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Chapter 2124 The Devil

 At this time, the devil finally panicked. He started to curse, but as the two people rose higher and higher, all he could say was pleading.

At this time, he found that his attacks were useless and were blocked by these golden lights.

These golden lights also absorbed his energy and fed back to the little monk, making them ascend faster.

And he was like a mouse caught in a mousetrap. He could only struggle feebly but could not break free from this terrifying trap.

Then, the only way to survive, or not to leave this world, is to beg this little monk who has little experience to be kind and let him go.

But he had done so much evil before, and he even slaughtered all the familiar people around him in front of the Supreme Master.

Even when the master was standing at the door of his temple to resist waves of monsters, so many residents around him who liked him, admired him, and believed in him spontaneously came over to help.

This kind of going forward made him see the death of too many people.

The devil on the other side started to cry. Isn't that pitiful? That was really pitiful.

But how can this disguised pity compare to those spontaneous and sincere sacrifices?

The more ugly the other party is, the more straightforward and decisive the actions of the Supreme Master are. He no longer listens to these noisy voices in his ears, and only keeps his head buried in paper to operate this secret treasure to the maximum extent.

The ethereal Buddha's voice echoed in his ears. He suddenly had a subtle connection with this secret treasure, and he understood the true use of this treasure.

He even knew that this treasure involved some knowledge that might lead to greater secrets after research.

But there wasn't much time left for him. She might have missed some opportunity to reveal the truth, but he didn't regret it at all.

Because when he rose up, he saw that the junior brothers he was guarding had tried their best to escape from the Dahuguo Temple. The remaining monsters were gradually eliminated with the help of some remaining soldiers and many people.


No matter what, if the last seed is still preserved, as long as he takes the culprit in his hand to where he should go, then the 12 countries will one day return to their original state after slowly regaining their vitality.


So, does he know what the use of this last secret is?

Aren't all secrets themselves the people who serve his life?

The Supreme Master, who had given up his last obsession, became in a very ethereal state in his mind.

When a golden light flashed, he suddenly felt that the Tathagata Tathagata in his arms bound the two of them together and the bond that bound them together was suddenly broken at a certain moment.

At this time, he could finally open his eyes and look at his surroundings.

And the demon he separated from him no longer wanted to yell at him and beg loudly.

Because they have broken away from the glass cover of the 12 countries and transcended the 12 countries.

After he left the protection of the inexplicable transparent membrane of the 12 countries, the Supreme Master felt a gradually crushing suffocation in his chest.

His realm is not enough to support him breathing normally in this environment. If there is no way to improve this situation, he may die soon.

Master Zhishan subconsciously looked at his chest. At this time, the scroll that provided him with the energy to take the devil out of the realm finally lost all its light, just like when it was placed in the temple to be enshrined.

Ordinary and unremarkable.

This has been a long-cherished wish for many years, and after it was realized, the period of self-recovery has arrived.

This scroll, which helps all masters realize their wishes, can no longer provide more help to this good master.

He is going to die.

But Master Zhishan didn't have much panic in his heart. He had a sense of emptiness of relief and a sense of accomplishment of achieving his goal.

He began to think about his life.

Then he tried hard to turn his head in the direction of the specific reason for ending his short life.

When he turned around to take a look at the demon, the scene in front of him was so shocking that he couldn't even speak.

He once thought that the 12 countries were a huge continental platform.

Even if it transcends the existence of the 12 Kingdoms, there may be an independent country and an independent royal capital just one level above the 12 Kingdoms, or one level above.

But the world that the Supreme Master once sketched is completely different from the reality he sees now.

This contrast with the imagination in his mind was so shocking that he couldn't say a word.

The demon next to him, who had already escaped from his arms, reacted even more exaggeratedly than he did.

As someone who has reached that point and is thinking about what his life will be like in the future, he probably cannot accept that the world he will come to after his ascension is like this.

It was a broken meteorite starry sky, with many broken stones and invisible fragments flowing slowly around them.

There was no sign of human existence in that dark, cold starry sky, let alone any trace of life.

The devil only needs to gently mobilize the energy in his body, and he will realize that this starry sky cannot provide him with what he needs for daily practice.

Even if he is now so powerful that he can breathe independently without any energy outside the territory, sooner or later his energy will be exhausted one day, and by that time, without replenishment, he will still face the end of death.

What the hell is this? Could it be that all the ascension, or the fantasies of those strong, are just wishful thinking on their part?

So his decision that he made by mistake, that he wanted to stay in the 12 countries and didn't want to go out to see it, was the most correct one?

But if you think about it this way, this reality is so terrifying for those who are determined to pursue the highest level of fighting.

There is hope only when the road has no end. Knowing what the end point is will make those who stand at the top feel at a loss.

But this group of people already knew that the path they were taking was unworkable. Wouldn't they go back immediately and tell the people of all 12 countries this secret?

It is too late for those who come late to take less detours and go back to enjoy many things that she has never enjoyed before in her life.

But for thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, no ascended person from these twelve countries has returned.

This thought gave the devil some hope again, and he began to try to search in this chaotic area where he could not clearly see the distance.

There must be some clues that he has not discovered, which are the reasons why those predecessors who are extraordinary do not return.

This chapter has been completed!
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