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Chapter 212 Da Hei is a little abnormal

"Then what?" Mai Fan asked curiously.

Officer Jing smiled contemptuously, and glanced at the dreamer. She said to Mai Fan: "What can happen to these people?"

"Of course we will not compromise with criminals! After hearing their arrogant words, the entire capital city police force took action, and everyone conducted a joint defense and collaborative platoon and raid."

"Because our operation was very secretive this time, everyone's working mood was very high. In addition, the scale of the operation was relatively large and the operatives were relatively fast. This operation has achieved extremely dazzling achievements."

"In less than three days, we eliminated more than a dozen pickpocket dens. We tidied up two to three community streets with relatively chaotic security, and arrested nearly 100 organized and ganged pickpockets.

.And we have carried out double insurance work of community monitoring and re-education for those who have a history of theft.”

"Three days later, the so-called king of pickpockets couldn't even reach our ears."

"Because he has become a polished commander and most of the people under his command have been caught by us."

"The only regret is that this man is so cunning. During our large-scale arrest operation, he actually escaped."

"However, after finding this place, we will probably understand why he was able to escape smoothly."

"So Mr. Dream Maker, do you know where this third person is?"

"From your description, he should be an evolver in agility."

The dreamers who had been staying in the deep mountains and in the old forest were dumbfounded.

That guy was so bragging when he came here that his feelings were all fake.

Then don't blame him for bowing his head in front of reality.

"I said, I said, comrade police officers are sharp."

"I do know the name of this third person. His name is He Xiaogang."

"It's a pickpocket who is entrenched in the Zaojun Temple area of ​​Weigong Village."

"The reason he can see my advertisement is that his body has also undergone certain changes. His reactions are sharper than before, and he runs faster."

"It's just that he has no way to control this speed."

"A few times during the escape process, because the speed was too fast, after stopping, I immediately fell into a fainting state."

"He came to my dream house to solve this problem."

"Well..." Officer Jing asked, "Then what is the solution you gave?"

The dreamer had a sneer on his face: "My suggestions are quite pertinent."

"I told him, don't you pickpockets all have high technical skills? Now your hand speed has improved."

"Then why are you still thinking about running away?"

"You have improved your skills and are able to pass by people and lose things without realizing it. Then what kind of running ability do you need?"

"Perhaps you are still uneasy. For example, if you really want to run away in a critical moment, but you are afraid that you cannot control the speed... then I will recommend a magic weapon for slowing down."

"What is it?" The trio was really curious.

What mysterious magic weapon is it? Which of the weird objects in this house is it?

The dreamer heheyile said: "It's not like me, I just gave him the two bricks for stepping stones in my house."

"I told him this is the stepping stone for the Master of the City God's Temple."

"Promise to keep him as steady as a rock and never faint again."

Officer Jing and three others:...

The dreamer was a little anxious: "Don't believe it, this is a good idea. Dozens of days have passed, and he hasn't come back to bother me again."


Now that the matter has been clarified and the person has been arrested, it is time to bring this special person to the police station for filing.

After the dreamer knew that he would not be arrested for research because of his specialness, he cooperated very well.

He followed Feng Xiaoju's van to their daily office space.

The next thing has nothing to do with Mai Fan.

After saying hello, he returned to his original unit.

However, due to confidentiality, even if he returned to his press office, there was no way to write a single word in the report about today's case...


Mai Fan threw the pen away and sighed, "What the hell is this? It's better to go home and have a good rest, recharge your batteries, and wait until tomorrow."

After thinking of this, Mai Fan no longer hesitated, and instead planned to go home, have a good meal, and have a good sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he found that the starry sky at night was beautiful and the moon was very round.

Why is it so noisy in my ears?

Mai Fan looked towards the roof of the house with some confusion...and suddenly remembered that there were two new members of his family on the roof.


"Canned cats, canned fish, canned fish, delicious biscuits, biscuits."

Mai Fan ran to the kitchen, carried a huge plate, and climbed to the flower room on the second floor.

When he opened the balcony to the open air and took a look, sure enough, two cats were shining with scorching eyes in the darkness...

This look doesn't look like a cat, but like a wolf.

"Haha, you guys, Big Black and Little White, must be hungry."

"Eat something good."

Mai Fan put the tray aside as if nothing had happened, turned around, and took two small bowls of water to the two cats next to the water purifier on the terrace.

When he turned around again, he found that the two cats, one big and one small, had already buried their heads in the basin and were eating deliciously.

"I will definitely pay attention next time. If nothing happens at noon, I will come over to see you."

"My tavern still has limitations. If it had its own shuttle door, wouldn't it be much more convenient for whatever I want to do?"

This may be another manifestation of people's dissatisfaction when they have to travel to Shu, right?

Mai Fan has had enough sleep, but looking at the weather, he still won’t be able to sleep even if he goes back to his cage, so let’s play with the cat to his heart’s content.

Dahei and Xiaobai are really lively after eating.

But this liveliness was a bit too much. Why did the two of them keep scratching their hair and making some shrill and disgusting shouts?

Mai Fan followed the two of them and struggled and fought, and in the blink of an eye the sky lit up.

With scratches all over his face, he pulled the two cats away from him: "Stop making trouble, I'm going to do some business. I'll wait at home and I'll give you some food at noon."

Who would have thought that after he said this, it seemed to be counterproductive.

Dahei's scream was especially sad...

It no longer held up Mai Fan's hair and now hugged his legs to prevent Mai Fan from leaving.

This chapter has been completed!
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