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Chapter 2091 Machinery

 This situation only shows one thing, that is, the other party's signal tower is still operating effectively and is sending signals that can be received.

The robot's first reaction to this situation was that the planet opposite was safe and sound.

However, as the person directly responsible for receiving this signal, his only safety rule is that he has no right to process it, or to translate it better, and then give corresponding feedback to the other party.

The first standard they set in the emergency braking situation is that when the signal tower responds, both the signal towers guarding here must report the situation as soon as possible.

Only after a specialized security department evaluates the situation can signal transmission here be started again, and the situation on this side of the earth will be transmitted.

So at this time, these people pressed the alarm system very decisively.

This alarm system is directly connected to another main research room. After seeing this signal, the personnel in charge of the entire research room know what will happen next in the abandoned signal tower station.

So not long after these people took pictures of the contactor, a specialized research team arrived here, bringing all the instruments they could use to restart the abandoned research institute.

In the past two or three days, the only issue in the institute was whether to resume normal communication with the other party, because the signal they received now was still too weak, and they could not connect into a whole sentence.

If they want to hear clearly what the other party said, they must return to the previous frequency that allowed for healthy communication.

But once this frequency is restored, it means that the other side can also receive the signal from his side.

If the situation there is not as good as they imagined, or it has been captured by the enemy, and this is just a test method by the opponent, then the subsequent recovery may not be a particularly good thing.

For a while, the battle between conservatives and radicals became a stalemate.

No one wants to be the one to break the peace because no matter what decision they make, it is not a consequence that one person can bear.

Therefore, after everyone had no way to come up with the final result, they threw this issue to the person in charge at a higher level.

For many countries, more is worse than less. Even the development of the aerospace industry has little to do with many countries.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the voting on this issue caused everyone to give up the opportunity to continue communicating with the outside world.

According to these leaders, even if we know in advance that a major disaster is coming, based on our current technological level, there is a high probability that we will not be able to withstand the military strength of countries that can sail long distances.

So what can I do if the signal is restored, I know what happened that day, and I received the other party’s early warning notification?

Aren't they obediently waiting for those powerful aliens to come to their door and conduct unequal negotiations or squeeze them?

Therefore, what people on earth should do now is to wait quietly for the impending doom, or to spend the days in the future calmly when nothing happens.

There is no need to break the current tranquility for the sake of unknown knowledge and destruction.

Being an ignorant and happy person is not a kind of protection for ordinary people.

So the result of many brain discussions came out like this. Everyone removed this signal amplifier from that signal tower and pretended that nothing happened.

This is an ostrich-style resolution for everyone, but no one expresses any dissatisfaction or significance about it, because from the perspective of national leaders, this is a relatively safe result.

Even if the entire earth may eventually be dragged into another war or endless disasters, the decisions they make now will not provide any critical wrong guidance for future development.

After all, if everyone really fights, for the kind of people who can invade the earth, basically any sterilization is meaningless.

Knowing in advance will only make a small number of people who know these situations more anxious, and will not do any good to each other's body and mind, so why bother?

The resolution ended like a farce, but for the person who discovered the signal first and received it, it was a very bad result.

Mai Fan and his teammate, the robot, actually spend a lot of time with him, and you will find that he has many of the same thinking patterns as the machines he transformed, and is a bit stubborn and dogmatic.

They follow the truth and the right things, but they don't know that among these worldly things, there is also a so-called human relationship and compromise.

In their view, this senseless compromise is incomprehensible.

So when this result was conveyed to the research institute where the guards were waiting for the signal, these people did not understand it. The colleagues around him had already agreed with this approach, and they should do whatever they should and continue to live their lives well.

The days of ignorance have passed, but the robot is still thinking about why this problem is solved in this way?

You must know that the reason why he stayed until the end was not just because he was abandoned, or because his personal ability was not enough. The reason why he was able to build this signal receiving tower in the first place was that it was very important to the planet on the other end of the signal.

, or there is a certain emotion involved in receiving signals.

His signal over there is more than just a number.

In the long process of receiving and communicating with the other party, he has regarded the other party's species from another planet as a living person, even a partner.

Now he clearly knows what the people on the other side are suffering, but can't do anything about it. This is already bad. And the people on the other side may be trying to send them some early warning messages through this signal tower, but they turn a deaf ear to it. So this

This kind of thing is even more incomprehensible to him.

So after thinking for a long time, the robot suddenly got out of bed one night and confirmed one thing.

The thing is, no matter what the upper-level decision is, as the direct person in charge of this research institute and the signal tower... there are some things he can do in private.

And these things or decisions he makes in private will not actually affect anyone or anything.

He just wants to enhance his ability to receive signals and translate these signals. So no matter what the meaning of this signal is, as long as he doesn't say it out...

This chapter has been completed!
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