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Chapter 2105 good news

 Although it is not clear why they stayed there, it is definitely not for sightseeing. The deeper purpose of their stay here is the main reason for their stay here.

And this deep-seated purpose may not be good news for the planet.

This unshareable stagnation makes the battle on the planet where the robot is located more intense.

They began to harass in stages, going round and round, day and night.

He was in this behavioral pattern where neither side knew what the other was going to do, and the fighting pattern of one defending and the other attacking continued all night long.

When the sun rose at dawn the next day, the cleaning company that came to the planet stopped their work because their research on the resources on this planet was basically completed.

After he got the specific data, it was assumed that the person in charge of the cleaning company placed here directly made a decision to attack across the board.

Why would such a cunning and clever cleaning company withdraw from the planet where the robot is located and become interested in it?

The final results are of course reflected in their analysis reports.

Through this day and night of research and analysis, we came to the conclusion that the mechanical star contains a rare metallic element that is not very common in alien planets, even in high-latitude planet cleanses.

This rare metal element has a very high content on this planet, and its collection method is extremely simple.

For high-latitude planets, no matter how rare the elements are, it is not very difficult to refine, combine and arrange them. However, the cost and monetary index of usually creating the elements yourself or extracting them from a very laborious environment

It's very high.

If there are natural ores that can be easily decomposed or crudely refined and can be obtained as very refined and rare ores, then if the ores produced at this cost are transported to high-latitude planets for sale, then

It's huge profits.

To put it bluntly, the cleaning company discovered a chain of interests on this planet that was even larger than the tasks they received later, and it appeared on this planet.

If they conquer this planet, clean it, and sell top-grade resources to foreigners, the benefits they will gain will be far greater than if they hand over this planet to a high-latitude mission publisher.

After their inspection of this planet was completed, their mission to this planet changed.

If we say another thoughtful battle strategy, after delaying, they will have a way out.

So for the planet of robots, no matter what they do, there is probably no feasible path.

You know, for these gangster-like cleaning companies, after cleaning a planet, it becomes an ownerless planet.

This is the basic approach of interstellar bandits and all people on high-latitude planets.

In their eyes, this has once again returned to the survival of the fittest in the original ecology, and they will not retain compassion or sympathy because of whether other species of humans can survive.

For them, this star field or the entire star field in outer space is really too big. They don't have that much empathy to fully empathize with other ethnic groups who look completely different from themselves.

In their eyes, the creatures on the robot planet are grotesque. Just like the little monsters on their own planet, they are not worthy of pity.

Therefore, when they issued the order for a full-scale attack, they did not feel much guilt about the decision they made.

Then, on the morning after these cleaning companies arrived on the planet, a one-sided massacre began.

In order to maximize their profits, the people of these cleaning companies do not even want to conduct business negotiations and cooperation with the real owners of this planet, that is, they, the indigenous people.

If you want to know about top-down cooperation, they can make a lot of money from this planet by using various means, and even if they have poor information control, they can even extract part of the profits by squeezing them.

No points left.

But greed is the most profound quality of these cleaners. He is unwilling to share any of the benefits with the primitive ethnic groups on this planet.

Therefore, the cleaning company that is unwilling to share even this small amount of profit has no choice but to ask the indigenous races on this planet to die.

When one planet is at war with another planet, tug-of-war is a very rare war mode, because the party that is crushed will be the one who initiates the war.

After the cleaning company figured out all the details of this planet, and the strength level on this planet was lower than his own, he would have the courage to carry out all subsequent plans.

Just as the cleaning company expected, once they started fighting, they were basically crushed one-sidedly.

The result of this kind of crushing is that when these companies get serious, the planet where the robots are located begins to lose ground.

Even though this planet has not had any primary experience as a combat unit, their planet has never had a single day of peace in its long-term survival environment.

Wars between countries are sporadic.

Abnormal behavior will certainly make these military leaders who hold real power and have combat experience become more vigilant.

The behavior of these invaders on the opposite side is simply illogical. If I have to use any words to describe this feeling, it is that they must take over their planet regardless of the consequences, even if they use various methods to delay the war.


So, what went wrong that made the other party so desperate?

The robot in the signal receiving tower did not get the answer he wanted.

Some parts are similar than on another planet, but other parts are really different.

Because the entanglement on another planet has reached its most intense state, but the opponent is getting more and more timid, and the more he fights, the more he tends to retreat.

It is completely opposite to the war situation on the planet where the robot is located.

When the robot's resistance became more intense, the people from the cleaning company opposite went crazy and invested more physical manpower into it.

It was as if they had come to a starry sky where their life and death enemies were, and they would not stop until they were maimed and beaten to death.

While these people were puzzled, the experienced people from the friendly planet opposite had already conducted some tactical exchanges and communications with the cleaning company over there.

This chapter has been completed!
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