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Chapter 2096 Monitoring

 When the robot was brought to this base, his face was full of surprise. After seeing his old leader again, his face even twitched to the point where he could no longer control it.

What he didn't expect was that every move he made in the so-called secret machine was actually monitored 24 hours a day by his underground base.

Those plans that he said were being carried out independently and that no one knew about were actually all being watched by the members of the base under his feet.

No one stopped him from anything he did, and he even adopted an indulgent attitude.

They silently watched the robot do a series of bold and illegal things, and provided him with various conveniences. The purpose was to allow him to achieve his goals and ultimately achieve the success of his plan.

This is a fringe plan that is indulged in. Whether it succeeds or not is irrelevant to the underground base.

In fact, the decisions of the heads of stupid small countries on the ground are of no importance to what is done in this base.

There are power structures on the surface of the earth that are operating effectively underground according to another system.

In fact, there is some information about alien invasion, and these people in the underground know more than the robots who just learned about the situation.

In fact, the communication between the earth and another planet is not limited to the small discoveries on the ground.

Many years ago, the earth had already been in contact with alien life and technology, but the earth at that time was even more vulnerable and fragile than it is now.

Thanks to the aliens who discovered this planet, they just regarded it as a purely wild and undeveloped planet. For those earthlings with low technological level, they only treated it as a primitive indigenous group.

The people from the alien planet who came to visit just regarded this place as a place for pedicures, and regarded the people on earth as a group of people who could help and feel compassion, just like monkeys and elephants.

He looked at the poor technological level of these people begging for help, and felt a little pity, so he casually threw away a few technologies that would help their species survive better, and then left this place, which was not very attractive. Original planet.

But for human beings, these help can greatly improve their development, directly from mechanics to electronic technology and even the development of intelligent technology.

It is precisely because of this experience that the earth has a high degree of admiration for visitors from outer space and outer space technology.

What they want to accomplish is to take advantage of every opportunity to improve their technological level so that they can travel across the stars and discover planets that are more technologically advanced than theirs, from which they can learn from and learn from.

During this process, don’t they know that the existence of a high-tech planet is also extremely dangerous for the earth?

But for scientists who are ambitious and want to desperately develop themselves and expand their vision, what is this small danger?

Dedicating yourself to your ideals is a commendable thing.

Therefore, when everyone comes to the conclusion that the development strategy of the earth is contrary to the ideas of this group of scientific researchers, they will use the soft power that their predecessors have prepared long ago to move forward according to their own ideas.

When the planet that we finally made contact with in the early stage was attacked, the underground base project was launched.

They moved many of their vital forces, or rather the high-tech personnel who had participated in the institute in the early stages, underground.

These smart human brains and the projects they are currently working on play a vital role in the external expansion of the entire earth.

Being artificially bombed, resulting in a state of heavy artillery fire, these people should not have suffered losses because of a war.

These human beings who were taken underground in advance are the most elite generation responsible for the future of mankind.

Their only argument is that they have a smart brain and a unique perspective on external expansion.

He has some enemies in this underground base, or people who have a chance of survival and a job quota, and they are all the best among the researchers.

Everyone's IQ is beyond imagination. Any one of them can become a big boss in their own field.

Everyone who works there has immense confidence in their own individual excellence.

So this also caused them to do things without consulting the so-called leaders or leaders on the ground.

At that time, they moved underground, partly because they wanted to retain their own strength and scientific research results, and partly because they wanted to monitor the idiots on the ground in real time to avoid making wrong decisions that would cause damage to the entire planet.

No matter how this planet is colonized or even exterminated, it will not affect the people who are currently operating there.

When they fight their way up from the center of the earth, it will be time for them to retake the earth and take leadership.

At that time, a short-term defeat will not be considered a defeat but a wise compromise.

So while the signal tower remained silent, this group of people also maintained a relatively quiet state underground.

But the only problem is that people on the ground have stopped the signal tower from transmitting signals.

What the underground people are mainly doing now is trying to restore this communication.

Their original plan was to build a strong signal receiving system that could penetrate the earth's surface and reconnect the signal bands.

But when they were just halfway through this research and development project, there was someone on the ground who completed the work they needed.

This person is a robot.

This young man, who had never been favored by them and had never been named in the underground storage plan, showed great talent in this matter.

His skill points may have been overwhelmed by the tedious work, but when he sobered up, his mechanical talents were revealed.

When Robot Renren was in his office, he never thought that he was in a state of being monitored.

Of course, what this monitoring state wants to monitor is not him, but the signal receiving tower he is tinkering with.

The group of people underground wanted to monitor him, but it was just incidental.

The main reason why he was shown in the picture at that time was because he was the only person on duty staying at the signal base.

Then his bold and courageous character, as well as his small mind and mechanical talent, were all monitored by the group of people underground.

During the more than a month he has been working, his every step has been clearly seen.

This chapter has been completed!
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