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Chapter 2111 Primitive

 This place has become an ordinary primitive planet with no surplus value, and these crazy aborigines have given the boss of the cleaning company a huge psychological shadow.

After getting the correct result, he waved his hand without hesitation and gave the order to withdraw. From this node, they would jump again to the planet where the rival company was located.

He didn't want to look at this place again.

Moreover, the consequences of the detonation of this high-quality explosive bomb have not been reflected yet.

There is so much beneath the surface. It would take at least hundreds of years for the planet to explode from the inside out.

A star whose terrain is too active is not a good mood for people living on the surface.

It is unimaginable what kind of changes the huge poisonous gas and constantly burning magma will bring to this planet.

Other people on the planet who want to live can be a little more tenacious and be able to withstand this burning inner fire.

Only after these people withstood this wave with a tenacious mentality could they truly survive.

If they don't persevere in this desperate battle of survival of the fittest, they will perish just like other species that encounter natural disasters...

So the so-called sacrificed heroes in their eyes now are just like a joke if we look at them later.

Do you only care about the immediate life and ignore the long-term survival?

The culprit is to sigh condescendingly for other people's stupid decisions. This kind of hypocrisy can only happen to cleaning companies.

In any case, the source of this huge crisis of planetary destruction has finally been removed.

The soldiers below who were preparing to fight to the death with these landed invaders were now in another state of confusion.

Invasion, the intruder is like a psychopath. He appears suddenly, fights without saying a word, then suddenly jumps away, and evacuates without saying a word.

An invasion or genocide is as commonplace and fun to them as eating.

It's because they are naturally weak that they are treated so lightly.

However, this group of people had been at a loss for less than a minute before their attention was diverted back by the magma emerging from the ground and the violent earthquakes one after another.

The invaders retreated so easily and ran away without hesitation, leaving this mess to the natives of this planet.

This was originally the harm they caused, but now it disappeared as if nothing happened. The most fundamental reason is that he is stronger than these weaklings.

What is really unfortunate is that the indigenous people who were left behind do not feel the consequences of the disaster so strongly on the ground.

But the feeling of being close to those precious mineral deposits underground, and even the underground bases that use these mineral deposits to maintain their own operations, is not that wonderful.

The first wave of harm has already arrived.

The high-explosive bombs created by the robots drove along the pipes and corresponding ground, directly impacting the outer shell of the underground base.

Although the source of a base's energy mineral deposits is still quite far away from the real main urban area of ​​the base, when developing and designing this underground base, the issue of whether fluctuations in the mineral deposits will affect the base was also taken into consideration.

.But with the addition of high explosives, this distance is no longer consistent with the original intention of the original design.

What caused great harm to the base was not the depletion of the mineral resources and the impact of the explosion, but the mutual extrusion and movement of the earth's core and surface caused by the violent earthquakes after the two were combined.

The indestructible steel frame structure that could withstand the pressure from the upper layer was finally unable to withstand this level of damage under the violent action of the entire planet rubbing against each other. The thick shell built with their special materials was under great force.

It cracked directly into several parts under the tug.

Without the protection of the shell, the entire underground base is as fragile as a walnut kernel without its shell.

The first urgent thing is the underground oxygen supply system and the decompression and relief of the underground pressure layer.

Ordinary researchers who knew nothing about what was going on outside witnessed a small part of the entire base without any precautions, and directly escaped from the inside and outside of the base.

And there are still a few of their unlucky colleagues in the separated part.

After leaving the circulation of the underground system and the protection of various devices.

The space in the underground base that had just fallen off was directly compressed into a flat piece by the strong air pressure, and any objects and humans inside became one with this flat piece as they were squeezed.

His living colleague didn't even utter a scream, but turned into a ball of blood mist and blended into the center of the earth.

Afterwards, the researcher who witnessed this could no longer worry about his colleagues.

Because the main structure they were in also became torn apart as the surroundings were crushed.

These advanced humans who once looked down upon the others and looked down upon the ordinary people on the surface disappeared in this instant.

Except for a few senior personnel who had been alert to this situation and decisively entered the escape cabin when the exploration ship landed on the ground, the entire base consisted of thousands of people and countless scientists and researchers.

The high-IQ group disappeared in just a few seconds.

There were several flexible boats that resisted the violent movement of the earth's crust and desperately fled to the surface.

This is the only chance for these people in the underground base to survive.

The continuous explosion and excessive activity of this planet will last for hundreds of years. If you are lucky, it will gradually calm down after a hundred years, and if you are unlucky, this planet may be active like other excessively active planets.

Like the planet, it eventually became a huge firework in the entire starry sky. After blooming to its final splendor, it turned into pieces of cold meteorites, floating in this quiet and endless starry sky.

Of course, all of this and the subsequent development have nothing to do with the robot at this time. Because after he gave the order to detonate the bomb, the moment those huge explosions rushed towards him, he

I was attracted by a white light.

After the dazzling white light flashed, when he opened his eyes again, he came to a magical space.

This is also the sequel to how he will later meet good friends like Mai Fan and encounter many interesting and exciting worlds.

After the robot came to this space, it regarded it as another opportunity to return to its mother.

This chapter has been completed!
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