception, it wouldn't be able to cover up its actions in such a weird way.

"So this giant should have entered a certain place without any preparation, and then completely disappeared at this location.

So do we know each other? It can be thought that this giant beast may have been awakened by our gasket. After we successfully jumped into the pit, the giant beast could not find the culprit who woke him up.

, so I was a little angry and wanted to look around.

Then, he discovered that there was a tribe on the other side of the valley, and this tribe was regarded as the target of his anger. He left his safe place and planned to go to this tribe to vent his anger and find a life.

Looking for trouble.

Then, while he was heading into the tribe, we successfully eliminated the red pillar in the ground.

The failure of the red pillar caused the reconstruction of the magnetic field. The moment these things summoned by the red pillar failed, they were automatically transmitted to his original space.

If this is really the case, it can explain the reason for his strange posture.

The moment he stepped out, the space opened, and then he stepped into another space, and his body completely disappeared.

If, as I speculated, it was generally because of his disappearance, then this thing's luck is really good. If I guessed correctly, after the pillar disappears, the time for the crack to open will be particularly short.

After some of the things that were put back at that node are taken back, they will disappear completely.

The time of recovery may only be the moment of closing and closing.

Many huge behemoths may not have reacted before they were pinched off by this space crack.

And this giant beast was moving. When the crack opened, it rushed in and successfully sent the entire body out. Then the crack retracted, which caused the whole place to be clean.

I think the giant beasts that have appeared in other places in your area may not have as good luck as this one.

Now how to judge whether my speculation is correct is to find a way to contact the tribes in other areas, or those areas where the giant beasts have been discovered, and ask them about the situation of the giant beasts there.

I just don’t know if you have any other convenient ways to contact us other than walking or attending large gatherings.

If we pass back the news from the tribes that are closely monitoring the appearance of the giant beasts, we will know whether the area covered by our pole is the entire sixth area, and after it fails, whether it will send all the giant beasts back.


When Mai Fan was talking about his speculation, Tan's expression slowly turned from confusion to surprise, and finally turned into extreme excitement.

"If you are talking about contact information, we do have a very simple message transmission method. It only takes about half a day to transmit the message back to the entire area. It is a round trip.

Our tribe has a very fast bat.

Usually it is used for message transmission after it is domesticated.

Now, I am going to write a letter to my friend who is the farthest giant beast lying next to the tribe.

If this happens as you said, my friend, if nothing else, we will let you take as much of the most exquisite salt in our tribe as you want."

To be honest, the salt in the Salt Tribe is really hard currency in this area, just like gold, and it is indeed worthy that they can give all their wealth to strangers like them without hesitation.

It's very generous.

However, for Mai Fan, this is really unnecessary.

They repeatedly waved their hands in favor of this good intention, saying that this was what they originally wanted to do and study, and it was just a small favor for the tribes in this area.

If you really have to express your gratitude for this, then it would be better to entertain them with good wine and meat, and to be able to send them smoothly to the east is the best reward.

The two groups of people just pushed each other, and then subconsciously speeded up their pace and rushed towards the direction of the Salt Tribe.

Seeing their group coming from a distance, the Salt Tribe investigators opened the door very carefully and let them in.

After returning to the tribe, he first went to find his tribe leader.

Not long after, the leader here hurriedly took Tan Mata back the same way to find Mai Fan and the outsiders.

"The matter is so urgent, we said as we walked, let's go, I'll take you to see the best messenger bat we raise here. It won't take long before the tribe responsible for collecting information will give us feedback from the entire region.

If these friends are not in a hurry, they will definitely stay in our tribe for two more days."

This chapter has been completed!
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