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Chapter 2157 Function

 "Have you seen the effect of this thing?"

Several people nodded seriously. It turned out that the source of the chaos in the abyss was actually the land they stepped on.

So are they trying to evolve here? Or are there many people trying to transform the abyss? It seems like a joke and it is impossible to achieve.

But it doesn't matter, they are just passing through here, not trying to conquer it.

So knowing the basic structure of this place and what the biological species here depend on will be very useful for their next journey.

But judging from the current density of living creatures, how could they pass through here silently?

To put it bluntly, in their impression, the abyss is basically lonely, and it takes a long time to see a living creature. But this abyss connected to the divine realm is completely opposite.

There are too many demon populations here. Not only are there a large number of demons, but there are also many types of them.

If every creature in the abyss is mass-produced like this abyss, can the demons they grow still be called demons?

In many legends, demons are called demons because they are few and cause many things.

It is unimaginable that once so many demons are released, how much trouble and disputes they will cause to all levels and worlds.

After all, demons are the representative of instigation in many legends.

Wherever they exist, there is a combination of war and chaos.

And to ask such a big question, I have been enclosed in this sealed space for a long time and have multiplied and expanded.

I'm really afraid that one day, some reckless summoner will accidentally open this passage and release a large number of terrifying beings.

But think about another possibility, maybe these demons will not be able to survive after leaving this environment.

Maybe you are simply not used to that kind of overly peaceful carrier. Once you get out of the abyss, you may perish instantly.

Mai Fan and the others looked back at the land of God's Domain that glowed with white fluorescence.

Now, since they stepped into the land of the abyss, the fluorescence seemed to be blocked by something and could not penetrate at all.

Looking over there from their angle, they can only see a gray fog, just like the little devil here keeps screaming about where the gray fog is.

The fact that so many creatures can breed here may be caused by these white lights.

Then, so many ethnic groups cannot find a way out in this barren land, and they will be driven by profit or energy to move deeper into the abyss.

In the end, in the process of conquering and devouring one piece after another, a more powerful existence was formed, and thus entrenched in a deeper place suitable for their growth.

It makes people think of some kind of special breeding farm.

Maybe this host was unintentional?

Mai Fan and the others shook their heads subconsciously.

How could the main god doing things here be unconscious? Even though he was already in chaos at that time, the purpose of dragging this abyss here was to make himself stronger, wasn't it?

Anyway, let’s take a walk and take a look.

If they could all be surrounded from the outside, they wouldn't mind taking an extra two steps.

The pathfinding robot was sent out and began to circle from both ends of this area.

But as they went deeper, the results fed back by the camera in front were not optimistic, because as they walked around both sides, the abyss was no longer bordering the divine realm.

In this area that is not bordered by the divine realm, it is not much affected by the divine light of the divine realm.

The areas that are not affected are still the abyss itself.

So the edges on both sides are actually part of the depth of the abyss.

They couldn't cheat and circle back from both sides, because as they moved forward, the creatures on both sides began to become profound and terrifying.

Just as they thought of the law of demon evolution, the advancement of this abyss was very consistent with the living habits of this group of demons.

Most of the younger brothers who breed and breed at the edge ask me. This provides a particularly large base for the creatures in the abyss.

When they are no longer satisfied with such a poor living place, the best groups among them will try to turn all the surrounding ethnic groups into their own nutrients.

When he absorbs enough of these demons, he will have the strength to walk deeper into the abyss.

There you will encounter a medium-sized demon that once stationed in this territory, and have a fight or friction with it.

There are only two outcomes for the encounter between the two parties. One is that he is devoured and becomes nourishment for the other party. The other is that he wins and thus successfully replaces the dominance of this medium-sized devil in this area.

Then he will encounter two ways of evolution.

These two ways of evolution are the reactions of Mai Fan and others in the territories of two completely different medium-sized demons they discovered when they walked deep into the edge.

One way is to go to the edge and attract enough little devils to make them your slaves, living in your own territory and serving him.

That is to say, capture the so-called free slaves and workers and let them go to work.

When encountering attacks from other medium-sized demons, the slaves in this group of territories will also become cannon fodder to resist the other party.

Another way to evolve is that he is the only demon in the entire territory.

All demons who try to enter his territory will be treated as invading enemies by him.

Then, the intruder will face being devoured without hesitation.

On a daily basis, he doesn't care what kind of harvest there will be in his territory.

Likewise, he won't do anything he enjoys in his own territory.

Only when he was hungry and needed to improve himself, he would go to the surrounding marginal areas to fill his stomach. The rest of the time was to find a quiet place in the territory to close his eyes and sleep.

This period of time is a dormant period in which energy is digested and transformed into its own powerful energy.

The ultimate goal of this kind of penance for the devil is to obtain the position of the deepest leader of the devil.

After he becomes one of the top evil egos, he will have as many demon followers as he wants.

As for the lowest level little devil, he didn't even notice it.

Such extremely high-spirited demons never considered the foundation of their growth as their own kind from the beginning.

After some analysis, he found that the territory of a solitary demon seemed to be a very easy area to pass through.

This chapter has been completed!
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