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Chapter 2153 Approval

 Whether a god is truly powerful or not does not need the approval of others.

Even if there are objections or doubts, he only needs to push them aside. Then these uncomfortable voices will completely disappear.

This day was recorded by him as the center of this divine realm.

This will be his base for a short stay.

This is the starting point of his rise and the final retreat.

After the Lord God has completed his control and absorption of this place, he will set out again to complete an even crazier thing in his heart.

He wants to be the only god in the space he knows.

Correct the beliefs of those foolish creatures and the appearance of the gods they should serve.

However, their names and the things they believe in can only be one.

That is the Lord God who controls everything.

Following the guidance of these ashes, Mai Fan and the others gradually saw a battle that had happened in this uninhabited space.

The resentment of these dead gods formed one slide after another, and was broadcast repeatedly to the people passing by.

They tried to let the powerful people passing by know the tragedy that happened here and who the real culprit was.

These have obviously become dust, but the unwillingness to regenerate resentment before death has turned into resentment. I just hope that everyone who passes by here knows who the real devil is and where he is.

This made Mai Fan and his team feel more and more ridiculous as they walked forward. These gods would not think that just a few ordinary people like them could defeat that terrifying thing.

They just want to pull their grandfather out and escape without disturbing this terrifying thing. This is their ultimate purpose of coming here.

Then as they walked away, it became quieter and quieter, making those resentments become less and less.

He is also about to reach the center of this divine domain. If the prediction is correct, it will be the place where the main god launched this all-out big move.

That area was so peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

In that area, because it was too close to the monster's location, it became clean, and there was no trace of the presence of the gods.

Mai Fan walked gently from here and didn't see the bomb left by the Lord God or the coordinates to locate himself.

The skill was released, and then left here after absorbing what should be absorbed.

If they hadn't continued to move forward and saw some strange arrangements among these meticulous flowers, plants and trees, they probably wouldn't have known that the host had some serious problems in the follow-up process.

After annihilating the gods in the entire divine domain, he must have become powerful enough.

But, what problem happened that caused him to make this place a mess?

Although the flowers, plants and trees here are as beautiful and lush as when they first came in, their growth and scattered distribution can be seen. Here, the former vegetation environment has been squeezed over a large area.

with destruction.

Then, after a long period of external replenishment, the grassland returned to its original vitality.

The most obvious thing is that the distribution of fairy flowers and plants here is orderly.

But in the chaotic process, the arrangement of seeds and the original location of flowers and plants have been completely disrupted.

Something must have happened here that even Mai Fan could not understand, which made the host give up here and go to the next mysterious misunderstanding.

This may be good news for Mai Fan and others.

If the Lord God is what they know and has destroyed other gods in the God's Domain, they will definitely not be able to defeat the enemy with their current strength.

Mai Fan, who had reached the end of the divine realm, looked at another piece of mist that had been broken by their arrival, and took a deep breath.

What they didn't expect was that the plate connected to the God's Domain turned out to be the complete opposite.

The two continents were so abruptly tied together by the ties of the epidemic.

Where these two continental plates meet, six huge holes were punched simply and crudely.

These six holes are tied together with a long wriggling green tentacle.

The two road sections turned out to be like a shoe with laces, forcibly put together by a strange and not very beautiful creature.

If their eyes hadn't been blurred, this green tentacle, which had been tied into a knot, would actually still be alive.

There is a thin tube at one end of the tentacle, which is connected to those patchwork webs like spider webs.

This seemingly isolated area of ​​God, where no tentacle dares to enter, is actually connected to this weird network.

Although these weird networks are not inserted into clean areas, they still demonstrate their ownership in another way.

As for why the other side of the divine realm has to be forcibly connected to an abyss?

Maifan and the others subconsciously placed their eyes behind the green tentacle.

Behind the green tentacle, at the entrance to the abyss, stood a huge monument.

There are many chaotic and disorderly inscriptions recorded on the stone tablet.

These inscriptions seemed to have been carved on them temporarily by someone, and both the strokes and the order of words showed his confusion.

And these few strokes are most likely the words left by the real owner of this area.

And these words are not for outside intruders like them. Most likely, these words are what he wants to leave for himself to watch and remember when he is awake.

This sentence is more like a reminder to myself, reminding myself not to forget what he is doing now.

Inexplicably, everyone can understand that thing called divine language.

The above words are boring, but after reading them carefully, you can understand what the Lord God wants to do.

Well, I didn't expect that my current body can't accommodate this much capacity.

I need more capacity to accommodate them.

No! Not only a stronger body, I also need a stronger mind.

These damn things never gave me a trace of stability or obedience, even in life and death.

My brain is buzzing and about to explode. Too many ideas and energy are hitting them.

The original solubility of my soul and the capacity of my brain probably cannot bear so many things.

Do you think this is my limit?

Me, I can obviously be stronger, I can also become another level. If my talent is limited and I can only reach this level...

This chapter has been completed!
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