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Chapter 2066 Golden Retriever

 There is not even a white box on the golden retriever's neck.

There was obviously a huge difference between the skin and the knife, but now they were turned over.

The slender monster opposite didn't understand. He didn't understand how the tender neck of a child he cut like tofu would become as hard as steel after a few years.

But this was not an excuse for him not being able to punish him, so he raised his hand knife again and slashed wildly at the golden retriever's neck. In the end, even the thin monster was gasping for breath, but the one on the other side was slashing wildly. There was no change at all on this man's neck.

At this time, what the golden retriever wanted to test finally came out. He bared his big teeth, as many as eight, and smiled very happily. He raised his head and looked at the one he had always been afraid of, which was like a nightmare when he was a child. exist.

Now he is no longer afraid of him. He knows that all his years of hard work, enduring so much humiliation, being used as a shield, and sacrificing everything at will are all worth it.

His goal has been achieved, then everything he suffered before is nothing. From now on, the thin monster will not be the most feared thing in his mind. From now on, he will no longer be afraid of anything. Already.

He can even withstand a skinny monster, so what else can he not stop?

Thinking of this, the golden retriever didn't care at all about the monsters on the opposite side constantly slashing him. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the good brother who had encouraged him to try from the beginning.

This magical man saved his life and broke the nightmare in his heart, allowing him to bravely take that step and break through the last line of defense.

At this moment, he was really grateful that he had met a noble person in the Lord God's space.

And when he showed his most sincere smile towards Mai Fan, the thin monster suddenly turned into powder in front of everyone and disappeared between the inexplicable extra platforms.

And when the monster disappeared, the golden light that enveloped them emerged again. This golden light shone directly on Jin Mao, who had eliminated the monster, and cheerful music sounded around him. It was as if he was celebrating the fact that he had destroyed the monster and successfully passed the level.

With the disappearance of this monster, the ladder that could no longer go up inexplicably rotated upward again, and the platform under their feet was shrinking sharply, which seemed to stop the group from staying here temporarily. People are once again forced back to the spiraling ladder.

"What are you waiting for here? Let's continue going up. If my guess is correct, after climbing up for a while, there will be an additional platform like this.

On the platform, what we may encounter is what each other fears the most. Now that the fear of the weakest golden retriever among us has been solved by him, we can successfully continue to climb up, and there is no need to worry about it. We know whose inner fear will be faced next, so everyone quickly think about what you are afraid of and speak out what you are afraid of. Let us prepare in advance so that everyone will not be exposed to the most terrifying thing in your mind. His things were implicated, and he stabbed me before I could react, so thank you."

Now they have been forced to the top of the stairs. Since they did not move for the time being, the upper fault under the stairs also stopped as they moved.

On this suspended staircase, these six people discussed the most terrifying things in their minds. First of all, they eliminated the golden retriever because its terrifying things have been solved by everyone. Then the remaining few people, they

They were about to tell their teammates what they were afraid of.

Before Mai Fan confessed what he was afraid of, he still had some concerns. He was afraid that some people were worried about their self-esteem and were unwilling to say what they were afraid of, or that they did not have enough trust in their teammates and did not want to expose their weaknesses.

Tell others.

But in the minds of this group of people, the things they just imagined to be afraid of may be insignificant to others, so the owner of the private kitchen started the conversation first, and everyone started talking about it.

Tell me what you are afraid of.

"Let me tell you first. Do you know why I want to be the owner of a private kitchen? You have discovered that I am actually an adventure lover, but I am willing to use my spare energy in a small space.

It’s a bit embarrassing to talk about this incident. It was probably the last thing I did before I came to the hosting space, and it shaped my subsequent career choices.

Before, I was indeed the owner of a private restaurant, but it was a forced choice for me to inherit my father's business.

In fact, my biggest hobbies are exploring, camping in the wild, going on adventures in unknown places and looking for online activities.

But because my father is very old, someone must inherit the ancestral restaurant of our family, so I received the news from outside and hurried home. Then I had no choice but to take over the ancestral restaurant.

After my father passed away, there was no one to take on our cooking skills and the business of this restaurant. At this time, I, the eldest son, had to shoulder the responsibility for the survival and destiny of the family. From that point on, I had no chance to return.

Went on a trip outside.

Later, when my restaurant prospered again under the management of my good cooking skills, I finally made up my mind to hand over the things in the restaurant to my wife and let him take care of it for a few days.

During the holiday, I went out to have some fun.

And I squeezed out so many vacations this time just to explore a pure wilderness mountain forest that has not been completely developed by ordinary humans.

There are dense jungles and various dangerous terrains in that mountain forest, making it the most suitable place for explorers to explore.

There are even some bounties issued in our country. When someone develops a new map and can completely construct the map, the output of a certain item in the map can be free of charge.

Provided to the first person to explore it.

It is precisely because of such exciting adventure activities that I am extremely eager to go to that place.

And when I packed up all the equipment and dove in, my time for control began to slip away.

But having not engaged in adventure activities for a long time, I forgot one of the most important exploration requirements.

That is to understand in advance how difficult it is to explore this weird forest, and how deep a person can go when exploring."

This chapter has been completed!
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