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 The system laughed loudly and gave Mai Fan a very thorough hint.卲

Could it be that after the devil came to this world, not only did he not become more powerful, but it was because the energy here had a great impact on the abyss where he was.

Thus, the great demon was reduced from an originally very powerful racial creature to a size tens of millions of times?

I realized that I had become a very small demon. I immediately thought of a way to save myself. I hung on the humans who fell with them and hid myself. I tried to find another way to stand up again after leaving this area.


The fundamental reason why he didn't ask for help from them and hid himself very carefully was because he was too young now.

The reduction in stature will also lead to a reduction in his energy and abilities.

How arrogant he was when he controlled Mai Fan's group, and how frightened he will be now that he is unable to control or defeat Mai Fan's group.

After understanding this, Mai Fan temporarily stopped their progress and began to direct his team members to rummage through all the luggage and all the pockets on their bodies.

At the same time, he also let the robot's mechanical troops return, and asked the robot to release his miniature reconnaissance machines to conduct a detailed scan of a team member's body surface.

And his move made his team members think of this possibility.

Ever since, they began to rummage through their bodies with a comfortable feeling that a great revenge was about to be avenged.

When their condition returned from the darkness under the lamp to the normal state, the miniaturized devil was quickly found from the pocket of the golden retriever's jeans.

No one would have thought that the big devil, with its overwhelming size, would be no bigger than a small insect after arriving in this space.

This insect is not a large insect like a beetle, but is as small as a small flying insect.

From the beginning, when the big devil's size shrank, he quickly found the golden retriever's pocket and got into it. Even after so many days, he still didn't crawl out of the pocket.卲

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's that he doesn't dare.

When he rushed out of the abyss, he showed full malice towards this group of people, because he imagined that after leaving that land, it would become stronger.

And on that land, he could control these six people in his hands. When he came to another dimension, these people would only be tools for his driving.

But what no one expected was that he came here through that passage. While falling down the long pipe, something terrible happened.

The further it falls, the smaller it becomes.

Although he fell countless times faster than this group of humans, by the time he reached a new space first, his size was already as small as a small flying insect.

After arriving in a strange world again, all the original plans were disrupted by the rapidly shrinking size.卲

At his current size, in the new world, let alone displaying his grand plans and ambitions, even protecting himself has become a problem.

In addition, after he saw this land and felt the inexplicable energy here, he felt that this place was definitely very dangerous.

What should be done next became a big problem. Fortunately, he came here earlier than that group of humans and still had the opportunity to consider how to deal with the current crisis?

Then he thought that maybe his current temporary shrinkage was caused by the discord between the energy of this land and himself.

He belongs to the level of the Great Demon alone and has not fallen down.

So, after leaving here and going to another dimension, will his original body be restored and the corresponding strength will come back?

The big devil, who was convinced of this, decided to use some strategies to hang on this group of humans, because he knew that these humans could not stay here for a long time without leaving.

As long as he hides well enough and can follow these humans out of the area, he will have a chance to turn over.

So, he gently landed on the ground and waited quietly for the group of humans to land.

During this process, he was very panicked.

Because he was afraid that the humans in this group would become so small like him, that they would not be able to protect themselves on this land.

Then he waited anxiously, but the people who settled down did not disappoint him too much. They still maintained the normal size of human beings, and stepped on this place calmly and steadily.

They themselves do not seem to be affected by geographical or energy problems, and they still have enough combat power to explore here.

This discovery made the devil both happy and confused. But nothing was more important than saving his life, so he chose the stupidest among these humans and hid it on his body.

What followed was a long battle, observing, listening to these people, and secretly glad that I was not reminded of them.

But later he discovered that this group of people had not forgotten him at all. They had been looking for traces of him during the march and were wary of his sneak attacks.

During this process, he was really happy and scared at the same time, because this group of humans recognized its power and were also afraid of his ability.

But at the same time, he doesn't want to be found out by this group of people right now.

Because the cooperation between this group of people and him is a compromise that cannot be made, and now, its role is no longer needed. In this land, there is no need for demons to protect them.

Now, the existence of a big demon has become a crisis and obstacle for them. Once they are found, you can imagine the consequences.

That's why he was hiding there, trying to get through without saying a word.卲

But what happened next made him confused. He had done such a good job in the previous investigation and had not been discovered at all. For some reason, they had already traveled to this extent, but this group of people suddenly started to search like crazy.

His traces.

In order to prevent him from sneak attacks, or to pay too much attention to his threat, the big devil especially regretted that his extremely strong aggression caused him to be searched in this state and under this situation.

come out.

Then Golden Retriever took him out of his trouser pocket, and all six pairs of eyes stared at this miniature version of the devil, which was smaller than a pea.

Mai Fan and others, who were just ordinary people at first, have now become giants in the eyes of the devil.

This chapter has been completed!
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