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Chapter 2101 Summary

 They quickly gathered their troops and then split them up. According to each person's different emphasis, they deployed corresponding firepower around the light spot.

The existing humans on the surface began to quickly move to various military fortresses and air defense equipment with relatively stronger defense measures.

There are also many people scattered inside the shelters and a large number of anti-disaster bunkers.

People living on the surface already know that they are about to face the biggest crisis in their lives. This is not only a problem for all mankind, it may even be whether this civilization and this ethnic group can continue on this planet.

The most important issue comes down.

At this moment, this ethnic group has never been as united as it is now.

Many insurmountable difficulties have become insignificant in the face of life and death, and they have become surmountable.

In the process of resisting the enemy, any order was executed very smoothly.

Passivity and slackness seem to have become a word of the past at this moment.

And the black aircraft that gradually emerged one after another from these flickering light spots were also very confusing and confusing to the actions of these new ethnic groups on the surface.

This cleaning company is different from the one encountered on another planet that the robot contacted.

If there is any connection between the two, it is probably because they received the same commission from a high-dimensional civilization planet.

This high-dimensional planet needs a clean planet that can be reshaped.

His standard for this planet is that there must be life and a primitive environment suitable for life to survive.

What is the standard for the original environment of a planet at high latitudes? That is, there is no massive mechanical destruction, material excavation, and ecological destruction.

There are and can only be the most primitive signs of existence.

Once found to be of relative level they will be abandoned.

In other words, regardless of whether there are intelligent creatures on this planet, as long as their technological level has not reached a certain level, they can ignore the things that these cleaning companies have cleaned up before.

From the perspective of humans on high-latitude planets, the intelligent creatures on these relatively advanced technological planets cannot be called equal life forms.

They only recognize their equals, or the racial civilizations of lower-level affiliated planets.

Of course, if the other party's technological level or racial energy is far higher than their current level, people on high-latitude planets will definitely recognize the other party's existence and status with great enthusiasm.

The reason why the people on this high-latitude planet need such a clean primitive star is actually the memory of the ruler of this planet's birth. Adults need a toy that can develop intelligence and thinking.

What toy could capture a child's attention better than being the creator of a planet?

For children who are growing and developing, it can attract more of their attention, improve their brain and thinking abilities, and allow them to unlimitedly imagine how to cultivate and develop the ethnic groups on this planet.

In the end, there may be some magnificent and strange ethnic groups on this planet, and they may also be cultivated by him into another high-tech weapon with great development prospects.

What kind of planet this planet will eventually be cultivated by their children, their parents can infer their children's personality and development direction from the future development of this planet.

This is the most basic and standard profile for them to observe whether their child is a qualified heir.

Therefore, the direct ruler of this high-latitude planet issued such a highly rewarding mission.

Of course, the requirements for this task are written very clearly, and even the final completion of the task is divided into levels.

If the cleaning companies hand over the coordinates of a clean planet without any trouble, when they check and accept it correctly, these cleaning companies will receive a large amount of unimaginable wealth.

Of course, if the cleaning companies do not have enough capabilities to deal with such a planet, these cleaning companies can also submit the corresponding coordinates and let them be processed by high-latitude planets.

However, if it is such a transportation mission, once the planet on the coordinates they submitted is selected, and people from high-latitude planets need to handle it personally, then the day they get is just a fee for providing clues.

Lured by the huge trade balance.

The cleaning company that thought it had the ability to handle the corresponding matter took action.

Now this cleaning company is one of those who received the task. They were lucky enough to accept it at the end of the task and set out at the last moment before the deadline.

Why are they lucky? Because it was not too early when they accepted the mission, but it was not too late when they found a suitable planet.

It only took them a few days to find the planet where the robot was located, not because they were lucky.

Instead, they were just smart enough to follow the cleaning company of the first couple, and while trying to miss each other, they discovered something very interesting.

The cleaning company they compete with is struggling with the indigenous people on this planet, and there are many things that it cannot take into account.

They didn't notice their mortal enemy at all. In fact, they had sneakily followed behind them in an attempt to take advantage of him.

None of them discovered their mortal enemy. While the two sides were fighting to the death, they secretly used the stealth system to carefully explore the planet where the battle was still going on.

As a hostile cleaning company carefully examines the planet's value, they discover something very interesting.

They discovered that the resistance here had a secret, extremely powerful external signal transmission tower.

Even though the fighting outside was so fierce, the signal tower was well protected, and the military strength inside was even stronger than that of a small resistance army.

So what exactly is this signal card connected to? Is this the planet’s foreign aid, or is it their hope?

If there is a parent star on this planet that is more powerful than them, or an alliance star that is higher than their current level, then their mortal enemy will be in bad luck this time.

As a company that does dirty work, their cleaning companies usually don't have any big background behind them.

People on planets at high latitudes don't look down on this kind of dirty work.

And what people who run small businesses like theirs fear most is offending unknown forces.

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