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Chapter 2127 screen

 But there was no sound in the red land ahead, which was like a purgatory on earth.

Immediately afterwards, a scene like a painting slowly emerged in the flames.

After seeing the appearance of the protagonist in the scroll in flames, the breath of the Supreme Master was stagnant for a moment.

Because he saw that the protagonist of this scroll turned out to be a sleeping giant suspended on the side of the 12-country road.

In this empty land with a sea of ​​blood at the bottom, many people like that giant formed a phalanx.

Opposite this phalanx is a group of pitch-black armored troops that only glow with soul fire.

As the leader of their respective phalanxes, this giant took the lead and charged at the opponent with his two huge axes.

Behind him, the giants who were equal to him followed him and charged towards these dark monsters.

Unfortunately, this was basically a one-sided massacre.

Almost half of the flesh and blood in this red phalanx were wiped out.

The unpopular group on the opposite side, with only two green flames in their eyes, only lacked one layer of soldiers.

The only person in this phalanx who can kill such black soldiers is the leader of their phalanx, who is also the strong man suspended in the void that Master Zhishan saw.

Although the level of the soldiers behind him could not keep up with his current ability. He took these videos to charge, just to consume some of the soldiers in the square formation on the opposite side.

All of this is so that he can rush into the phalanx and destroy another enemy in the phalanx who is similar in strength to him.

If the center of the black phalanx can be destroyed, then all the black soldiers around him will perish together with the death of the leader.

These black enemies are like a machine that runs very rigorously, but after the chip in the center of the machine is destroyed, the entire machine cannot cause harm to people no matter how huge it is.

Unlike this strong man floating in the air, the people he brings are all alive. Even if their strength is not as strong as the opponent, they are all intelligent and independent individuals.

Then Mai Fan and the others saw the strong men who had lost all their soldiers fighting against this one-man phalanx.

This strong man used all his strength and finally rushed to the center... in front of a dark warrior who was more different than others.

The encounter between the two sides was merciless. He was surrounded by enemies, and these people stepped up their attacks, and they all slashed towards the strong man.

The strong man who had no serious injuries at first began to have many scars on his body, but the strange thing is that his healing ability is so strong.

Some flesh wounds were cut back and immediately fused together with the help of powerful healing power.

Except for some white spots where the cuts were made, not even a drop of blood came out.

This is probably the racial talent of this powerful ethnic group. After reaching a certain level and height, its bloodline will automatically stimulate life-saving skills.

It was precisely because of this unique skill that he had the confidence to confront the black phalanx on the opposite side that was like a war machine.

He also gritted his teeth and almost fought with his life.

Just at this moment, when his huge ax was about to hit the black warrior's head, a huge energy body suddenly bloomed from the black warrior's chest. This energy body was like a thick lightning.

, with a stab, it led to the chest of this strong man.

The thick, arm-like arcs of electricity beat each other two or three times in the hearts of the two strong men.

Even with such a fatal attack, this strong man still slashed the red giant ax in his hand onto the neck of the central warrior of the black phalanx.

With the operation and beating of this electric arc, the ax in the hands of this strong man approached the black warrior's cervical vertebrae layer by layer.

At the moment when the arc was about to extinguish, a faint clicking sound came from the black warrior's head.

He heard the subtle voice. After that, a relieved and satisfied smile finally broke out on the strong man's face.

Then the huge ax was embedded in the enemy's neck. But the strong man holding the ax could no longer hold on. With a plop, he collapsed in the black square he was attacking.

Then there was a long silence, and the sound of the black warriors in this phalanx collapsing to the ground.

The attack of this strong man whose whole body was red was effective, and he successfully destroyed the warriors in this phalanx.

But is the story in this battlefield of blood and fire finished like this?

No, not at all! This is just the smallest scene in the entire battlefield, and as the scene unfolds, a very magnificent contrast of black and red appears to occupy the entire battlefield.

This is a scene similar to an ancient battlefield, showing a long-lasting war.

In the protracted war between the black side and the red side, the battle between the black and red phalanx where this strong man belongs is going on every day.

Moreover, it is not just the people in their phalanx who are fighting, sometimes there will be hundreds or even thousands of such formations on the entire ancient battlefield at the same time.

The strong man that the Supreme Master saw in the starry sky turned out to be just another slightly stronger leader on the battlefield.

Even though he knew that his last nightmare might be that monster in the starry sky, the Supreme Master who saw this scene was still shocked by the abilities of the soldiers used in the war on the opposite side.

For the people in their 12-nation world, the strong man floating in the starry sky is simply a nightmare-like existence.

But who can guarantee whether the soil of these 12 countries once belonged to this powerful man?

Perhaps the country they were in, to this strong man, was nothing more than a bag of snacks for his entertainment, or maybe even just a tonic elixir and merchandise sold in a casual shop.

It seemed to the Great Master that the giant had devoured their companions.

For this giant, all he has in mind is some jelly beans to replenish energy.

For a time, the great master became a bit boring.

If we take a broad view, some of the things he did to other ethnic groups seem to be no different from what this strong man did to their 12 countries.

It's just that some things happened to me, so it was a little hard to accept.

However, now is not the time to lament that if you think about things from a different perspective, you will have a different idea.

This chapter has been completed!
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