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Chapter 2086 Trouble

 "I will send you back to the world where you belong.

On the way back, remember that there was once a person who treated you like this.

It also helps you know that not all elements in this world revolve around you, and how much trouble your eating will bring to you.

Let you also have a good taste of this taste.

I don’t know if you would feel this kind of pain and helplessness in that world.

If you can feel this kind of pain and helplessness, then I hope you will firmly remember this helplessness when you go to the next planet.

Remember, when you meet the indigenous people of that planet, I hope you will know one thing, that is, be polite to the creatures who live on that planet!

Even if you have to fill your stomach, you still have to leave a glimmer of hope for the other person. This is the best thing for you, everyone, and all living things.

This is also the key to whether you can survive in the future, and whether I will keep you alive if we meet again.

If you are still living in a corner, please remember that you still have a natural enemy waiting to fight you somewhere in the world."

After saying these words, the elemental man happily transformed his hand into a huge elemental hammer and sent this pitiful and helpless elemental monster back to where they should go.

The huge hammer head formed by the fire element body smashed the poor blue element monster into powder. Countless energy fragments burst out from the monster's body and returned to the fourth layer.

In the virtual world.

And this piece of elements should belong to this land. When the elements return to the land, this red surface will not explode and dry like it originally did. At the same time, the virtual monster built by the Lord God

He also disappeared into this platform, just like when he first came, he was so grand and arrogant, but just as he left, he was so lonely and dejected.

There is quite a bit of absurdity about dust returning to dust and dust returning to dust.

Mai Fan, who was watching all this, didn't know how to comfort his friend.

He could only pat the elemental man on the shoulder, expressing his remaining comfort after the explosion of a planet.

At this time, several good friends surrounding the elemental man dared to follow him.

They originally didn't know how to comfort each other, but now they know that the knot in this old friend's heart has been untied with the death of this elemental monster.

Next, this old friend will also have his new goal, which is to look for every opportunity to escape from this space, find the place where the elemental monster has appeared in the survival fruit or is currently staying, and have a real fight with him.


Let the incident end between two people, or between two elemental bodies. From now on, regardless of victory or defeat, the elemental people will live happily in another way.

Maybe his original planet has now regained new vitality, with new friends, new teammates, and new creatures, and the land where he once lived has once again regained its vitality.

No one said anything but seemed to have said everything.

The elemental people who saw the changes on the fourth platform seemed to have new hope in their eyes.

He tapped the shoulders of every teammate who tried to comfort him, telling them he was completely fine.

Everyone can go back to the stairs on the fourth platform to summarize this battle and some of the things they saw after this battle, and some of the clues they discovered.

They were happy to have such a comparable opponent as the elemental monster, and a real existence that would enrich their speculations about the connection between the constructed monsters and reality.

Now a large part of this conjecture has been reflected in reality.

This is actually quite despairing for ordinary people, but for people like them who have already been desperate but still have hope in life, it is absolutely good news.

Because they already have the ability to fight against these despairs and eliminate these despairs, which will bring hope to their previous lives.

And isn't their ultimate meaning and ultimate goal after entering the Lord God's space just for this glimmer of hope?

I once struggled through the barrier in a hazy way, but my life finally found relief at this moment.

Their discovery of ideals came so suddenly.

In reality, this hope is more meaningful and greater than them getting rid of the main god of the main god world in exchange for their own freedom.

Now, the mentality of this group of people who originally just wanted to accompany Mai Fan on the adventure has changed.

Because they discovered that this adventure actually turned into a grand event of self-salvation and worldview change.

They were really glad that they agreed to Mai Fan's request when they were hot-headed. They were also very glad that they were quite confident in their own strength, so they had the courage to follow him on a meaningless trip.

At the end of this trip, it is not just as simple as gaining a few good friends and seeing a vast world that I have never seen before.

At the end of this journey, it became a journey of self-salvation and truth venting, as well as the ultimate embodiment of the meaning of their own existence.

They are very grateful for the ultimate meaning of this journey and are glad that they have made it to the end of this journey.

This is an unexpected trip that is very lucky for everyone.

Now even the final two levels with monster encounters are exciting and anticipated.

The robots and the Supreme Master, who had not yet had a direct battle with the opponent's monsters, suddenly had an inexplicable expectation for the remaining two levels of monsters.

What they once feared emerged in their minds, but now it has become something that can save them and allow them to plan for the future.

The significance of that is far greater than the existence value of the monster itself.

The elemental man who walked up the steps roared excitedly: "I feel that my world, the world I once existed and lived in, may still exist. If I can kill this main god and disintegrate everything, I

Find a way to survive and find your way home."

The few people who have experienced their own monster world also nodded vigorously and expressed the same meaning: "Yes, only after you put these clues together, you will find that the main god projected it.

It seems that the bodies of these monsters are not just as simple as the strength of these monsters outlined in our minds.

They still really exist in some worlds, they are still alive, but what does it mean that the things we imagined are still alive?"

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