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Chapter 2063 Encouragement

 This kind of spirit of never giving up on his teammates but on the poor, immediately inspired Golden Retriever.

Seeing that this man's mental state suddenly improved, Mai Fan did not forget to cheer him up from time to time: "Are you thinking, what is the structure of the robot? His body is made of the most powerful metal alloy, yours

The so-called thin monster looks extremely sharp, but can his knife really cut off the robot's head?

The two weapons in his hands couldn't even defeat the small robot under the robot's hand. How could he get into the robot's body?

Maybe it won't be until the robot's engine oil runs out that this thin monster will have a chance to get close to him. And even if he gets a chance to get close to him, his two useless hands may not be able to turn the power-off robot away.

Cut off his head.

If you think about it again, if the thin monster chases another target, will he stop staring at you again?

Since you are so safe, you can always find time to tell us what this thin monster is, right?"

What Mai Fan said was a bit rude, but the robot didn't take it seriously at all.

Because these people are not afraid of this monster. In their eyes, this monster is just a reinforced concrete structure.

What interests them is why is this golden retriever afraid of such a bad monster?

Under Mai Fanxun's guidance, Golden Retriever gave them the answer they wanted.

"This thin monster is one of the legendary ghosts in our hometown.

He would appear at night, chop disobedient children into pieces, and hang them outside the door of the house.

In our place, in order to scare the disobedient children, the family would coax them by saying that the absorbed monster was coming.

To be honest, when these parents coaxed their children, they never regarded this kind of monster as reality, because when they were children, they listened to adults telling such stories to temporarily coax them. But when they grew up, they discovered that

This monster has never appeared.

Therefore, adults who have never seen this kind of monster and do not trust this kind of monster use this lie to deceive their children.

I was also one of the kids who was coaxed into living.

Originally, people over there would have thought that things were passed down like this from generation to generation, being deceived by this story, relieved, and then passed on again and again.

But when I was young, things changed dramatically.

Because that thin monster that everyone thought existed only in legends appeared in reality.

In our hometown, there was a child's body hanging in front of his door.

The sharp blade cut his body into several pieces, but the bones in the middle were strangely connected together. Such a tragic situation made his parents go crazy on the spot, and the screams made the entire village

Everybody can hear it.

Detectives from the village came to investigate, and at first they thought it was an enemy.

How could rural people like us have such deep hatred to kill a child? The police detectives searched over and over again, but in the end they found nothing.

He must be entangled as a perverted killer who committed such a crime while passing by our village.

But I knew that the monster was real, because that day, I came home as late as that child.

Since our family was very strict, my mother would never allow me to play outside after dark, so I quietly returned to the courtyard of my home.

The children of the neighbor who lives next to us dote on him very much, so even if he comes home late, his father and mother will not blame him.

So he announced loudly that he was back home, and our neighbors also entertained their late child with warm hugs and a delicious meal.

But when I was climbing the fence, I saw a shadow following the child.

At that time, I was so scared that I couldn't make any sound.

It wasn't until the monster disappeared behind the child and was shut inside the house with the door that I dared to slowly crawl back to my home.

Fortunately, my parents did not notice that I came back very late that night.

Because they also went to visit my uncle's house and came back later than me.

Of course I didn’t dare to tell them something like this that would get me beaten, but I still stood in front of my window very nervously, staring closely at my neighbor’s friend. Until he turned off the light, nothing happened.

It happened. After that, I fell asleep in uneasiness.

But when I came together the next morning, I heard the bad news.

I didn't see my friend's body, but I saw a pool of red blood in front of his door.

I was too young at the time, and I always said that a strange monster killed him, but no one believed me.

My parents even dragged me away to keep me out of trouble.

And I really saw everything that monster did that night.

Then the case went unsolved and everyone was arresting the person who didn't exist.

I thought this nightmare would gradually leave my mind, and maybe I would completely forget about this monster.

But I found I was wrong.

Because that night I saw a thin shadow outside my window, and it stood quietly by the window.

I don't know how he heard the conversation between me and the police, and I don't know how I emphasized to my mother again and again about the monster's body and mind, but the monster definitely knew that I was outside that night.


To him, to this monster, a child wandering outside so late is definitely a bad child, and only when bad children are punished can peace and harmony be brought to the world.

So he came to me to put everything back in place, to get rid of the children wandering outside, and to turn everything into the right track he imagined.

I was so scared at the time that I was shivering in my bed. When I threw this thin monster towards me, a reminder suddenly appeared in my mind: You are already on the verge of death.

Have you entered the space of the Lord God?

Then after a flash of light, I came to the birth space. A new life started for me. I don’t know if it is really a new life. Maybe I have died in my own world. But here,

At least I know that I am still alive and growing up.

I don’t know what’s going on with my parents in my world, am I dead in my world?”

This chapter has been completed!
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