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Chapter 2055 Group

 Fortunately, I did not go too deep with this group of people, and it was just a superficial sympathy. It was pitiful. In those three small groups, what will happen to them in the future? Everything is still unknown.


These young people were silently waiting for the feedback of these three people. But the two losers among these three people now seemed to have had all their strength taken away. They collapsed on the chairs that tied them and didn't even say a word.

Neither bothered to respond.

They haven't figured out how to face this situation and face the female captain they have followed for so many years.

They just find it extremely boring. Being angry is boring, and maintaining the status quo is even more boring.

But the face of the female captain, who was arrogant, proud, and always held in the center, showed confusion and fear.

When a story that was beyond his cognition and completely opposite to his cognition...no, it should be said that it was a fact was placed in front of them, his many years of experience could not give him any correct answer.

She subconsciously looked at the two followers behind her, but she looked back because she felt guilty.

By the time this story was told, his extremely arrogant attitude had been subdued.

The entire conference room fell into an awkward silence.

But on the other hand, Mai Fan and the others were somewhat withdrawn from their desire to mobilize a large number of people to find an explanation.

At this time, it was already about revealing someone's past, which was equivalent to giving this woman a head-on blow. It could even be called the most tragic revelation of the true phenomenon this year.

From then on, he will fall from the image he has constructed of the proud daughter of heaven. He may return to the lowest status group of people in the tribe, and these people are often not welcomed by the entire tribe.

The kind that I despise very much.

The fact of his letter will definitely be publicized. At least there are too many people sitting here today, but the silence of the Presbyterian Church cannot achieve the effect of confidentiality.

No matter what happens to other people, his two followers will definitely spread the word about it.

And they will become the object of everyone's sympathy. From now on, both their status and future development will be completely different from before. They will even be reversed from the current female captain, from a subordinate position to a real one.

important person.

As for the female captain, who cares what he thinks?

If his xinxing is strong enough, he can just get out of the quagmire by relying on his own personal strength.

I'm just afraid that his so-called strength in the past was actually given to him intentionally by his peers or people in his tribe.

When its real protective layer is removed, it may face a more tragic reality.

It is already foreseeable that this female captain will have a miserable life in the future, and if smart outsiders like them want to pursue it too harshly, it means they are ignorant.

Everyone present has seen the world. Who doesn’t know what these elders really think? They can only sigh, look at the elders, and try to lower the terms of their negotiations, but they want an explanation.

Determination has not weakened.

"Mr. Zhang, I already understand what happened here, and I'm deeply sorry for these things. But no matter how sorry I am, I still have to discuss the way your Wind Wolf tribe treats guests, right?

Even though this situation is the personal behavior of some of you, I have to say that it is also the result of your connivance.

If you could treat everyone equally and properly regulate these troublemakers, we wouldn't have the problem of us visiting today.

Therefore, you should discuss the method of compensation for fighting with the leaders of these fighters in detail.

After all, we didn’t suffer any serious injuries from the beginning to the end. It’s just that those soldiers wore some tricks on themselves to protect us. You always have to pay some medical compensation, right?”

These words are basically very common requests. For a large tribe, if they don't agree to these requests, then it is really not open-minded enough.

If both parties take a step back, then there will be no need to talk about some subsequent matters in the council hall. They only need to take the list given by the elders and go to the logistics department of the Wind Wolf Tribe to collect what they deserve.

Just supplies.

Yes, this is the Wind Wolf Tribe's compensation list for the rudeness of their personnel. It is a compensation for the warriors of the Alliance Tribe. Mai Fan and the others don't want anything.

The first is that they think that this matter can be solved as long as the factory is recovered, and the second is that there is nothing on their list that Mai Fan is as interested in.

And as long as the remaining distance is gone, the people of the Wind Wolf tribe will ensure that no one comes to cause trouble again. They don't mind not taking anything.

When they left, they were still very fast, because at this time, the remaining people in the tent were probably members of the Wind Wolf tribe. The atmosphere was so embarrassing that the entire roof was about to be lifted off.

What follows is inappropriate for an outsider to stand here and listen to.

Therefore, when they arrived at the logistics office at a very fast speed, several people looked at each other with the eyes of someone who had survived a disaster. In the end, they couldn't help but marvel at this kind of foreign gossip.

No matter what the final outcome of the negotiation is, in short, this female captain will probably have a difficult life in the future.

The rest of their journey was really dull. Maybe they didn't know at all that after they left, the life of the female captain was indeed very unsatisfactory.

Of course, because of his gender advantage, there was no abuse or overt stumbling.

However, in the next big competition between fighters, no male teammates showed courtesy to him. In the confrontation with real guns and swords, the female captain's true fighting ability was finally reflected.

Needless to say, she is not strong enough to become the captain of a team of elite warriors.

His strength can only make him an ordinary warrior in the team, but people's thinking is such that there is a sense of gap.

In fact, being a warrior in an elite team is already a very good career, but the problem is that this woman once existed in this team as the captain, but now she has to take orders from others.

This uncomfortable feeling made him impulsively resign from his position as a warrior in the tribe.

After he retreated from this vegetation, when he returned to the obligations that women should perform, he found that he was completely unable to integrate into the female group of the tribe, because he did not understand at all, as a woman, in the tribe,

How exactly is Zhong going to do the job he is supposed to do?

This chapter has been completed!
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