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Chapter 2140 Means

 In the process of this group of people trying it now, only these two people still have some effective methods, but they are definitely not what they are using now.

So now, the only hope is that the supplementary bag that Fan is holding is the high-quality insect bag that he bought in the market.

It is a targeted loader invented for the golden beetles of that world.

The bug's pockets are bags made of a weird sticky substance.

The important feature and the reason why it is expensive is that the beetle that enters will automatically fall into a deep sleep process, thereby preventing it from chewing around and destroying the materials and pockets carrying it.

Another feature that people think is very good is anti-virus.

There are all kinds of poisonous insects in it. It will be very difficult to develop targeted defense measures for any kind of insect's toxicity.

So they coated the inner wall of the bug bag with a very effective insulating film.

This film is a drug that gives the insect a certain amount of anesthesia and calming effect when it tries to struggle or bite.

Rather than fighting poison with poison to restrain them, it is better to make them feel safe and trapped or have a very high-quality sleep, which can effectively trap the bug in the bag. Many bugs even like to pretend to be bugs.

Many bugs will even build their nests in this kind of pocket, treating it as their real safe house.

As the owner of the safe house, they can control this bug bag.

Because it is related to the bag of bugs, it is also closely related to the bugs in the bag. Over a long period of time, many beneficial insects caught in the wild will have a negative impact on the owner of the bug bag because of this bag.

It creates some closeness.

After having enough closeness, making a contract with these bugs is usually successful.

Mai Fan plans to follow the method of controlling insects over there. If these golden beetles don't have an owner, then he will easily have a large number of warriors capable of fighting five times.

If there was an owner behind these golden bugs, Mai Fan would have the confidence to take his place and become their second person.

Thinking of this, Mai Fan stood in an absolutely safe area without white mist and pinched the door. When some faint white light flashed on the door frame, he took out the green ball in his hand that looked like a very high-end one.

The blue insect bag was opened.

That white light is a tactic to harass and remind the bugs that they are here.

It's like a normal person having a hypnotist calling you gently in his ear, telling you that there are delicious foods that are sold there that exceed your imagination.

We are easily tempted by calls like this.

If you are not wary, you will head towards the so-called delicious direction.

This formula serves as a deception.

Although the white mist of time and space is still wearing and pressing around them, preventing them from breaking free from the shackles of this gate.

But the bugs lying on the door, or the golden beetles that have shown signs of recovery, know that behind them, there is a very tempting existence for them.

Once they break free from this pressure, the first thing they do is run to the back to see if it is really as beautiful as the voice in their ears said.

As the long formula was recited, more and more insects felt the atmosphere in the white light. And they also quietly turned around from that aimless, numb, and oppressed state.

, trying to get rid of the interference of this white mist to find a truly comfortable and stable place.

Among these bugs, there are those who have just recovered and have not yet figured out the situation. Naturally, there are also the bugs that have awakened in advance and have been awakened by the sound of the machine.

Since they were eager to leave this uncomfortable area, they started their resistance early in front of the gate.

A small group of brave bugs buzz and flutter their wings, fighting for a free life.

They broke through the layers of white fog, trying to get through the things that had been blocking them to reach the other side of happiness.

However, the reason why the white mist was able to suppress them on the door for such a long time was because the white mist was the one that restrained them.

Once they leave the door, something on the door that can protect them disappears. These bugs are no different from other objects. They have the right to travel and fly to happiness at the cost of burning their own lifespan.

The bravest group of insects were also the first ones to break free from the white mist. They only flew two or three meters away from the gate before clattering to the ground.

Even if they are said to be able to live for more than a thousand years and, through some special means, be able to sleep under the pyramids like the Pharaohs, in real life, no matter how long these bugs live, they will only live for a short time.

Hundreds of years of insect life.

This is the bravest and most active insect lying on the spot where the white mist is about to dissipate.

If ordinary people see their companions in such danger, they usually don't dare to go out and poke their heads out again.

But what Mai Fan didn't expect was that the ferocity of this beetle was beyond that of ordinary insects and animals.

Think about it carefully. If they didn't have such courage, they wouldn't be able to top the list of the most ferocious bugs.

The first wave of active bugs fell to the ground. After that, the robot's white mist-absorbing machine pushed forward another meter. If these bugs can persist for a little longer, maybe it's because of this short period of time.

With a distance of just one meter, you can create a way out for yourself.

Mai Fan and the others, who knew the working principle very well, knew that as long as there were insects brave enough to take the second step, they would most likely escape.

However, can these simple-minded bugs really understand the meaning?

No, they definitely don't understand how these things that restrain him work.

However, if you want to achieve your goal, you only need to have a certain amount of courage.

Mai Fan and others looked at the insect corpses on the ground. When they looked at the door again, these insects gave the group of observers a definite answer.

The second group of brave and sober bugs rushed forward.

This time, there were even more bugs than the first group after being sensed and bravely rushing out.

Because they are often not the most sensitive, but they are the most important group in this insect.

As bugs who always live and act in a team most of the time.

All they need is a bug flying outside...

They are the whole insect team that will follow suit.

This chapter has been completed!
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